Elk County Forum

General Category => Politics => Topic started by: Rudy Taylor on January 14, 2010, 07:35:53 AM

Title: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Rudy Taylor on January 14, 2010, 07:35:53 AM
Text "HAITI" to "90999," and a donation of $10 will be given automatically to the Red Cross to help with relief efforts, charged to your cell phone bill.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Varmit on January 16, 2010, 01:12:36 PM
Fat chance!!!  Wouldn't give them a penny!
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: MarkHall on January 16, 2010, 01:15:52 PM
Good to know, Rudy. Thanks for sharing. I was curious about this program and found some more info:

Answers to Questions about the Mobile Giving Campaign

Q Does the full $10 go to the Red Cross?

A Yes. 100% of your text donation will support the American Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti.

Q Will my wireless carrier charge me for text messaging to 90999?

A When you text the word "HAITI" to 90999 you donate $10 to the Red Cross. A onetime $10 donation will be added to your phone bill. Depending on your carrier agreement, message and data rates may apply. Reportedly, Verizon Wireless and AT&T have both agreed to donate the cost of the back-and-forth text messages. Your $10 donation will appear on your regular monthly mobile phone bill.

Q Is there a processing fee for the company hosting this service?

A Mobile Accord and mGive have generously donated their fees.

There's also info on the red cross website...
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Rudy Taylor on January 16, 2010, 02:23:54 PM
I think this program is great because it enables us to donate small amounts of money and get it done now. Although the funds will be delayed until the billing cycle takes place, it places the commitment into the pipeline and it will be much needed 60 or 90 days from now just as it is so needed today.

We are faced with so much cynicism in today's world.  Let's join hands on helping our friends from Haiti who are hurting so much.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Roma Jean Turner on January 16, 2010, 03:11:10 PM
I did that yesterday and appreciated it being so easy to do.  Much better than getting on some site and having to fill out all my card info.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: srkruzich on January 16, 2010, 04:01:34 PM
Quote from: Rudy Taylor on January 16, 2010, 02:23:54 PM
I think this program is great because it enables us to donate small amounts of money and get it done now. Although the funds will be delayed until the billing cycle takes place, it places the commitment into the pipeline and it will be much needed 60 or 90 days from now just as it is so needed today.

We are faced with so much cynicism in today's world.  Let's join hands on helping our friends from Haiti who are hurting so much.
I would suggest sending it to a different organization than the Red Cross. Their thieves.  I suppose everyone has forgotten their theft of the money that was supposed to go to the 9/11 victims. 

Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Rudy Taylor on January 16, 2010, 04:40:24 PM
I am saddened to see this happening on the forum.

In previous times, I have enjoyed the good friendships and encouraging comments.

But I won't engage in arguments of any kind. I appreciate others' opinions too much to do that.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Varmit on January 16, 2010, 07:32:45 PM
Quote from: Rudy Taylor on January 16, 2010, 04:40:24 PM
I am saddened to see this happening on the forum.
In previous times, I have enjoyed the good friendships and encouraging comments.
But I won't engage in arguments of any kind. I appreciate others' opinions too much to do that.

Wait a minute...you appreciate others opinions yet are saddened to "see this happening on the forum"?  Whats with that? 

Srkruzich pointed out that the money sent to the Red Cross intended for 9/11 victims didn't make it to the victims, billions have been sent to Haiti in the past but it hasn't done any good, why should we send more? 
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: srkruzich on January 16, 2010, 08:07:24 PM
Rudy i only suggested finding another agency that is trustworthy.  Red cross isn't a honorable organization and has proven themselves untrustworthy.  I can think of several places one can send funds.  churches are one way. 
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Diane Amberg on January 16, 2010, 09:05:25 PM
Varmit, how do you know the help sent to Haiti in the past hasn't done any good? A number of very good agencies have had a presence there for a long time and as bad as it is, it's better than it has been. Doctors Without Borders and others do a lot of good there, in a country that has been very poor for years.  They are human beings in a terrible state, including people from lots of other countries who got caught up in it. The money will help them too.
  I suppose you think they deserved what they got too? How cold hearted is that!? There are many other ways to help besides the Red Cross, if they don't suit you.  Fire fighters from Fairfax County VA ( some started their careers right here in Newark) are there right now! Now that's the true Christian spirit to me. They are totally self contained and are working in terrible conditions. It's a calling, just like being a missionary. I have another bunch from East Coast Canine Rescue that are waiting to hear if they'll be needed.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Varmit on January 16, 2010, 09:34:47 PM
How do I know??...Just read the news!  As for them being human beings, thats guestionable.  Instead of working together to help each other out, they're hacking each other to pieces with machetes over a bag of rice!! 

