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Topics - jason clatt

The Coffee Shop / the people you meet
May 02, 2012, 12:52:19 PM
When me and my wife came out to visit her grandpa in 07 we noticed as soon as we got into kansas people would wave,say hi,and were all in all friendly.  This came as a shock to us being from california....out there people wave at you a little different,it is usually with one finger.  Since our move in 08 i have been to allot of places here in Ks and in Mo plus a bit down in Ok.  None of those places even compare to the good spirited folks of Elk Co.  Wich is one of the main reasons me and my wife moved here, sure every town has that one grouch.  I was just driving out and about Howard today learning the street names and where everything is located, and i swear there was not one person that i passed or saw that did not wave at me.  To me that is what communites should be like.  makes me wish other places were as friendly as this little piece of heaven we have here in S.E.K ;D
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