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Messages - L Hendricks

You will have to excuse me, I have not taken the time to figure out how to use the quote technology....

To Mr & Mrs. Walker
A)It was stated last night by Julie Englebrecht that Elk Konnected DID NOT sponsor the Lawrence Arts Event; This statement was made after Liz Hendricks corrected her that EK DID NOT sponsor it. According to EK's Facebook Page: Elk Konnected  Students that are wanting to attend the Summer Art Program at the Lawrence Art Center please return the registration form to Jennifer Brummel as soon as possible. If you are unable to get it in by tomorrow please call Jennifer at 620-205-8514.---If Elk Konnected DID NOT sponsor this event, WHY is it on ELK KONNECTED'S FACEBOOK PAGE? What else are they taking credit for that they DID NOT do? And why is it that one of EK's most prominent starter members is the person who was at the school handing out the permission slips?

Elk Konnected was not a part of the Lawrence Summer art program. I personally was contacted by TradeWind Energy and the Lawrence Art Center (LAC) about coordinating a summer art program for the youth of Elk County and any that attend a school within Elk County.  I did so on my personally time.  I went to Elk Valley & West Elk and talked to all 6th-11th graders last spring and handed out information and asked for those interested to fill out a form.  I personally made all the copies and then mailed out final registration forms at my cost to over 100 kids.  It was okayed with both Liebau and Ritz to use Jennifer as the contact point.  She did put an announcement on Elk Konnected's facebook page to let any other kids know about the program - IT WAS NOT ADVERTIZED AS AN ELK KONNECTED event.  I took two days and went with a bus load of kids and Jennifer went one day.  We also utilized the LAC teachers to teach at the Day Camp this summer.

A)What facts? Do you expect me and everyone out hear to believe you have not read this thread?
How would you know that the facts keep getting repeated if you haven't read it?

I have only read from page 308 on... nor do I care to go back before that.  A forum user emailed the steering committee a list of the main questions from the forum.

From Ross
B) To be frankly truthful with you, I don't trust you. How is that for and quoting David Whetstone at last night's meeting, "Open and Honest Dialog"?

We have been asking you these questions right here. What is your problem with that?
Are your so called Community Conversations one on one, face to face? NO!
In fact you use a professionally trained Facilitator from outside the county to control every facet of your so called Community Conversations. This forum right here is the closest you have been to a Community Conversation since you have came about. Your facilitator from Leoti, Kansas and your employer if I am correct even called for the Sheriff for my even trying to have a real conversation with Elk Konnected. The man told me he would talk with me outside and I said, I thought it was a Community Conversation and stated politely that I wanted to speak with him in front of the community.  So at that point he called for the Sheriff. So, I politely left. The sheriff deputies met me at the door and I told them everything was cool and that I was leaving. They were very polite and I thanked them for that. So, I didn't appreciate the misrepresentation and the Gestapo tactics. It's your game and you can play it anyway you want. And you proved it that night.

Mr. Ross, I guess there is a mutual distrust then, because I dont trust you.  I don't know how many public meetings a person can just go to the front and demand to speak with out waiting for the agenda of the meeting to be explained.  I do thank you for your respect for the process Wednesday night and sorry you had to leave half way.

C)You mentioned community organizations, which is what I would assume the County Recreation Fund is for. And I am glad that is understood. But you also mentioned your own company.
It is Elk Konnected, LLC --- is it not?
LLC stands for Limited Liability COMPANY doesn't it?
It matters not where the money comes from, it is tax money and it is in the County's coffers and the responsibility of Elk County Commissioners. It is not the responsibility of Elk Konnected, LLC's is it?
You never mentioned one, not one single privately owned business or LLC in all that statement except Elk Konnected, LLC.
Correct me if I am wrong.

I seem to be repeating myself and will do it again.  NO money has been paid from the County Parks & Recreation fund to ELK KONNECTED LLC.  I also want taxpayers to know that they are not being taxed for the money that is in the County Parks & Recreation fund and it does make a difference.  Yes as a county commissioner, I along with the two other commissioners say how it will be spent.

