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Messages - jerry wagner

Quote from: Catwoman on June 23, 2011, 04:07:39 PM
I agree with all of that, Steve...And I've witnessed you walking that same walk, when you haven't let someone like Jerry goad you into writing things you normally wouldn't.  I would add to the list that you just published the aspect of being a gentleman.  Just because you don't use uncouth language doesn't mean you're soft...It merely means that you have enough of a vocabulary that you are able to express yourself without it.  There's nothing soft about that.  I have respected your stand up to yesterday, Steve.  Stick to it...And don't lower yourself to Jerry's level.

please explain how I was lowering the debate.  The statement regarding 'queers' was backwards.  I am sorry if he took offense because he was discussing his father but people of all stripes have the right to exist as THEY see fit.  What was he proposing people should do regarding homosexuals... Arrest... Beat up like he suggested he do to me?  Yes please tell me Cat.
Quote from: srkruzich on June 23, 2011, 12:01:36 PM
Excuse me i never insulted any elderly woman.   I DID insult a sissy boy.

Probably made you feel real proud too.  School yard bully syndrome at work.
Quote from: srkruzich on June 22, 2011, 12:16:57 PM

Years ago when i questioned my Dad about why everyone was so upset bout queers coming out of the closet, and i said why don't eveyrone just ignore them.   His wise replay was, if we ignore them, they will eventually grow big enough and scream loud enough that they will take control and get their way and make their lifestyle CHOICE acceptable in society. He was right.  He referenced the other time the conservatives were silent and ignored a group of people. That was when they legalized abortion. He said everyone said nahh it can't happen in the United States.  People in the US have morals.  Sadly the conservatives were wrong.  They found out quickly and with great shock that the morals had gone to hell.

Wow.... that's backwards.
Politics / Re: The Liberal Hate Merchants.....
June 22, 2011, 12:24:27 PM
Quote from: srkruzich on June 22, 2011, 12:11:52 PM
On finding the middle.....  a little lie mixed with truth is still nothing but a lie.   

The 'right' would not be the truth just a different method.
Quote from: Humpy on June 21, 2011, 11:02:27 AM
  Flint it is appropriate that you bring up Mc Carthy because he was right about the amount of communists that were working in congressmen's offices, clear up to cabinet offices.
Wikipedia should read the Venona Papers that name names of the communist infiltrators, before they put out such political left tripe. Then again they and Snopes are not friends of conservatives.

Yes, because let us not forget that in the USA you are only permitted the political beliefs of the self appointed conservative.  ::)
Quote from: srkruzich on June 06, 2011, 11:36:39 AM
You know, if the farmers and ranchers around here have to report the government welfare they received, then why doesn't EK have to report it?  Apparantly they have recieved it in the form of grants, and according to some on here, use of taxpayer funds to buy baseballs.  It should be reported in a public document.

The farmers do not report the subsidies they receive from the government, or at least they can choose to, they are NOT required to.  The federal government reports the subsidies received.  That is available online.  Perhaps you should require the county/cities to report that publicly.... although from what I've read they do so through the minutes which does satisfy the legal requirement.  If you wanted them to report in a single document, then you should push the authorizing agency (whether county/city/state) to publish it as such.
Reading over your wall of text, I note that you state that Palestinian 'honor terrorists', so has Israel when they honor those that take part in attacks on the Palestinians.  There is little difference in the two.
Quote from: srkruzich on May 20, 2011, 03:24:02 PM
Obviously you've never read the bible...   

"And he changeth the times and the seasons; He removeth
kings, and setteth up kings
; he giveth wisdom unto the wise,
and knowledge to them that know understanding. He revealeth
the deep and secret things; he knoweth what is in the darkness,
and the light dwelleth with him."

"13 I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold,
a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven. 14 He cried
aloud, and said thus..... 17 This matter is by the decree of the
watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the
intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in
the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and
setteth up over it the basest of men.

I have read the bible.  Many times.  I also realize that we live in the real world where men (who wrote the bible and also decided what would be included) will write whatever the hell they desire. 
Wow what a bunch of drivel.  God sets up Kingdoms, okee dokee.
Quote from: Patriot on May 20, 2011, 08:50:02 AM

Has anyone ever noticed how progressive socialists hammer people about personal attacks yet jump to that mode themselves at the drop of a hat?

Coulter is right.  Liberalism is a mental disease.  Much akin to the DSM-IV criteria for borderline personality disorder.

It wasn't a personal attack.  That is the only response I have come to expect from red, and she is entitled to do so.  Also, the second part of the remark was a joke nothing more.
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