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Messages - PrehistoricRez

The Coffee Shop / Re: Howard water tower
April 23, 2009, 12:20:07 AM
yeah it looks great, but how much did the cash strapped city waste on it?
The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
April 23, 2009, 12:18:54 AM
Why dont we take a hard look at the schools?  One person said do we really need a baseball team and a track team?   Do we really need 5, Yes Five Basketball teams, and thats just the boys, How about 3 football teams, Coaches are being paid for each team individually.  Why cant we have just 1 or 2, several players play on several squads, because their isnt enough players, but if there wasnt enough teams, then there would have to be cuts. My god, thats not fair.  what other school does that, uh, everyone.

Why do buses need to pick every kid up at their front door, whats wrong with them walking to the corner or a centralized bus stop, like bigger communities.

"Also, why do those people who own land have to pay extra taxes?  People who work jobs in town don't have to pay taxes on their desks, chairs, and how many pens they use in a year.  And if taxes rise on land, it will get passed back to food prices, you can guarantee that.  Now, a different idea would be a land tax break for those who own land and actually LIVE in Elk County."

Can you really say $257 on 160 acres is fair, when people in the towns pay 3 or 4 times more than that for a few lots. The people that work jobs in town dont have to pay taxes on their office equipment but the business do, they have to pay property tax on everything they have.   Im sure the market and restaurants have to pay personal property taxes on their coolers and such.  and if taxes rise on land, it will get passed back to prices you are right, but how much of that food really stays in elk county?
The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
April 21, 2009, 11:10:25 PM
I have to agree with alot of the bloggers here, my taxes went up $350 last year for the school.   For what to have 5 teachers cut and others given hefty raises?   Why did we have to let go so many teachers, when we have so many more doing multiple jobs?  Principles for example, that job alone is a full time job, then hes going to be responsible for superintendant duties.  Mr Moore did a similar task the last several years, no wonder the school district is falling apart. 

Cry Cry Cry about low enrollement, Not one person says a damn thing about Howard kids going to longton because "I dont like the teachers at  west elk" or the parents saying "My kid isnt smart enough to pass west elk".  Hey i know do as obama does, raise taxes on the already cash strapped people.  Does anyone know how many kids that go to longton should go to west elk?  I would like to know.

As for lowering the tax burden on the here is a far fetched idea no one wants to talk about, i never see this brought up.

LAND, because so few people own so much of it.  Total Taxes on 160 acres is about $220. 
How many acres in elk county....... 414,000 acres (647 sq mi)
Taxes on that using the estimate $569,250
Why dont we put a $1 school tax on every acre, it would give the school district $414,000 more dollars.
What about windmill money, How much is the school district going to see for that.  It should lower the tax burden.
Another way we could lower our tax burden is get rid of the law enforcement, pay the state to have a couple troopers patrol the area.   They arent afraid to write tickets.   Whens the last time Portinier wrote a ticket for someone running a stop sign, for failure to use a child safety seat, or for my god should i say it SPEEDING.  And whats the deal with him driving around on duty with his girlfriend in the car?  Are we really paying him to be affectionate with his girlfriend?

A $90,000 camera system linked to local law enforcement, for what?  It wouldnt even deter extracurricular vandalism, because the vandals are usually on the sports teams and can do WHATEVER THEY LIKE.  The law just shrugs, oh well kids will be kids.

Lets all not forget what our King Obama says "People dont mind paying higher taxes"
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