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Messages - Judy Moffit

My Grandmother was born in Howard Kansas on March 26, 1884. Her fathers name was Benjamin Smith and her mothers name was Ida Norris Smith. My Grandmothers nick name was Molly. She married Fremont Malcolm in Cherokee Kansas on Dec. 25, 1899 at the age of 15.
She had at least 5 sisters- Mabel Smith married name Norris, Anna Smith married name Huford, Minnie Smith married name Bennet, Opal Smith married name White, Dorthy Smith married name Tyson.
She also had at least 2 brothers Dewey Smith and Edward Smith
I know that they all moved away from Howard, my Grandmother moving to Cherokee Kansas and then on to Peoria Ill. where she died July 21, 1963 . Mabel and Anna moved to Hollywood Ca. Minnie to Waterloo Iowa and Opal stayed somewhere in Kanas, and Dorthy moved to Mack-Creek Mo. Dewey moved to Peoria Ill. and Edward to Mack-Creek Mo.
I do not know if Benjamin and Ida stayed in Howard or not.
If anyone has any information on any one in this family I would really like to hear it. The information that I have is from my Grandmothers obit.
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