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Messages - jerry wagner

Quote from: flintauqua on May 20, 2011, 08:12:37 AM
Gee, our daily "all covernment is evil" reminder from red; and it's barely 9 am.  What no anarcho-capitalism propaganda from Lew Rockwell?

LOL.  Love it!  The trains (of thought) run on a specific schedule in Red's ville.  Of course, it could all be a deflection and she is really a commie, afterall 'red' is in her name.
Quote from: redcliffsw on May 19, 2011, 06:19:27 PM
Srkruzich, you call like you see 'em.   A "joke of an energy program" is the best description I've seen about Wind Power.

Seems like I read that TVA is buying the electric power from the Wind Farm.  TVA is owned by the government.

Kind of like a broken record with you, huh?
Politics / Re: Fox News Coverage
May 02, 2011, 10:16:05 PM
Quote from: kshillbillys on May 02, 2011, 08:31:56 PM
It's amazing Fox NEWS Network is the number ONE source of NEWS throughout the US. Then there is that somewhat less of about 62% less, news station called CNN. It is still funny how some small minded, idiotic people will says that Fox NEWS is not a NEWS station. It does in fact, report the NEWS as CNN and the SAME news. If some people had enough energy to pick up their thumb and switch back and forth between the news stations, they could see the same stuff being reported. It's only those with small minds, afraid of change, whether it be a right wing news station or a black president, that will not see facts as facts and not twist them to what suits their needs at the time. I, as everyone else, on here have a computer and can look up whatever I want to dispute or distort the fact to fit my needs. Pull your heads out of your collective asses and look around. The View is NOT news. It's like sitting around the damn coffee shop, thinking they are keeping you up to date and informed by their OPINIONS of course. It's funny that Geraldo Rivera, one of the most liberal people on Fox News, last night, was the FIRST person clapping and yelling and laughing that Usama bin Laden was dead; a story that HE, Geraldo Rivera, BROKE FIRST, on FOX news. Now put that in your liberal CNN crack pipe and smoke it!---MR. KSHillbilly

P.S. to Anmar and Jerry: Our condolences on the passing of your leader!

Shove it up your ass.  That is a vile ridiculous statement, it is a testament to your lack of character that you would lump me in with him because we disagree.  Why can't we just disagree?
Quote from: flintauqua on April 21, 2011, 11:41:08 AM
One difference between the bully on the playground and the chief one on here.  On the playground the bully had a face and a real given name, on here the bully hides behind a mask of anonymity.

How True :D
Quote from: Ross on April 20, 2011, 10:51:54 AM
No I don't think the Kansas State Department of Commerce would really pay much attention. Have you ever worked for any government and seen the carelessness that goes on? Where do you think the state get's it's money? Simple --- taxes.

There is no difference in paid or unpaid as far as conflit of interest, it's all about the job. Are there no ethics in this world any longer?

Funny how you characterize the carelessness as a government phenomenon.  Actually it is a human condition.  It applies to all people in any profession or industry, public or private.  Worked in several large corporations over my few years (granted not as many as some obviously :P ) and it applies equally to all.  Ever had a phone bill calculated wrong or with incorrect charges, or your cable bill, credit card bill, wrong price on something purchased @ Wal-mart, plane crash because of faulty parts...  Mistakes apply everywhere.  Just those of government are always under a public microscope and an easy political attack. 
Quote from: redcliffsw on April 20, 2011, 10:28:39 AM

Appropriate???  Shall grants be given to the monarchy's favorites.  Thought we handled that matter in 1776.

Governemt should not be granting money to any company, organization, or people.  Fair enough?????

Politics / Re: Could this be Israel's next War?
April 18, 2011, 10:13:38 AM
Quote from: redcliffsw on April 18, 2011, 09:18:15 AM
II Cor 4: 3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
            4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

I love that you quote a book that is written by MAN.... the most fallible creature and yet you quote WORD FOR WORD was is written as if it is to be believed beyond doubt.  Laughable is the word that comes to mind.  That the events could have occurred that are written in the KJV bible are possible, no doubt, but that does not mean that the exact words are to be repeated to prove a point.  Quotes are open to interpretation and further your quoting does not even take into account that the original authors could have and probably did insert THEIR OWN OPINIONS into the writings.
Politics / Re: Simply Amazing..
April 09, 2011, 10:25:37 PM
Quote from: kshillbillys on April 09, 2011, 09:57:43 PM
I happen to be one of those "postal workers making big money for sorting and delivering mail." Until you've walked at least 14 miles a day in my shoes, don't knock delivering mail. It's hard work, what with the weather and dogs and hateful people. Part time job? LMAO! And no, we don't protect this country, but a lot of times we are the only people that some elderly people see all day and they enjoy the visit. Also, there are a lot of stories out there about postal workers being heroes after they saved people. If the post office was run better, they wouldn't be losing so much money. I, as well as a few of the carriers I work with, have said all along for them to drop my pay a few bucks so people wouldn't be out of work. What you are proposing, shutting down the post office, would put around 615,000 people out of work. Some people don't have internet or don't use the internet to pay their bills. So, in short, never gonna happen! I'll get off my soapbox now.---Jennifer

P.S. And before someone jumps my hiney about my post, I am in NO WAY comparing postal workers to our military servicemen and women. I'm just saying, maybe the current administration needs to get it together and pass a frickin budget so NO ONE has to be shut down...

While I agree with most of what you have to say, the administration is not the one that has to pass a budget, congress does and it is the constitutional power of the President to veto said budget if it is unacceptable.  Congress needs to pass one first.
Quote from: kshillbillys on April 03, 2011, 08:32:23 PM
No, I'm asking this of Obama. It's time that this country starts living in the present instead of always bringing up the past Presidents'.
No, we should be able to compare where relevant which is here.  Further, you would certainly hold someones words from the past against them, so that being the case we shouls be allowed to compare.
Politics / Re: A Foolish and Unconstitutional War...
March 25, 2011, 10:21:35 AM
Quote from: twirldoggy on March 25, 2011, 10:06:59 AM
He is lying big time about Lybia. 

Who is lying about Libya and How?
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