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Messages - jhongreen

Politics / Re: Set phasers to stun, Spock!
March 29, 2012, 10:07:49 PM
Patriot, I don't need you, to get in touch with Doug. I can drop by and talk to him myself or even pick up the phone and call him. What I don't understand, why is Doug discussing county business with you? Are you his adviser? Is Sarge wrong in his statement or is Doug confused? But in all of this you do bring up another concern that needs faced, that is an elected official at the commissioner level just might be running his mouth a little too much to Joe Public (I'm not accusing anyone I'm not for sure to what depth he spoke to Patriot, but Patriot seems real sure of himself here and other information that the rest of us are not privy to)

Steve, maybe you need to clean the goat milk off your monitor but Elk said Patriot and Ross have ruined the forum for many --- Meaning a lot of people have chosen to keep off the forum due to them. So maybe you need to get a life if what we post isn't to your liking. Maybe when the forum started it was in mind for a community to be able to communicate together not draw suspicion of evil against every neighbor, elected official, and I'll throw this last one in lightly GOVERNMENT. I could be wrong I have been before.
Politics / Re: Set phasers to stun, Spock!
March 29, 2012, 10:00:51 AM
I guess this last post by Sarge proves what we all knew already Patriot doesn't even know crap from his own arse.
Janet, I never said I thought that the forum was ASNINE what I had said was that fussing over dirt stains to the world was ASNINE whether it be by outsiders or us Elk County folk. Second, I brought up the fact of the polo's and jeans because that was the concern of the very first thread, HOW HILLBILLY it was. Now why are you so concerned about what I post, is it just because I don't agree with your thoughts?  No one expects you to like or vote for the current Sheriff, he was your opponent and beat you with a 2 to 1 vote if I remember correctly. That tends to cause sour feelings.

Doobie like everybody has said check with the county attorney maybe you need to direct your anger with some other elected official. That's like being mad at the health nurse for your current appraisal.   

Also there was just a call here in Longton where EMS was needed and the Sheriff's Office responded and beat EMS by about 30-40 minutes so I guess my first post wasn't that far off
Ok I have taken my minute to step back. First off I'm not hiding behind anything I realized that I made a mistake typing my first name John. Please don't hold that against me but you probably will, any fault that can be found in this county, seems the class bullies pick at it like a heard of chickens. I may have been speaking without knowing all the facts of EMS and Sheriff's office. I wasn't bashing the EMS either just know it takes them a good while longer.  Luckily I haven't had to use them in four years when the Sheriff himself ( I think in blue jeans and a polo) showed up with EMS to help with my mother. I didn't however take the time to properly inspect the Sheriff at this time for stains or dirt that may or may not wash off, nor did I give a good rat's ass whether he was in a button up shirt or slack uniform pants as long as he was there to help care for my mother. Which by the way if my memory serves me correct I believe that the EX Sheriff was the one who brought the polo shirts to the department DON'T quote me on this one.(Not a bash just stating what I believe to be a fact) As for being in the public and having to take peoples crap I guess that's the sad part of it. Sure grow thick skin, but last I checked we are all still people and under that thick skin there are feelings somewhere.  Here is my take of what to be ashamed of, a public forum for the entire world to see that our small county can't even get along even over the smallest of dirt stains. ASININE to me. One more thought then I'll leave you to pick me apart like wolves. Maybe the Sheriff's washer broke, and only making $32,000 can't really afford dry cleaning. Did anybody go up and ask if they could help wash the vest? Never judge somebody's life when you don't know all the problems they may be facing.
Just Thinking
Honestly this is what you are going to be concerned about? Well be sure the next time that your loved one is clinging on to life who is going to show up first, will it be the elk county EMS? Hmmm... I think not. I don't know how many times I have heard only good things about the Sheriff's office during times of this nature. But that wouldn't concern everybody nor people from "Wichita". Maybe the Sheriff should wear a suit and tie look all fancy, get a little jeep he could buzz around in. But maybe the people of Elk County could appreciate what they do have A WORKING SHERIFF. Sit there and cry and moan on your big pillows about what everybody else is doing. I'm happy that the man from "Wichita" has a bad impression I don't want somebody that shallow living in my county.
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