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Messages - patriotdad


What is the difference to what West Elk is trying to do now and what Central Burden did.  Did they not close 2 old grade schools, put thier kids in trailers for awhile, and then build a new grade school?  And aren't grenola, cambridge, atlanta kids bussed to Burden.  It the exact same issues West Elk is facing.  Has it not worked out for them?  why are you so judgmental of WE when Burden did the same thing.  Besides if you are in the burden school district and your kids go to burden none of this will affect you anyway.   
When are people going to realize this isn't  Howard vs. Moline or Howard vs. Severy.  The location of the school was decided 30+ years ago.  People forget that the current location wasn't the first choice, they wanted to build out @ the 160 & 99 Jct.  but it wasn't feasible because of the blasting @ the quarry.  People also forget that the evil citizens of Howard passed and paid for bond to run City water to the High School. 

I can't imagine anyone wanting the trailers, but what other options does the board have.  They have clearly stated that they can not continue to operate the 2 grade schools.  They simply don't have the money to do it.  They proposed a bond, it failed. It's over. What's next?  Go bankrupt trying to keep everyone happy? 

Since building new failed, and keeping the old is not doable.  What are the options?  trailers?  remodel? What else?  I don't know. Complaining about busing and worrying about a location that was decided decades ago is not productive.   
The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
October 29, 2009, 03:53:06 PM
Quote from: sixdogsmom on October 28, 2009, 07:51:17 PM
Computers are not the answer folks, they are a tool only.

No, please don't teach my kid the computer. It's a fad, like disco.  It's going away and will be nothing more than a museum piece.   HOLY COW!!!!  I can't think of a job that doesn't use computers and computer software.  Medical, Financial, Industrial, Agriculture.....everything.  The information in the library is important, but all that information is now passed through computers.  Computers are the answer. 
The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
October 26, 2009, 12:34:50 PM
I've had enough!  I can't sit back and listen to the negativity anymore.  Do you have a child or grandchild in the WE schools system?  Did you go through our local school system?  Do you even care about the education of the children in this community?  Or are you so selfish that all you can think about how this is going to effect you personally.  Someone paid for the school you went to. 

If you don't like the website and mailings then complain to your school board member.  Don't come on here and complain to the vote yes people you have volunteered their time and used donated money to get the information out to everyone.  They have had meetings in every town, if you have unanswered questions it nobody's fault but your own.

1000 (your guess) mailings @ .44 cents = $440 not a "hefty sum".  If it cost the district $440 to get the proper information out to the public then it was money well spent.  Other wise they might be listening to you spew negativity all over and not know the facts so they can make a decision of their own. 

I hate it that this decision has to be made, it would be nice to have a growing enrollment and 3 campus' well maintained and paid for, all the while supplying a great education to the local youth.  But it is not the case.  We have 2 old inefficient buildings and not enough money coming in to keep operating like we are.  We have choices, one choice we don't have is to do nothing.  Take all emotion out of the decision and look @ it as a business and its a no brainer.  Our school needs to be ran like a business.  Things aren't going well then cut cost and overhead, re-organize, become more efficient and do everything in your power to make it work.  If you can honestly look @ the situation and think the bond is bad then vote no, it's your right.  But don't complain when the schools are closed in favor of something else.  Something the public don't have a vote on.   

If you want our towns to stay alive then support our school.  Most of all the business in our community is run by people that went through our school systems. The school building don't make the community the people who come from the school does. Think about it.  Moline: Murphys Oil, Mills Feed, Double-C, Swinging Bridge Cafe, Q-Mart.  Howard: Batson's, Cookson's, Lanning's, Harrods.  All of these are examples business that are owned/run by people that went our schools system. Very rarely does someone with no ties come to our community start or run a business here.  You don't want your town to die?  Then take care of the students, take care of our own, prepare them for their future.  OUR FUTURE.   
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