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Messages - YSoSerious!

So Patriot, I take it that you think I am someone you know.  Well, I hate to disappoint you but I am not who you have insinuated that I am.  No electrical experience here. 
Nope, I am not Konnected nor do I have any other alias's on this or any other forum. 

Ross, why must I be playing a game to be posting on this thread and what makes you think I have some sort of grudge?  How many posts must I have before I can have an attitude?  Five isn't enough?  Dang! 

And what do you mean by "What's going on for you here?"  I can't have a mere interest in this thread and the freedom to respond how I choose?  And as far as sounding  "familiar", you sir have no familiarity with me what so ever.

Really the world is different nowadays?!?  They way I read it on here, I wouldn't have guessed that.
Well I was under the impression that government schooling does nothing for a person but brainwash kids.  All of the "mumbo jumbo", that the government has going on in their schools.  Take Reds cartoon he just posted in the political section.  It points out the problems with government education.  We skip all that crap.
Not my problem if someone can't find a babysitter for their little one.  Heck, my momma never left me with a babysitter. 
Work ethic being a bad thing?  Did I say it was Patriot?  I am saying to put the little turkeys to work.  Is endentured servants a better word to use than endentured slavery?  Maybe Red could tell me, Red seems to be the authority on all things dealing with slavery?
I say to heck with anything for the kids of this area!  I didn't have soccer when I was a wee youngster and I turned out just fine.  Parks and swimming pools,  now that's some "hogwash".  Kids don't need those either.  They need to be working and paying there own way.  I say we implement internship and our kids go directly from primary school to endentured slavery to pay for their way in life.  Give them a bed and food and they work it off in your fields, gas stations, stores, and use a shovel and fix the county roads.  They learn a skill and become productive :P citizens, and we don't have to worry about our tax money being used frivolously. :P
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