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Messages - Not In Oz

Thanks Rudy for the reply...but unfortunately my story is not really interesting at all...just a Kansas girl who is originally from Rock (near Winfield), grew up near Fall River, went to K-State and then took a 10 year detour to Washington DC to work in agricultural public relations. 

A few twists and turns later, I've been lucky enough (or crazy enough) :) to open my own company ( if anybody is really interested in the details) but the gist of my job is public relations, management and event planning.  While its based out of DC, thanks to the wonders of technology and an airplane ride when I need to be onsite, I'm able to run it from anywhere, so my husband Jason and I have decided to take a step back from the "hustle and bustle" and appreciate the slower pace of Elk Co. 

We are in the process of purchasing a house in Howard and hope to be relocated totally in the next couple months so keep your fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly since we have 1200 miles between us and our new home!
Hi Samantha,
I'm usually a lurker on the boards rather than a poster but I thought I'd add my "two cents" to your questions as we recently decided to move back to Howard after living out of the area for the past 10 years.  I grew up in Greenwood County (a few miles east) and moved away after colllege to Washington DC.    While Howard seemed like a natural choice for me (my parents live there now), in my husbands case, he comes from a very different background (he grew up in the DC area) and simply fell in love when we came home to visit my parents so regardless of your background...its a very nice little town.  We specifically picked it for a few reasons vs. any other town in the area.  It really does have everything you need and if not, it has an excellent road system to anywhere you would want to go for more shopping or jobs...its less than an hour to Wichita and you never encounter heavy traffic.  Good Luck!
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