Enoughisenough: I don't very often post things on the site, but I did concerning this year's Sheriff Election. Mr. Cordell has spoken with me since my post and I respect him for doing so. I will grant I was wrong about one of the things I posted, and did apologize to Mr. Cordell for this, when we talked. I am at a loss; however, as to how you believe I am part of some kind of a set up as you stated. I don't think you know me, or you would know I arrive at my own opinions (and I have many) and have been known to share them. I do interact with the Sheriff and Deputies, but not over coffee as I never acquired a taste for the stuff. The conversations which take place there rarely are about Mr. Cordell, as this is a subject the Sheriff does not want to talk about. My post was not to degrade Mr. Cordell; it was in defense of the character of Sheriff Hanks, from other post on the forum, not by Mr. Cordell. I don't think you and I would agree on everything but if you choose to identify yourself I would be happy to share my opinions with you.