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Messages - Vitriol

What happens in year six? 

You are certainly willing to squander tax payer subsidized pilots funds as quickly as they arrive(late).  What is wrong with investing in elk county.   

You want the expense of tearing down the courthouse?  No. Then you have to pay to keep the roof on it.  Why do you get to pick and choose what is good sound investing and what is beggar by redneck. 

You cannot project expected loss of  income to the county without guessing.   

I  think you are just pissed because you already built your goat porn infrastructure and can't expense it off.  You elitist values don't hold water.  You can not even remodel a bathroom and not have  spent ten grand.  You can half ass it and under cut professionals by hiring idiots but then you get electric lines ran in  plumbing pipe and have to repair it prematurely.  Quit looking ahead ten minutes and start gazing out ten years.  If you can see beyond you current obsession with KOMA, editorializing the local paper for shootouts with EK, and invest for the grand kids not your own miserly tax burden then we might see growth in the area.  You can't micromanage from your jazzy if you are not looking beyond your own personal retirement quest.  Cheap is not better.

If you buy a car and the dealer gives you a low rate you don't purchase because of the sales pitch.  If you can afford to buy the car you will shop the rates and find the best deal.  If you are looking between improving your  elk county residence or spruce up the sedgwacker place but elk county was going to give you a tax break for five years, you would build here. 

I have not seen you out grading the road, mowing the ditches to eliminate the burden of the county tax payer.  I have not seen a free clinic to give shots and deal with health issues sponsored by  With your extensive ability to google economic ideas should flow like water as you volunteer to take on the economic development role that you are morbidly obsessed with belittling.  With the exception of picking  one piece of recyclable material out of a  tire of your vehicle I don't see a positive impact you are having on the retaining of talent or the creation of jobs.   Are a part of the solid waste committee?  On a library board?
Ya, I know you want to be the county manager to show us dumb hicks how to get things done cheaper,  with no nepotism, no politics, no economic strife, and good Christian constitutional values.  But you don't have the sack to run for office.  Maybe after the election you could be appointed czar.   You create a county position, you create more government.  You are still talking out of both sides of your mouth.  You applauded the hiring of more road crew then complain about high taxes.  Fire all the employees and keep you money will not help one bit.
   You are like a super PAC.  No candidate just negative anonymous message. You jump on the headline and don't read the back page.

Research all you want,  time is not short just for the short sighted.
This is so amusing.  Two months old but so amusing.  I guess at a certain stage of life you are left with humor.  You know it is always the little things that set people off.

Death by beating someone's head on to a concrete slab with enough impact to cause blunt force trauma.  Real amusing.

Maybe something amusing was being discussed there under the wrong bridge along the river side and one party took offense.

There are concrete slabs just about everywhere along rivers.

I would worry if this is an isolated case or just the first of many.  Only the shadow knows.
Quote from: Ross on March 07, 2012, 08:41:54 PM
So why do you want Beggar-Thy-Neighbor for such paltry sums?
Why are you against it if it is such paltry sums?  How does it cost you anything?
So you think this plan is crap because two commissioners from Sedgwick county think it is so therefore Elk county can't benefit from implementation.   Their record on  tax waste and private/public investment has worked out so well in the past.  Why compare the smallest economy in the state to the largest to justify your negative position?  Maybe as a tactic?

What happens in year six?  What is the tax on the asset?  Does it get torn down to dodge the appraiser?  What happens in year nine when the tax on the  new asset dwarfs the entire abatement?  That would be called growth.

You assume that the construction will occur with or without the tax abatement. 
There has not been any Capitol improvement in the last ten years has there?   Why would there be any now?

  I do not understand why you would not want to promote  and and provide incentives for growth. 

When you point out that we should oppose this plan because you don't like it you should also offer a better plan as an alternative.  That way we beggars and neighbors have a chance to send you the praises and accolades that you must so desire.
Politics / Re: Set phasers to stun, Spock!
March 28, 2012, 12:43:13 PM
You constant read things into conversations that are simply not there so with your limited grasp I could see how you would read a threat I'n to anything.  Paranoid much.....

