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Messages - Vitriol

Quote from: Patriot on February 21, 2013, 08:25:57 PM
Let's focus spending on solid curricula & the best teachers instead of bloated administration & marginal 'wants'.
So you want only your approved curricula?  You decide what is a "best" teacher?  So in education, unlike local government , you propose that eliminating the administration component is the best option because it give you an instant cost savings, salary, benefits, per each admin personnel eliminated.  Of course in this dream you would have the most qualified "best" instructors working for free. Because there would be no one to acquire wealth, hire or fire, negotiate contracts, or pay the bills.   You want no chiefs just all Indians.  Yet in local government you want to add levels of management.  When there is no one at the helm the ship will sink.
Just as if you do nothing but change the direction you still crash, just in to a different reef.

Elimination of public funded post - secondary institutions would definitely do one thing.  Dumb down the 90% of the population that could not afford to go college.  Private colleges have the independent right of refusal.  They don't like you or your check bounces you stay poor and dumb.  Eliminate the public fund stream and the price will shift to the private sector.  You will be taught what the corporation wants you to learn and at their schedule.  He who pays the check rules the classroom.

That being said $12 million will not make or break any state budget. 
Politics / Re: Elk County Commissioners doing changes
February 21, 2013, 07:59:35 PM
Quote from: ROSS on February 18, 2013, 07:12:52 PM

Hey, how about all that high tech equipment in the court house?
Couldn't it be utilized to record and make the meeting available on the County web site?
Perhaps the same thing could be accomplished at the West Elk School Board meetings?
The School Board has used some of the equipment at their meetings,

All that very expensive equipment and expensive internet service and web sites could be put to good use here in the 21st Century to connect with everyone in Elk County couldn't it?

Just an idea!
what equipment are you talking about?  Expensive???  Really.. Compared to what two Dixie cups and a piece of string. 
How much overtime does comp time cost?  If you have the meetings at night require the dept heads to attend then let then go home early on Thursday.  Turn the county cell phone to vibrate.
It is just a priority issue.  Your culvert replacement is more important than my post-secondary education.  Your low property tax is valued over my high sales tax.   The amount of money talked about finances the wic program for a couple of days.  There is land for sale in Canada.
Politics / Re: Your 'Community Leaders' & temper tantrums
February 21, 2013, 07:49:00 PM
How do you justify increasing any budget line with no long term income stream to support it?  You skip right over the massive road increase like it is a separate tax payer account that is off limits like a defense contractor balance sheet.  How can a ten year population decrease equate to an increase in any expense?  If we have had 10% decline in population then the budgets should decline at least that much.  Services should be the lowest in the state because as stated  numerous times we have the highest tax rate in the state.  We should have the worst schools.  We should have the worst roads. We should have poor health services.  You can't bite more than you can chew.

What is the account balancing transaction after 8 more years?  Lay off all the newly hired. 

After we blow the other pilot funds.  How do you maintain let alone grow?   Or is that not a concern for you shorted sighted.....   Get mine now let the grand kids figure out secession planning.
Quote from: Patriot on June 21, 2012, 08:25:03 PM

How a fact can be presented other than factually is beyond me.  Personal reproach?  You'll have to expand on that a bit.  With respect to public officials there's a firm line between them and a private person, practically, legally and ideologically. As for 'truths' being shoved, I would hope anyone would verify the information before accepting anything I post as a truth.  If verified, only then should the information be evaluated as truth.  Now, when it comes to opinion, there may well be dozens of ways to express those, and heaven knows everybody's got one.

With regard to information I present as facts, I invite you and everyone else here to challenge my sources.  Compare that source to the 'common' perception and decide for yourselves.  I will gladly provide those sources for external review.  I usually do as with statutes in support of my arguments, etc.  If I discover something I've presented as fact is in error, I'll admit the fault... and have several times.

