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Messages - evanstrail

Go Pat Go!!!!!!
I encourage every one to to a look at this site.  It is a compilation of thirty-some case-studies done by the University of North Carolina of what small towns and rural counties have tried to change their economic situation.  While a lot are from North Carolina and other states east of the Mississippi and the nay-sayers will say they can't possibly be applicable to Elk County, I say read them and decide for yourselves.

The entire document (259 pages) is here:

Links to individual case studies which are 7-15 pages each are here:

Happy reading to those with open minds.  If you would like more factual information like this, please PM me and let me know.

I expect nothing but negative from Loss and his small handful of close-minded, nothing but negative, nay-sayers.
Quote from: Patriot on March 07, 2012, 08:52:48 PM
It occurs to me that there are dozens of other threads/sections on this forum, yet a couple of you seem to think that people only see one or two whose information/theme you don't happen to like.  Move on, nobody is forcing you to click or read, let alone post.  There are many others who are interested, believe it or not.

And thanks for re-inforcing my commnet about you and Loss and your couple of followers that you don't want dissenting voices heard on certain threads.  Exactly when did this become your exclusive blogspace?

Quote from: Patriot on March 07, 2012, 08:52:48 PM
It occurs to me that there are dozens of other threads/sections on this forum, yet a couple of you seem to think that people only see one or two whose information/theme you don't happen to like.  Move on, nobody is forcing you to click or read, let alone post.  There are many others who are interested, believe it or not.

If I post what I have to post in another thread, Loss or you will just link it back to this mega-negative blog anyway, so in essence I'm saving you a step.
Quote from: Ross on March 07, 2012, 08:08:37 PM

But besides that if you can't handle the truth and some honest questions why come to this thread? Why punish yourself by coming to this thread when there are so many other threads. You are welcome to your opinion about my, "shortsited, closed-minded brain" as you called it and enjoy it to the fullest extent. Have fun with that.

And, I think you are implying that people that read this are incapable of thinking for themselves. I have to tell you, I totally disagree with you on that implication.


In my opinion, you and a very small handful of others want anyone who does not agree with you to simply go away, to stop posting on this Forum, you as much as said so in the quote above.  You want the readers of this Forum to hear only the views you put forth, you want them to be capable of only thinking the way you want them to, by chasing away anyone who has a dissenting viewpoint.

I decided to come to this thread to refute what spews forth from your mouth by giving factual information about things that are similar to what the forward-thinking people of Elk County are trying to accomplish.  I believe I provide an alternative to the incessant negative nit-picking that you and that small handful of others are so adept at.  It is up to the people of Elk County to decide if they pay attention to the never-ending bashing of honest, forthright people that is your forte, or to read and comprehend what I post and decide that the honest, forthright and forward-thinking people are on the right track.

Quote from: srkruzich on March 07, 2012, 04:52:11 PM
Why is it they use Progressive as the word to describe them when the progressive movement is a communist movement that only started taking strong hold after the wall came down in germany.

Gee, Steve, nice attempt at deflection and mis-direction.  Been reading the Alinsky playbook again I see.  The playbook used by the reactionary right, libertarian Tea Party types about ten times as much as it is used by the liberal left.  Especially on this Forum.

Because evanstrail (among many on this Forum) gets tired of your continued inability to see anything in my posts other than what your shortsited, closed-minded brain wants to see.  Then you just make shit up out of thin air to try and steer others away from evaluating the information in the posts for themselves.

I have absolutely no association with this tourist trail you keep speaking of, so I have no idea what the progressive minded folks that are working on it will wish to name it.

You are the one who looked up T. J. Evans Trail and asked if it had any bearing on my username.  So quit trying to say "but that was not what I was asking about was it?"

And there are lots of Durbins that read the Forum, or have in the past before it became the nearly exclusive realm of negative people like yourself.  Some that still have the surname, some that are married to people with other surnames, and lots that have Durbins in their family tree.
Politics / Re: Political Cartoons of the Week
March 06, 2012, 03:35:12 PM
You know what Warph, just like your demi-god Limbaugh lost a bunch of advertisers over this, you just lost any respect you had from me and several others that thought you weren't quite that anti-women's rights.
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