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Messages - sparky

I only met Jim ten years or so ago.  So I didn't know him for anywhere near as long as most of his friends.  After I met him the first time I found out later that he and Shirly had given me thumbs-up (well, half a thumb in Jim's case) as a suitable suitor to Liz, my then future wife. 

When he and Shirly came to visit us in Brazil it was great showing them around and seeing them interact with Brazilians.  One time Jim and I were sneaking cigarettes out on the balcony and talking about things.  He surprised me by saying that there was a time in his life that if I had known him them I probably wouldn't have liked him, I found this hard to believe.  I thought Jim lived up to his name pretty well, Sweet that is.  It doesn't matter how he once was, I'm thankful that I knew him when I did and that I knew him at all.
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