D)Let's me understand, you have been on the Elk Konnected, LLC for four years, exceeding the three year limit provided by Elk Konnected,LLC,  Elk Konnected, LLC uses ECCEF to collect donations for Elk Konnected, LLC  and ECCEF also does the banking for Elk Konnected, LLC but you have no connection with ECCEF? That is really strange and I don't quite comprehend that? Would you explain please?

Elk Konnected established the rotation and term limits and adopted them on May 2011.  I am not on the board of ECCEF and have not been since 2005.  I do not see a conflict of interest. 

E)Isn't Elk Konnected, LLC's goals basically set up by Public Squares Communities, it appears so from reading their web site?

Numbers of people, that have no names, that can not be proven, that's all we hear from Elk Konnected, LLC.
Suggestions from people, that have no names, that can not be proven, that's all we hear form Elk Konnected, LLC.
51 visionaries, I am so really impressed by that statement only the visionaries have no names, how in the world are we suppose to believe that? Isn't this a cloak of anonymity?
140 surveys, again very impressive statement and no proof, no names, how in the world are we suppose to believe that? Isn't this a cloak of anonymity?
You forgot to include the approval of the Howard Chamber of Commerce in starting Elk Konnected,LLC, that is what one of Elk Konnected, LLC followers on this forum said took place. Is that true?

Again I reported how the goals of Elk Konnected were created - NO Public Square did not create the goals.  In your research, you might notice that every community has its own set of goals.
I do have a list of everyone that was invited to the vision retreat held in January 2008 and everyone that attended.  The surveys however were done anymously and were available to the public at the local convenience stores, resturants and other gathering places. 
Howard Chamber of Commerce, Howard Rotary Club, Howard United Methodist Church, ECCEF, Carter-Rader American Legion & Auxiliary, Moline Chamber of Commerce, Elk Co Farm Bureau, Moline United Methodist Church, St. Mary's Church - Moline, Longton Community Christian Church, Friends of Elk Falls are just a few of the organizations who have donated to Elk Konnected (money went to ECCEF).

Sorry I would love to chat some more but I really need to get some work done.  Have a great day!
1) One of the reasons I have not read or posted on the forum personally is because of the amount of time and energy it takes to read the post and then post honest facts.  Plus it seems that facts keep getting repeated, but they aren't the answers people are wanting.

2) I agree with Frank Winn - I wonder when people google "Elk Co" and they come across the Forum - does it entice them to move here or scare them away?

3) Ross & Patriot - you have both been at public meetings and yet you will not have a one on one conversation with me and ask these questions to my face and allow us to have civil dialogue .... why not? 

Questions - with my attempt to answer.

A) Why should a privately owned company have access to County Funds to promote themselves?Elk Konnected is one of several organization that has used money from the Parks and Recreation fund which is not a property tax, but a liquor tax and come from the sale of liquor at private club (of which Elk County has one - Flint Oak) Over the past 6 years, money has been paid to City of Howard - Fireworks, City of Longton - Fireworks and Park improvement, Elk Co 4-H - Firework, Elk Co Rodeo assn - Firework, Howard Chamber of Commerce - Jackson Park, Elk Co Junior Jam - Basketball equipment, Longton Summer Ball - Ball equipment, Grenola Comm. Building - Improvements, Howard Ball Club - Ball Equipment and Elk Konnected.

B) Do you not recognize advertising?  This concern was aired last night and the steering committee heard it.  I now see why there is a perception issue and I will try to have that addressed at our next steering committee meeting.

C)As County Commissioner will you permit othe privately owned company's and business' access to the same funds? None of the money requested from the Parks & Rec fund has gone to Elk Konnected LLC.  According to the records supplied to me by the County Treasurer as of 6.23.11, the Parks fund reimbursed Richard Fish for the purchase of outdoor movie equipment and David Whetstone for the purchase of soccer equipment & pitch hit and Run equipment or ECCEF for soccer equipment. Again the way the statue is written moneys in Parks & Recreation special funds shall be under the direction and control of the board of county commissioners. Moneys in the special parks and recreation fund may be expended only for the purchase, establishment, maintenance or expansion of park and recreational services, programs and facilities.

