I don't know who wrote this...........just seemed right....I'm very sorry for what yall are goin thru.
Do Not Mourn For
Do not mourn for me -
I am not gone
You may not see me, but I am still with you.
My spirit stands besides you and
Holds your hand in mine.
I see your sadness and I allow it to turn to a smile.
For I am not gone.
I will always be with you
Even though you may not know
That my hand is touching yours and
Trying to tell you so.
I recall your laughter and your joy,
I see your contentment and Your glow...
Let it shine forth...please let it unfold.
For you are not alone
I will always be here with you
Standing by your side
Do not mourn for me,
For I am not gone.
My dearly beloved, know that you are not alone.
My loving heart is with you as you journey on —
Feel my touch and know that it is so.
You still have a job to do –
Have you forgotten?
We made a pact so long ago
That this was the way it was supposed to go.
Don't you remember?
Ah, now...let's see that smile,
There...lift your head and open your heart
To fulfill your mission and always know
You are not alone...I am walking with you
To guide your path until it's time
For you to journey home