Quote from: Patriot on February 21, 2013, 08:25:57 PMSo you want only your approved curricula? You decide what is a "best" teacher? So in education, unlike local government , you propose that eliminating the administration component is the best option because it give you an instant cost savings, salary, benefits, per each admin personnel eliminated. Of course in this dream you would have the most qualified "best" instructors working for free. Because there would be no one to acquire wealth, hire or fire, negotiate contracts, or pay the bills. You want no chiefs just all Indians. Yet in local government you want to add levels of management. When there is no one at the helm the ship will sink.
Let's focus spending on solid curricula & the best teachers instead of bloated administration & marginal 'wants'.
Just as if you do nothing but change the direction you still crash, just in to a different reef.
Elimination of public funded post - secondary institutions would definitely do one thing. Dumb down the 90% of the population that could not afford to go college. Private colleges have the independent right of refusal. They don't like you or your check bounces you stay poor and dumb. Eliminate the public fund stream and the price will shift to the private sector. You will be taught what the corporation wants you to learn and at their schedule. He who pays the check rules the classroom.
That being said $12 million will not make or break any state budget.