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Messages - Jim

The Coffee Shop / Books being written
March 03, 2007, 12:12:41 PM
Hello all going through the old posts and such I have noticed several people ahve talked about the yare working on books, all seem to be some sort of history book, (right up my alley), So i was wondering who all and at hte very least what type of books are being worked on around here. I find all this stuff that has happened around here in the past very interesting...I my self not being a born and bred Elk, I am working on something myself but not a book, as you can see im not a writer but would like to do a web site on the history of the old schools that no longer exsist and their activities that took place, not the school itself but the activities, sports, drama, band and such......ALSO who do i need to talk to about joing the Elk County Historical society

The Good Old Days / Re: I use this in class
March 01, 2007, 04:59:00 PM
and in case you didnt know there was 111 men from Elk County who recieved a pension from the US govt for thier service in the US Civil War.
The Good Old Days / Re: I use this in class
March 01, 2007, 04:55:29 PM
I als ouse this one and some of you, im sure already know it exsists so i dont mean to be redundent, but is interesting if your family is from here it has ealry marriages and things like that.
The Good Old Days / I use this in class
March 01, 2007, 04:53:13 PM
I use this web site alot when i go over Ks History in class, I spend a few weeks going over county history so, seeing that i have only been in the county 16 yrs i use this site to supplement my teaching.
The Coffee Shop / Re: Old Pictures and Uniforms
February 19, 2007, 06:36:34 PM
I would love to get a hold of some of that stuff you was talking about the bag and the pictures and stuff, I will contanct those people mentioned above along with the few people i have. I ahve more things and info on Howard High, I dont seem to get much or even find it on North and South Elk. you can send things to me at the school or to my home address


The Coffee Shop / Re: Old Pictures and Uniforms
February 16, 2007, 09:59:27 PM might have to take u up on that with the uni's ..especially if i can find a place to put all this stuff once i get everything im looking for....I did get some info on the 1921 Howard High football team and go the results as well....they beat Altoona 95-0 thats right 95 - 0 that is unheard fo today...i got some individual pictures and some right ups of some of the men on that team and they are talking about the sizes on the biggest kid on the team weighed a wopping 150 lbs...that is a baby compared to todays weights on the better kids..also gunna get a hold of Cole Conard he was on the the 2 undefeated teams of the last Howard high team and the first North Elk team both went unbeaten
The Coffee Shop / Re: Old Pictures and Uniforms
February 16, 2007, 10:34:06 AM
Hey Janet would Jim have any of his old team pictures from his days at Granola HS
The Coffee Shop / Old Pictures and Uniforms
February 15, 2007, 08:37:33 PM
Hello all,

I am looking for old team pictures and uniforms from the "good ol days" basically im looking for items from school here in Elk County that no longer exsist...aka Howard High, North and South Elk and Grenola. Also im looking for old game results...

I have gone through old yearbooks but i am lookingfor the actual pictures so that i can scan them and print them off myself, uniforms to put with the other old uni's i already have.

I would like to put together a list of team football and basketball pictures going back as far as i can.

I have all the West Elk football team pictures from 1985 through the present so if anyone has old team football pictures from 1973-1984 that would be appricaited as well.

any individual pictures from some of the "start players would also be helpful, So if anyone can help me find these things it would be great you can contact me here at the house or at school.

Thanks again

Jim Madison
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