If you are stupid enough to be confronted by law enforcement and fail to comply repeatedly they should shoot.  It is their judgment as to who, where, or what they choose to use to defuse your stupidity. 

So non-lethal  means are non libertarian and lethal force is liberty? 

Never mind the cost.  What does it cost to recharge a tazer?  Bullets are cheaper?
Politics / Re: Set phasers to stun, Spock!
March 28, 2012, 11:58:37 AM
I would much rather see you shot by a tried and true bullet from a tax payer purchased firearm, out of a tax payer purchased holster, on a tax payer purchased belt next to a  multi-band radio clipped to the two pairs of handcuffs, than by an untested new $800  taser.  It might not work.  I mean we have already invested at least twice that much in lethal equipment , certification, and training.  Should we utilize FIFO.  We spent thousands on the previous equipment so first in first out.

Micromanagement precludes which:

Liberty or death.

Blah blah. Preaching blah blah.  Condescending blah blah

Loss of purpose quit bringing Steve into everything.  He does not beg from his neighbors he just wants things others do need anymore.  More of a repurposing.  

Transparency. You login as patriot. Hypocritical much?    

Do you use CFL bulbs?  It could save on electric bill but has a higher up front cost.   But concept is lost if you are not willing to put out for the up front cost. L.e.d are better but have a much longer payback window like five years.  So don't invest in anything that takes five years to payout, it is your money.  Keep inefficient REC needs the cash-flow.

You know with your asphalting the airstrip dream and the goats have you been practicing for your next jihad.  I would hate to drop a dime to dhs.   If I tried to breed goats for profit I could use a $20,000 new studio to film them,or  to video market them to the only population that eats them.          Muslims have the internet so i could skype in HD?  So  where is the denial of my numbers not the advertising of an email, my name mister open and honest.  Why do you hide behind the curtain like a little old man I'n the wizard of oz.   We don't have a dictator this far north.   Closest would be Cuba.    Elk county has never had anyone running it.  They tried to run a nursinghome a few years back but failed, after several nonfund warrents,miserably.   You are confused.  You run a business.  You run your mouth.

What does lol stand for loss of liberty?  

You improve a building or structure or improve the value of a property by more that $20,000. That does not mean you only spend 20k.  It means the property value increases.  Comps to other structures, location and market determine assessed value.  If you gut a finished basement then remodel it to a man cave you have not necessarily added value to the property.  If you update a kitchen but add no significant square footage the taxable value might not change much.  Also you have to have the tax bill current with the county.  No late filing.

So for instance:   You build on to $50,000 building that raises you assessed value $20,000.
The tax bill on the 50k original structure would not change.
1st year you pay $100.00 fee then are reimbursed 97% of the improvements part of the counties tax bill.  On $20,000 with a 189 mil levy x 11.5% the tax would be about $434.  The  city, extension, school district, fire or other mil assessments are not reimbursed.
1st year you pay your taxes on time to the tune of $534.  You get a rebate of 420.98
2nd year you pay taxes on time and are reimbursed 77%.  You pay $434.  Your rebate is $334.18.
3rd year you pay taxes on time and are reimbursed 57%. You pay $434. Your rebate is $247.42.
4th year you pay taxes on time and are reimbursed 37%.  You pay $434. Your rebate is $160.58.
5th year you pay taxes on time and are reimbursed 17%.  You pay 434. Your rebate is $73.78.
So in five years you save about $1236.90. It still added to the county tax rolls improved the area and you get something nice for your >$20,000 investment.   

The taxes paid by year five would be $1033.10.   
So this would be a $1236.90 abated revenue for the county on a minimum $20,000 private investment.
6th year  and following years you pay taxes with no reimbursement.  $434
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