I am sick and tired of seeing these huge "relief" efforts to help other countries when we won't even help our own.  Wheres the big presidental meetings to help our homeless troops, or missing and exploited children??  Why should we send our money, troops, and aid to other countries when they won't even try and help themselves?  Doctors without Borders...what a crock!!  If our doctors actually gave a shit then we wouldn't need a gov't run healthcare system to provide healthcare for OUR citizens that can't afford it. 

Heres an interesting read:

Outside Haiti captial, much despair and little aid

AP – Men, holding wood and metal objects, protest at the entrance of the town of Leogane, Saturday, Jan. 16, ... By JONATHAN M. KATZ, Associated Press Writer Jonathan M. Katz, Associated Press Writer – Sat Jan 16, 4:57 pm ET

LEOGANE, Haiti – As aid masses in Haiti's devastated capital, time is running out in rural areas where the damage is no less severe. In Leogane, frustrated men gathered Saturday with machetes and clubs, ready to fight for a town they said the world has forgotten.

All along the cracked highway heading west from Port-au-Prince along the bay, people begged for help. "SOS," declared a sign near Leogane. "We don't understand why everything is going to Port-au-Prince, because Leogane was broken too."

That is putting it lightly.

Leogane's city center is a rubble pile spiderwebbed with fallen power lines, coastal Haiti re-landscaped as a post-apocalyptic film set. Two mass graves line the road to the capital, a few yellowed bodies thrown in to start a third.

At the corner of Rue La Croix and Pere Thevenot, a charming two-story built in 1922 that housed a pharmacy and a florist last week is a brickyard sepulcher for the couple who died trying to escape.

Blocks away a group of men gathered to defend a health clinic-turned-shelter against all comers: The local government, which wants to dig another mass grave there, criminals loosed from the capital's broken penitentiary, and looters as hungry as they are.

They said they do not want violence, but carried machetes, typical of this sugar-growing town, and clutched wooden pins and poles.

"There is no one in the police station. We haven't seen aid," said 28-year-old Philip Pierre, who manages a yogurt plant. "We are ready to die fighting if they don't listen to us."

Death has done brisk business here already, in a town where roaming Carnival bands were just getting in gear when the quake struck Tuesday, its epicenter just 12 miles (25 kms) to the east.

The stench emanating from rubble is intense, and among the residents' demands are the "big shovels" working in the capital to excavate bodies.

In a charitable move, casket-maker Yvon Lochard put his wares on sale, dropping the price of a wooden coffin from $450 to $100.

"Before business was slow," he said matter-of-factly. "Now I'm selling these quickly."

Even Lochard's prices, however, are too steep for most in a country where half the population lives on $1 a day. They carry their bodies atop pieces of tin and drop them in a mass grave.

The living, meanwhile, are trying hard to stay that way. There is food in the markets, but the price of a 50-pound bag of rice has risen about 25 percent to $27.50 since the quake struck. In the mountains that ring the town, cisterns broke, leaving many without drinking water.

A nearly collapsed corner store had $6,000 worth of rice, spaghetti and other food in the basement, its owner said, but he was too scared of collapse to go in and get it, despite increasingly terse demands from neighbors that he do so.

U.N. peacekeepers from Sri Lanka were delivering water to about 1,000 people and sharing their own rations, Maj. Chandima Beligasooabba said. They were told the U.N. would be bringing in food supplies later Saturday.

A team from Kansas City, Missouri-based Crisis Response International roamed the downtown area near the structurally unstable Sainte Croix Hospital, looking for any non-governmental organization to give supplies to. None was immediately apparent.

Within Leogane, individual neighborhoods are on the lookout against each other. Leaders of each suspect the others might get violent — but promise they won't start trouble themselves.

The first few protesters straggling into the streets were tense. One machete-wielding young man briefly collapsed from what his neighbors said was hypertension. And as the daze wears off from the shock wave that hit the town, older frustrations and the ordinary complications of Haitian life are creeping back in.

"If the international community gives the government money, we're going to take to the streets," 51-year-old Maximillian Alfred said. "They won't do anything with it for the community."

Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Diane Amberg on January 16, 2010, 09:41:28 PM
You obviously know nothing about Doctors without Borders or Engineers Without Borders either, and I'm not going to waste my time on you. Very sad.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Varmit on January 17, 2010, 06:31:11 AM
Really??   I know enough to ask "Where were they during Katrina?"...oh yes, thats right...they sent a team to evaluate the situation and felt their presence wasn't needed due to the amazing relief efforts that were taking place.
This is from their own website..