D)Why did you as County Commissioner write a letter to Elk Konnected, LLC praising yourself?The letter you are referring to was written to Elk Konnected and printed in the Kansas Country Living.  I was paid by Public Square Communities to write that letter.  I think it is important to recognize the progress that has been made to date.

E)As County Commissioner you represent me and every citizen in Elk County, right?

I do, however I am elected from District 2 of Elk County.

D)Have you received consent from the citizens of Elk County to represent them with praising Elk Konnected, LLC or using our  County to represent that other private company Public Squares Communities, LLC ----- your other employer?

I don't see where I have to get the consent of the citizens.  Are you saying every time I am asked to speak or write about Elk Konnected, the county, my real estate job, my husband and my business - I need to get the permission of the Elk County voters - how do I go about doing that - holding an election at the taxpayer's cost - really?

E) You are Elk Konnected aren't you? You have claimed to be the founding member, haven't you? 

I have been on the steering committee since 2007.  Yes I was one of the founding members.  I am not Elk Konnected - I am a member of the steering committee.

D)Aren't you also the founder of ECCEF? 

I was asked to serve on ECCEF from its conception.  Have not served on its board since I believe May or June 2005.

E)And will you tell me that you see no conflit of interest in any of this?

No I do not.  I am on Elk Konnected Steering committee and have not been on ECCEF since 2005.  Elk Konnected did not start using ECCEF until 2007.

F) In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.

What other questions do you have regarding Elk Konnected LLC

G) Why did Elk Konnected, LLC fail at it's only attempt of running it's business, the Wellness Center?  One of the original goals of Elk Konnected in 2007 that came from the citizens of Elk County and Severy area was "Community Wellness: create the infrastructure for a community wellness and enrichment network".  The Wellness team tried it and due to lack of membership closed the doors.  However a family in Howard have since purchased the equipment and are dedicated to keeping the wellness center open.  So is this a failure or did we pass it on to private industry?

H) If Elk Konnected, LLC can't run a business how can they possibly save Elk County from it's self?  The five original goals of Elk Konnected in 2007 were more about quality of life.  These goals came about through interviewing 58 civic minded individuals from all four sectors (Business, Education, Human Services, and Government), it came from 140 surveys, then that information was presented at an open community conversation.  126 people chose to spend two hours talking about the future of their community, then they nominated 51 "visionaries" to develop their goals and vision.  These 51 visionaries took the information from the community conversation and sifted it down to 5 goals and our vision.  At that time, lower taxes, job development, smaller government were not the forefront of what people wanted for our community.  We never intended to be in business.  It would have been nice if the wellness center could have been self sustaining.  However the committee also decided not to ask for more donations to keep it running.

Ross & Patriot -
I don't understand.  We provided a public forum for you to ask these questions and you chose not too.  Yet you continue to bash us on this medium.  WHY?  If you don't like what we are doing, then what do you propose?  How do you plan to get engage and make Elk County better than it is - and I did not say it was a bad place, I am just saying that I want it to be better.  Myself and the steering committee have invested a lot of energy into trying to make Elk County better and yet you sit in the stand and criticize us for what we are doing.  Why don't you get involved and try to help Elk County instead of spending HOURS criticizing those of us who are.  Last night, we again asked people to become engaged, ask questions, offer ideas for further improvement and yet you choose not too... but then sit at home and post for hours nit picking every last thing we have done. 

The steering committee members are all working USA citizens and Elk County Citizens who have 1,2,3 jobs in order to live here.  We are all involved in many volunteer activities, which takes time away from our spouse and children.  Yet we have decided to make this sacrifice to help all of Elk County.  We have made a choice to live here and we have decided to get involved to make Elk County better.  Has Elk Konnected done everything right – NO!  Have we made mistakes – SURE WHO HASN'T!  Are we willing to admit and try to correct them – MOST DEFINITELY!  Are we getting rich off of Elk Konnected LLC – HECK NO!  In fact, most of us would probably have been better off financially before getting involved.  We would not have spent money driving to meetings, volunteering at youth activities, going to several towns to help clean up their physical image.  BUT WE MADE A CHOICE TO NOT BE SELFISH AND TO  VOLUNTEER! 

