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Messages - jcoffee

Where have James Lears leadership qualitys got him so far in life? Does he work? what does he do ? Has he been unemployed longer then he has worked since he has lived here? He says he has five kids but didnt raise any of them as far as I know, how does he think he can run a sheriff dept.I think hes a guy that likes to hear his head rattle.
Maybe Mr. Lear just wants to earn his votes one at a time I guess or maybe he just hopes everyone votes republican.
I just think things are good in the sheriff deparment the way it is. I know alot people had some big regrets in Sedan some years ago. Getting some one new and full of beans scares me a little bit. Anyone I have met from sheriff dept doesnt seem to have any kind of god almighty with a badge attitude and I never set on the road stalled for more than 10 minutes that one didnt come along and offer help.
What worrys me is that he may not be intirely truthful. He says he lived in Howard for several years how many is that, I heard 3 or 4 and thats only a few years to me.I dont know if that means anything or not. I looked at his facebook page and seems its only for show too. I heard he can blow smoke up your rear so fast you will love him when he walks away and wont realize he insulted  you for about 20 or 30 more minutes.
Mr. Lear ,You say you have lived in Howard for several years, we know your children have but can you tell us exactly how many years you have lived in howard? For what reason did your children not live with you for so many years? You also say you have 28 years in law enforcement ,security and military combined but can you tell us besides your security guard and military job do you have any other law enforcement experience. How long were you in the miliatry and what branch and title?
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