Reading through all of the numerous well wishes for Lloyd, I want to let everyone know how much this means to Lloyd and his family. His brother, Don and I, were at the hospital tonight, and Lloyd is mentally positive and emotionally upbeat. He is even laughing at our very bad jokes once again. He is improving each day. He is starting to eat semi-solids --- there is always room for jello. He would love to read as many cards as you want to send since he still cannot receive visitors as yet, except for immediate family. Thank you all for the support, positive thoughts and prayers. This does more good than you will ever know toward Lloyd's recovery.
Best Wishes,
Linda Zimmerman
(no not the one that Lloyd married - just a coincidence)
Hi Sunflower
Best Wishes,
Linda Zimmerman
(no not the one that Lloyd married - just a coincidence)
Hi Sunflower