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Messages - Just Another Citizen

I am not his spokesperson but I have talked to Mr. Lear and I like him. He is a conservative republican, a very decent and well mannered person, and he has experience in the law enforcement. If people are wanting to know more about him than they should call him up and send an invitation to sit down and talk to the man. Mr. Lear has also talked at numerous functions in quite a few different cities. I feel if you are happy with your current situation than don't change a thing but if you feel that there should be some differences and in all the years that the current sheriff has been in office and hasn't improved on a thing, than give Mr. Lear your vote.
Mr. Lear is out of town visiting family so he might not be able to post on here for a few days. Also all social networking sites are just another tool for reaching voters. After analyzing all different types of media and the people that use it, the findings are conclusive that to reach all ages of voters than one has to be open to all avenues. Plus if you are worried about big brother watching your every move, you should probably just go off the grid completely with no phone, computer or even a car. If you really think big brother is worried about littly timmy going swimmy tomorrow and asking his friends who want to go on facebook than our government has spend too much time checking this stuff on facebook than worrying about high unemployment and the growing deficit.
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