One thing I won't apologize for, is being me.  Whether you love or hate me, your choice will be based on who I am, not who I pretend to be.
. I will stand on the hate side.  You think there is a big brother overlord organization calling the shots for elk county or for that matter for Elk Konnected.  Liz didn't invent Elk Konnected, she is a steering committee member that will rotate off that post and someone else will take up the slot.  All board positions are limited in both responsibility and term.  Just like opinions every person involved with Elk Konnected has a voice unique to their own personality.  You walk all over the individual to grasp at the headline.  The socialists are taking over elk county.  Bull shit.  You obviously don't comprehend the community in which you live.  West Elk will flop because an Elk Konnected board member is handling the gavel???bullshit.  You don't have the balls(Kevin) or follow through to run for office(Loss).  You bitch constantly about elk county wasting tax money they increase the road budget and you are all praise.  Increasing the amount of money in a budget, the number of people employed, and the increase of benefits to said employees is growth of government.    Where is the lower taxes plan?  Where is the solo brilliant commissioner campaign to increase jobs, quality of life, education, or anything that will remotely attract someone to move the this barren wasteland on underachievers and under-employed?  You have the bitch' down to a science. What is the alternative?  What is your better way?  I have not read of any two to one votes in the minutes. 

You undermined all efforts to attract the wind farm, site anti wind organizations worldwide about the waste of government subsidized energy policy, publicly criticize the commission accepting such a low amount for no, I repeat no county financial input what so ever, then immediately allocate, to the penny where and when the unearned dollars should be spent and how quickly.   Defines a beggar thy neighbor project if there ever was one.  Why don't you anti wind click recluse your self for the life of the ill-conceived  wind agreement from any and all proceeds from this, another government welfare program and pay your taxes based not on next years budget with the wind money but your proposed plan of nothing, no growth, less government and higher mil levy.  Board up the school, your kids go out of district anyhow.  Or don't need education at your stage of life.  Save those mils for more gravel, another overworked right-of-way mower, and more insurance. 
Loss why don't you just call the federally funded Elk County Transportation to take you where ever you want to go if you are too cheap to finance your own travels. 
Why does the wind farm pilot( taxpayer  subsidized  funds)  come as a lump sum.  Why not half in December and half in May like everyone else's?    Why do they have to come up with the entire amount at once.  We could spend it all by January and June respectively.

Then we could break up the road budget into winter wind paid improvements and summer fix the improvements that we just did that past winter.

Quote from: Varmit on June 15, 2012, 12:17:46 AM

Actually, I and others are trying to change it by exposing the poor way in which it is run and has been ran for quite some time.

By the way, deflect much?
. How is presenting a view that differs from yours about incentivizing growth of the area deflecting.  The issue to be on point is getting people to move here, or work here by offering a discount for five years on taxable improvements made here.  It has nothing to do with socioeconomic status or the fact that it wasn't your idea.  You are automatically opposed to anything you didn't create. 

What happens in  the sixth year of the program?    What is the net gain for the county if an improved asset is constructed verses not improving?  It depreciates.  It loses value.  It has a lower taxability.  With out new growth the value of elk county flatlines.  You spend more time bring down the faults but offer no other way to improve.  You do not want the communities to work together because that is socialism.  You want  less government but applaud doubling the county work force. That is counterintuitive.  You want less county waste but abdicate hiring more employees.  Sounds like a double standard.  You complain that the current commission has a ten year track record of failure but yet every seat was unopposed for how many terms?  Now you think because it is an election year the second coming will happen the first week of November. 

Offer me a solution that fulfills your bucket list.  Sit on your hands and watch has worked well for you. 
So by being opposed to any and all forms of incentives to get someone to move here, work here, or improve here you are happy with how it is here.  So shut up about high taxes.  Shut up about loss of population.  Shut up about lack of infrastructure.  You like it the way it is or you would change it.

Wasted opportunity.  But you all are so much more successful than I will ever be so I bow out to you guru's of prosperity and economic growth.  See you on the back nine.  Maybe I could caddy for you someday after the tax auction.
Politics / Re: Let me get this straight
June 14, 2012, 10:47:42 PM
Quote from: Patriot on June 14, 2012, 09:15:54 PM
Typos happen....

Or his crowd... of which I suspect you are one, though closeted.

But then again I value paramecium twelve evolutionary cycles above your suspicions...
Politics / Re: Let me get this straight
June 14, 2012, 08:47:06 PM
Quote from: Patriot on June 14, 2012, 05:35:16 PM
And in the fine traditions of progressive democrats throughout history, can you imagine the mess that will be left by o'binky and is crowd.

Or is not crowd.
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