Will MSF provide assistance in the Gulf Coast?

At this point, it does not look like MSF has a role to play in providing assistance to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Everyone on our team was and remains deeply affected by what we saw and what we heard from those who had endured such suffering. But, as we've seen in other natural disasters, the initial acute emergency phase — when MSF medical teams might really be able to help — is almost always over in the first few days, perhaps weeks, following a disaster. We weren't on the spot in New Orleans when the disaster happened, but from what we saw and heard during our time in the region, we really felt that by Friday and Saturday, the established local and national efforts were beginning to meet the immediate medical and humanitarian needs of the victims of this tragedy, particularly in the shelters and reception areas for the hundreds of thousands of evacuees from the worst-affected areas. We have concerns for those remaining in New Orleans, but there are few people left following the large-scale evacuation that has been carried out and there is capacity to respond to their needs. The displaced and those who have been evacuated will also continue to require assistance, but the number of volunteers and organizations arriving to help them is impressive. There are now significant resources being devoted to helping people and the situation is improving.

Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Diane Amberg on January 17, 2010, 09:33:55 AM
If you are going to make this political then MOVE IT! I had good friends who did go and worked as EMTS giving tetanus shots and such during Katrina's aftermath. One of the early problems there was the tussle over who was in charge of what.Too much politics! A number of organized groups of Drs. and surgeons were turned away at the airport because they didn't have LA medical licenses! That's just nuts! This is off a very important subject....enough already!
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Varmit on January 17, 2010, 03:19:54 PM
Look Diane, you want to throw away your money to organizations that aren't trustworthy, fine, whatever.  But to ask people to give money to a cause without providing all the facts is shady at best.  You want to help "those poor Hatiains" that after billions of dollars are still in the same boat, go for it.  I would rather keep my money here.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Lookatmeknow!! on January 18, 2010, 06:57:15 AM
There are Americans over there too!!  Diane is right, and Karma can bite you in the @@@!!!  God doesn't say to not help your neighbors.  Rudy was just stating that if you want to donate to Haiti how you can do it and you have went and changed it all around.  If you were in need wouldn't you want help???  We have missionaries from our church over there.  And I would help out in a minute if I could leave.  It's just the Christian thing to do!!
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: redcliffsw on January 18, 2010, 08:29:47 AM

Why should we Christian folks be concerned about Karma biting us?
Isn't Karma from the false religion of Hindu that seems to be creeping
into the USA.   

Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: greatguns on January 18, 2010, 08:31:47 AM
Get over it!  Give if that is what you want to do and if you are all about yourself then don't.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: redcliffsw on January 18, 2010, 08:44:17 AM

Did you give?
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Catwoman on January 18, 2010, 09:06:48 AM
Whether or not a person gave to a cause is rather like the manner in which they wipe themselves in the bathroom...IT'S NOBODY ELSE'S BUSINESS...

Now...PLAY NICE...
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: frawin on January 18, 2010, 09:14:23 AM
CATWOMAN, I sure miss your wisdom and the way you make a point.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Lookatmeknow!! on January 18, 2010, 09:58:44 AM
Ok I will put it this way, do unto others as you would have them do to you.  That would about say it. 
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Catwoman on January 18, 2010, 10:17:09 AM
Well said, Angie.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Jo McDonald on January 18, 2010, 10:30:47 AM
ROTFLMHO                 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Mom70x7 on January 19, 2010, 08:16:14 AM
The New York Times today talks about the Red Cross and its donations for Haiti:


Part of what it says:
As of late Sunday, the organization had collected pledges of $103 million, about $22 million of which came through the text-messaging program.


While no one has suggested that the organization has mishandled its response to the earthquake in Haiti, Red Cross officials said they were fully aware that all eyes were on them. Mr. Lowe said transparency and accountability were among the organization's major priorities for this disaster. He noted that Gail J. McGovern, the new Red Cross president, has placed an emphasis on those aspects of its operations.

I learned things:

The Red Cross is one of a handful of nonprofit groups that hold a Congressional charter, and the president serves as its honorary chairman, in addition to appointing the chairman of its board. The Red Cross also has officially mandated responsibilities and roles to play during disasters under the National Response Framework.

"They are a quasi-governmental organization, and that's a tremendous benefit when it comes to fund-raising for something like this," said Robert Sharpe, a fund-raising consultant.