Again if you don't like Elk Konnected – let's hear your plan....

The Coffee Shop / Re: Johnson grass
September 13, 2010, 06:25:41 PM
Wilma and all neighbors of the county yard,
The county commissioners would like to apologize for the profanity left in the ditch facing Wilma's yard.  We do not have any idea who did this but would like to say we are sorry for the harm this has caused.  If the sprayer is discovered, he or she will be punished.  Again, please accept our apology.
The Coffee Shop / Re: Surprised
February 17, 2010, 10:02:21 AM
The story I received from the Sheriff -  a court personnel's life was threatened over the phone - ie "I am going to come down there and blow your head off".  It was a verbal threat over the phone.  This is not a local person - it is someone wanted.  The Sheriff acted on it.  In today's society, there are very few courthouse unsecured.  Is there a "good" way to secure a public building - no.  Could we do nothing - yes!  What is the cost of one life - you tell me.  Metal detectors - another option - crazy person blows the head off the security guard and still into court house. Again - there is no perfect way to secure it.  I am sorry we can't please everyone.  Damned if we do and damned if we don't.  Are we acting re - actively - yes.  Would the taxpayers be happy if we had spent the money before a threat - no - we would have been critized for that too. 

As for the GPS - yes I mentioned we LOOK in to the cost.  I get many complaints of county employees doing nothing - how do you span 700 miles to find out if everyone is working....
The Coffee Shop / Re: Surprised
February 17, 2010, 06:59:22 AM
Oh and one more thing.  Dist 1 commissioner is up for re - election - why not put your money where your mouth is... my term is up in 2012... anyone want the job?
The Coffee Shop / Re: Surprised
February 17, 2010, 06:58:02 AM
Wow - MR Ks Hillbilly - do you always publicly bash your bosses... nice... might want to check out the facts first!
The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
November 11, 2009, 05:58:31 PM
Diane - Great idea on the Alumni - too bad there is not a West Elk Alumni Association - since it has only been around since the 70s... now there is still a Howard Alumni, Moline Alumni, Severy Alumni, Elk Falls Alumni, Busby Alumni, Grenola Alumni,  Longton Alumni - shoot might even be a Fiat & Cave Spring Alumni if you dig far enough....
The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
November 08, 2009, 12:26:49 AM
Okay to maintain Moline and Severy as Elementary Schools and Howard as the high school location, we will have to start cutting programs.... where do we start.... Vo Ag Teacher and 1 para (lose FFA)...... Woods Teacher.....(plus his wife (secretary) would probably leave).... Arts teacher  (& loss of a janitor positition (husband/wife).... High school music teacher(still do not have a grade school music teacher).... If lose high school music probably lose her husband who also teaches at the high school..... Home Ec (or whatever they call it now).... also lose FCCLA.... Business teacher (just recently added.... no plays, webpage design, etc)..... spanish teacher.....(Why in the world would we need to teach that subject!)..... Let's be conservative.... $30,000 for each teaching position.... so we eliminate these positions so that we can keep two elementary schools open.... For all of you Reading, writing and arithmetic type people.... are none of these programs useful/necessary for our kids, ESPECIALLY those that are not college bound!....So those 7 teaching positions - maybe save us $210,000.... Most likely those people will have to leave the community to find other employment.... Those skills they teach.... life skills - teaching some of these kids skills so that they can get a job out of high school  without another degree.... do we give up these programs.... to keep 2 buildings open.... we sacrifice our kids' education to hang on to a lifestyle that was.... Please these are the decisions that our board is now faced with....So let's look at the buildings vs education in another way!
The Coffee Shop / Re: Hot Dog Roast pictures
November 03, 2009, 02:52:16 PM
Julie and Pat - thanks so much for continuing this great tradition and thanks to all the volunteers that help - we are fortunate to live in such caring community!
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