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Messages - patriotdad

Politics / Re: West Elk Proposed Additions
November 22, 2013, 10:29:18 AM
While I agree that sports in high school should not be the primary focus of a schools faculty or students, it is also short sighted to think that sports cannot be a integral part of an education. 

Their are lessons learned on a field/court that cannot be taught in a classroom.  Teamwork, success, failure, performing under pressure, concentration, competition, physical fitness, leadership, teaching and many others.  The experiences the 28 boys on West Elks football team experienced this year cannot be duplicated in a classroom. The bond between those guys will last a lifetime. The trill of success and the pain of defeat.  Working together for a common goal, trusting in each other, being coached and applying it. All of these thing help to grow and mature young people.     

And sports should not be written off as just a hobby anymore.  Sports are a billion dollar industry in America.  Most major universities offer numerous degrees in sports related fields. Not just playing and coaching. Sports Management, Sports Medicine, Sports Marketing, Communications, Apparel and Equipment.  I would venture to guess that there are as many West Elk Graduates that pursue sports related education/jobs as there are Agricultural.

Do you realize students that play sports are held to a higher standard than then general student population.  They have to keep a certain GPA's, attendance and behavior on and off the field. 

With the soaring cost of education, scholarships are very important. And i'm not just talking about sports scholarships.  All scholarships want you to have extra curricular actives.  Sports are a great extra curricular activity.  If a student is gifted enough to earn a athletic scholarship then that is awesome.  If not then being part of a team helps enhance their academic achievements.

Lets not forget physical fitness and education.  PE is required for K-9 grades.  Do you realize that at certain times during the day 3-4 graders are in the gym at the same time as Freshman. Around 50 kids.  Not only are they cramped for space but mingling of 8 year olds and 15 year olds is not a safe environment.  What do they do on bad weather days for recess?

I understand the need for classroom is greater than the need for an elementary gym.  But we cannot discount the the need for a gym as just for "sports". 


Quit posting "what they claimed to have done over the last 3 or 4 years" regarding the info that was presented at the commissioners meeting. The slides had attendance numbers from events from 2011 and 2012 specifically.  These events were not "Claimed" to have happened.  They DID happen and were well attended. They had exact numbers for 2011 and 2012 not "3 or 4 years". 

In fact here is the exact info shared.

Youth Development Action Team
2011 to 2012 report

Longton – February 2011 (21 kids) & 2012 (18 kids)
Moline – February 2011 (22 kids) & 2012 (28 kids)
Grenola – February 2011 (8 kids)
Howard – February 2011 (32 kids) and 2012 (37 kids), December 2011 (45 kids) and 2012 (48 kids)
Dive in Movie at Howard Swimming Pool - July 2012

Soccer Academy
Saturday in each town – Longton, Howard, Moline and Grenola
2011 (96 kids)
2012 (85 kids)

Pitch, Hit and Run
At the West Elk ball field
May 2011 (25 kids)
       2012 (30 kids)

Punt, Pass and Kick
At the West Elk football stadium
Fall 2011 (15 kids)
Fall 2012 (18 kids)

Supporting Community Events

Mechanical Bull at Grenola Octoberfest
October 2011
Rock Climbing Wall at Moline Crazy Days
June 2011 and June 2012
Water Slide at Elk County Free Fair in Longton 
August 2011 and August 2012
Whirly Gig at Elk River Festival in Howard
September 2011
Water Slide at Elk County Fair in Howard
July 2011
Free Swim during the Elk County Fair at Howard City Pool
July 2011

Ross continues to twist and manipulate the facts to fit his agenda.  Nothing was "Claimed" and it was not "3-4 years". 
If the program entices someone to build a new structure or remodel a structure it is NEW. NEW. NEW. revenue for the county.  They can't tax or increase tax on something that isn't there.  It is not a loss to the county in the long run. It's not. For the first 5 year the county will get 43% NEW revenue and after the 5 years it 100% NEW revenue. Whether it depreciated or not it is new.  I think your thinking way too short sighted on this. 

Do you believe that every applicant was going to build or remodel whether the program is in place or not? 

The county or city or schools are not giving up 95% of thier tax revenue under the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan.  I honestly don't think you guys understand how it works.  Over the 5 year life of the rebate the participant is only getting a total of 57% back.  It's for 5 years.  The rest of the life of the structure the NEW or ADDITIONAL portion is taxed at 100%.  That is NEW and ADDITIONAL tax revenue to the county.   
The school is a taxing entity.  I'm sure they were discussing participating in the Neighborhood Revitalization program.  The USD tax can be rebated the same as the county.  And cities.  Why don't you talk to your school board member instead of bashing Whetstone. 
I'm not talking about the Perkins building.  Do you know for a fact that it is eligible for the program?  There are other applications for the program too.  

The work kickback  infers "Illegal" or "Fraudulent" The Neighborhood Revitalization Program is not illegal or fraudulent.  It's not a kickback.  

They are not stealing money away from anyone. 
Ross you prove it.

How will the revitalization program not help to generate new tax dollars for the county?

How will it not add or improve structures in the county?

If one structure is built or improved it has added to the tax rolls. 
"You see those kickbacks or welfare called property tax rebates will be public record. And those will be the business I will personally boycott and I will ask my friends to do the same. They will not make a profit off of my dollar by being a "Beggar-They -Neighbor" business." -Ross

This is exactly why people won't respond to you and don't use their real names on here.  Because if you knew who they were you would personally attack them and try to damage their credibility and reputation.  

Also, you claim to love this county and chose to live here but now your going to boycott business'.  Hoping to cost them 10%-20% of their customers.  Wow, you really do love this community and your neighbors.  You love them so much you want to run them out of business.  

The overall benefit to the county outweighs any man hours cost.   100% of something new is 100% more than they had.  The county would still be collecting 57% new tax money during the 5 years of the program.  It is a rebate, the citizen pays it in, the county returns a portion of it for the first 5 years.  There is no loss or no cost to the county.  And drop the man hours thing because it is minimal when you think about the life of a building and how long the county will collect on it. 
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