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Messages - Dale Apel

I appreciate all of the information which you have shared, as did those who attended the Marsh Encell Reunion in Wichita last weekend--not a large crowd, but grandchildren from Ohio, California and Kansas were among those attending.

Two additional questions--in what newspaper did the account of the 1931 Sale of the Encell Ranch appear?

Rumor has it that Marsh Encell Sr also operated a ranch south of Elk Falls known in the late 30's and 40's as the Mullendore Ranch, later identified as the Garvin Ranch.  Does anyone have any information on that item?

I know the location, just trying to verify if he did operate the ranch and details on dates.
The Coffee Shop / Re: ROLL CALL TO ALL MEMBERS !!!!
August 16, 2007, 12:57:35 PM
I want to express my appreciation to all those who responded to my inquiry as to the location of the Marsh Encell Ranch NW of Howard.  The information meant a great deal to those gathering for the Marsh Encell Family Reunion in Wichita last weekend.  We visited to road south of Section 25 at the Ranch, but did not enter the Ranch itself.  Also visited the Encell school home at the NW edge of Howard.  Thanks to everyone!!!
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