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Messages - gwecodev

Is it Friday yet!
Forgot the obvious. My name is Vickie Hornbuckle maiden name Vickie Lewis. I am the Greenwood County Economic Development Director the rest is on my earlier post.

Have a good one! Vickie
My family settled this area in 1878 (I am fifth generation), they came by covered wagon, you can still see the dung out where they lived when they first arrived. I did not grow up in the area, I grew up in Wyoming. Several years ago my father retired on the family ranch, something he always wanted to do but due to the economy had to wait until he retired. It was the lack of opportunities in this area and the abundant opportunities in the West that he and my mother (also from the area) opted to leave. My uncle talked my husband into moving to Kansas 5 years ago...I rebelled not wanting to move to Kansas, coining it the land of OZ, but it turned out to be one of the best moves of my life. I love being close to my family and my roots and as Economic Development Director and Executive Member for the QUAD Facilitation Program I hope I can bring growth and prosperity to our area. The family ranch banks in Howard and I partner with Elk County in Economic Development efforts. My grandparents where Page and Jessie Lewis my father is Glenn W. Lewis. I love the area and believe if we work together we can improve the area. I am a certified in Herbology, Iridology, Kinesiology, VitaFlex (older than acupuncture without the use of needles to balance the body and unblock blocked energy), certified in using the healing oils of the bible and certified in essential oil chemistry and usage (you can probably tell from this I love providing Natural Wellness).
I saved the best for last my husband and I will be celebrating our 29th anniversary together this weekend, we have 2 children our oldest (Chad) lives in Keystone, CO our daughter along with her husband and our granddaughter live in Sheridan, WY. Not being near them is the hardest thing to overcome.
Love your forum
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