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Messages - george

Politics / Re: Misuse of Public Funds?
September 28, 2011, 04:46:14 PM

So if Elk Valley is paying mileage to part of the school board members to attend meetings wouldn't that be in violation of the law? If the district were paying for some of the board members home internet bill would that not be considered "compensation" also?  Why would they need the internet?  In case the school sends them a PM to keep them abreast of school business? After spending $12,000/annually on cell phones couldn't they just call them?
Politics / Re: Misuse of Public Funds?
September 25, 2011, 08:22:59 PM
The sheriff department actually made money last year, quit a bit as I heard and it did go into the county fund to be used for what the commissioners decided it to go to. As I recall before the current sheriff was in office the sheriff department used to order out food from local restaurants quit frequently for the prisoners. I have no idea how anyone could pay for that with $2.00 a meal. I sure can't eat out for that. So it's good to know that some are in the black during this economic condition.

Speaking of misuse of funds, Elk Valley School pays the "maintenance supervisor" a sum of $7,000 per year and for what? To say when a bus needs it's oil changed? Couldn't the bus drivers write the mileage down and say when it's time, well apparently not. So the maintenance supervisor says a certain bus needs some maintenance done. Who does it but the same maintenance supervisor? Let's say the bus needs some repairs. Who does the repairs? The maintenance supervisor, that's who. Then who inspects and makes sure the maintenance and repairs were done? The maintenance supervisor of course. How convenient.
If I understand this correctly, Elk Valley raised the mill levy in the past month. I can understand that it takes a lot of money to run a school to educate our children but then they have the hypocrisy to have a lunch Monday, at the local café for all teachers and staff, on the tax payer's dime. Then yesterday, they all met at the school for a steak dinner. The school had purchased, as I understand it, 55 ribeye steaks to feed the teachers and staff, again at the expense of the tax payers. But this poses a few questions.  Does Elk Valley have 55 employees? If not, where did the extra ribeye steaks go? Did the school board authorize the buying of the steaks and the meal at the café? If not, who did? Is it also true that the school fixed breakfast for the same people, on the above mentioned days and it was also provided free of charge? Is this why our taxes were raised? Is it possible to get answers to the question as to why Elk Valley spends $12,000 per year for a cell phone plan? And why do people that have no affiliation with the school (except to have relatives working for the district) have these phones also? Who has the contract with the phone company and appears to make more money the more phones they lease out? As tax payers we have the right to know the answer's to these questions.
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