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Messages - tigger

Genealogy / Re: George Shipley
April 18, 2009, 06:07:41 PM
I sent you an email telling you that would be wonderful.  I would really like to have the obit of Anna May Shipley.  I would like to find more of the Shipley's if possible.  Thanks so much.
Genealogy / Re: George Shipley
April 04, 2009, 06:23:42 PM
This is wonderful.  I have the information that you are talking about.  I would like to find where all his children went to.  there are two children Charles and Carrie that went to Canada but haven't found them.  The J. K. Shipley I don't know how he fits into the family or if he does.  Thank you so much
Genealogy / Re: George Shipley
March 27, 2009, 05:59:53 PM
I really don't know if George is related or not.  George Shipley is the son of Joel Shipley from KY.  George was born in MO. He had a brother William and William was my gr grandmother father.  My Gr Grandmother married a Gillham from the east side of the state. Which was Allen County, KS.
Genealogy / George Shipley
March 22, 2009, 07:53:59 PM
Looking for anyone who my have information on George Shipley s/o Joel and Amy Shipley.  George was born in Henry county, MO on 23 of June 1848 and died in Longton, KS.
Thank you
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