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Messages - aamiller321

The Coffee Shop / M.Cookson & his sax
August 17, 2008, 01:54:57 PM
Quote from: mtcookson on August 13, 2008, 11:04:28 PM
I actually started on bass clarinet in 6th grade then went to the bari in 7th and never went back. I loved the bari sax. Played a bit of tenor, alto, and soprano just for fun but the bari was the best. Though the tenor does have an absolutely beautiful sound when it comes to jazz... but I still liked my low A's. :laugh:

Our music program back in Indiana was incredible. We were actually a pretty small school but almost always got top rankings. First time we ever went to state for our marching band program we actually placed 4th (though two schools tied for second so I always consider it 3rd). Our director had to move on after that year and the junior high also lost its excellent director a little while after to another school so it went downhill a bit from there but I believe its finally picking back up.
I play alto sax, I have a real nice Jupiter saxophone.
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