Here's how they are specifically helping now:

The Red Cross response in Haiti includes delivering basic supplies like tarps, blankets and hygiene kits to people gathering in makeshift camps, building latrines and training Creole-speaking volunteers to work as translators aboard a United States Navy ship where Haitians will be taken for medical care.

Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Mom70x7 on January 19, 2010, 08:17:38 AM
On a side note:

I was going to say "I learned things I didn't know" and shortened it at the last minute.

Of course we learn things we don't know - that's why it's called learning!
;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Diane Amberg on January 19, 2010, 04:15:54 PM
Thanks for sharing that.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Teresa on January 23, 2010, 01:13:58 PM
I've stayed kinda quiet in here on this..as I DO feel bad for these people and their plight.
I have read comments form those in here..and listened to lots of conversations this week while I have been here working the Shot Show.
I'll compile them in my brain and give my feeble opinion on the subject..
I'm sure I'll be on several's "list"..but hell ..I guess its better than not being on any list at all.  ;)

I read this .....We need so much. Food, clothes, we need everything. I don't know whose responsibility it is, but they need to give us something soon," said Sophia Eltime, a 29-year-old mother of two who has been living under a bedsheet with seven members of her extended family. - Haiti earthquake survivor.
and I thought.....
The same mentality exists in 90% of Americans.

This will probably come across as way more insensitive that it is meant, but ...

I feel for the victims of the earthquake, and I feel for all impacted by disaster.  However, I detest the attitude of "they need to give us something soon."  I don't care how low or how bad, we all need an attitude of being a part of our own recovery.

In our own country it was an attitude we could not move on during the week before a hurricane, because our "keepers" let us down.  I've had friends that have been through earthquakes and understand they are different, but anyone able to live under a bed sheet with seven members of her extended family is capable of putting together a better shelter from scrounged materials... and capable of becoming a part of the collective community effort to pull themselves back up.

No amount of help or aid will better a society that is not willing to fight to be a part of the solution!  

Oh ... wait ... this statement is coming from a citizen of a country where we have fourth generation welfare babies with no goals other than to take over the "family business." of the system..  >:(
Come on~~~
The reason it's a pathetic shit hole is because after 200 tears they still have not figured out it's THEIR responsibility.

40% of Haiti's economy was dependent on foreign aid BEFORE the earthquake, they have no natural resources, no skilled labor, no other country is willing to invest in operations or manufacturing facilities.. corrupt political system ...and what do they have?

Then put a massive earthquake in the midst, a couple good smacks from hurricanes last season, and where do you go from here?
They will continue to need foreign aid, just as they have been for decades.
I realize they need food and water...............but what after that?? and after that ... and on and on.. ??

What's the long-term solution?  No idea.  
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Varmit on January 24, 2010, 07:48:38 AM
Long term solution??...make them fend for themselves.  Is it harsh, yes, will it work, yes.  The only way that people like that are going to better their situation permanently is if they are made to do it for themselves.  If not then they will just continue to suck at the collective teat of others.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: greatguns on January 24, 2010, 08:58:16 AM
If only the people with all the answers would run for office and get elected to run this contry.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: jarhead on January 24, 2010, 09:25:15 AM
I would Guns but I am finacially embarassed at the time. Send CASH donations to my coffers and I will run. Thank you --in advance of your donation !!!
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Diane Amberg on January 24, 2010, 09:29:47 AM
Why would any good person want to run in this mess? Both party's main agenda is to cancel each other out, so nothing happens. Now the Supreme Court has allowed big business to spend all it wants to support a favorable candidate? I don't want to have to watch all the flesh rendering commercials that are likely to come out of this. Jar,find a big business to support your campaign and you are home free! The payback might be awfully big though.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: greatguns on January 24, 2010, 12:39:09 PM
Start locally Jarhead.  I would imagine the filing fee for city council is pretty cheap.  When I ran it was only $5 and they took up the collection at the local pub.  You find out how much it is and I will pay your filing fee.  Have a wonderful day.
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: jarhead on January 24, 2010, 01:54:53 PM
City Council ?? Are you nuts, Guns ? I aint interested in a pe-dunk job. I want to be Dictator for Life of the USA.
Hugo Edwardo
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Catwoman on January 24, 2010, 02:17:22 PM
 ::) ;)
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: greatguns on January 24, 2010, 03:51:50 PM
 I have always loved people that think BIG! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Donate $10 for Haiti relief by texting
Post by: Varmit on January 24, 2010, 10:05:27 PM
Quote from: greatguns on January 24, 2010, 08:58:16 AM
If only the people with all the answers would run for office and get elected to run this contry.

Never happen...most of those answers require hard choices, something this country hasn't made in a loooong time.