There is something that I have been intending to say all day, but by the time I get back to the computer it has slipped my mind. So I am going to say it now.
Hurrah for our county road department. They went out early this morning and are just now getting back in. All the dirt and snow removal equipment has been out all day. This doesn't benefit me, but I think we should all thank them for doing this on a special holiday.
They deserve a big thanks! In part, because of them, Jim was able to deliver the newspapers. My road is mostly clear (the driveway is now blocked), but they'll be out working tomorrow. It was nice to see them today.
Unsung heros!
They were in my thoughts and prayers last night and all day today. Bless them.
Anybody agree the elk county roads are the worst they have ever seen? I think it should be mandatory that each commissioner and the mr. full of himself road boss should only be allowed to drive the county roads in a car! Not everyone has a truck or 4x4 to travel our county roads, which is what you have to have right now to navigate on them safely, and then i'm not sure it would be very safe. And none of this "well we have had a very wet winter is why they are in this shape", because we have had wet winters before and the roads were never in the shape they are now. Maybe if we had a crown on our roads like we did at one time for the water to run off instead of sitting there, which is what I thought ditches were for, the roads might not be so treacherous? Or maybe the money spent on the new logos, ELK COUNTY BOYS, would have been better spent on gravel!!
M.MM you are too right. Our roads are terrible, well, that is except for the deer ranch rd. and Perkins Blvd...hey isn't that the same road that one of our commissioners lives on...hmmmm imagine that!
Speaking about money better spent on gravel, how about the $18 grand they spent on a crane to clean 1, count'em, 1 bridge...which by the way sits idle as it has since the first time they tried to use it. Wow!! what a good investment that turned out to be.
Oh, and tell me again why it is that the road boss needs a 4x4 drive pickup when all the rest of the road crew only has 2wheel drive trucks?? I mean its not like he is driving around in a rust bucket old truck.
And another thing, why do you suppose they grade roads THAT HAVE NO GRAVEL ON THEM? Sure, it may smooth up the road for a day or two, but in the long run all they're doing is cutting the road surface down which makes the water problem even worse!!
C'mon folks, let our county comissioners hear about your concerns for our county roads and the way your tax dollars are spent! We need people to show them we will not stand for our tax dollars going to waste! It is impossible to travel most of our county roads in anything but a truck or 4x4!!!! And don't complain about the BIG rock they use on the roads these days because you'll get told in a smartA fashion "there is more of it coming!" Of course, why would mr. full of himself care, he lives on the hiway....
Quote from: R.Shackelford on February 21, 2010, 12:35:10 AM
M.MM you are too right. Our roads are terrible, well, that is except for the deer ranch rd. and Perkins Blvd...hey isn't that the same road that one of our commissioners lives on...hmmmm imagine that!
Just curious. Where is the deer ranch rd. and Perkins Blvd? I don't remember any of the Elk County Roads getting that name when we were naming the roads.
Well don't go down road 9 over by rock road. Darn near flipped over in first gear going through that disaster. You know they dumped a truck load of gravel on it without fixing it. That isn't the way you fix problem areas like that. Especially when the graveltrucks go down through there as fast as they can and destroy whatever work they did. Rock road is just as bad too. between 9 and 10 if you don't know its there, that spot there will flip someone over if they hit it over 20 mph.
seriously, grading the ditch mud into the road isn't the way you maintain the trouble spots.
Well at least i haven't had a flat lately. Thats one plus.
Our road is bad, too. But with so much rain how could they even think of putting rock on them yet. I mean they put some on ours and now it is going cause of the rain. I don't think that are roads are any worse than other counties. I mean come on its really not their fault that there has been so much rain is it. I don't like the road conditions any better than any one else, but to me it is a way of life. I choose to live in the country. So I deal with the issues that happen. I have had two flat tires this past week. One on Thursday and have one now. Nail in them both. Of course can't get the van to town now cause it is to muddy, and the ruts are big and would drag the bottom of my van. But I drive have another truck I can drive.
I understand where you are coming from, but I truly believe that if gravel was put on now it would be wasted money. Not sure if I am right, but that is my opionion.
Quote from: angtown3 on February 22, 2010, 09:13:13 AM
Our road is bad, too. But with so much rain how could they even think of putting rock on them yet. I mean they put some on ours and now it is going cause of the rain. I don't think that are roads are any worse than other counties. I mean come on its really not their fault that there has been so much rain is it. I don't like the road conditions any better than any one else, but to me it is a way of life. I choose to live in the country. So I deal with the issues that happen. I have had two flat tires this past week. One on Thursday and have one now. Nail in them both. Of course can't get the van to town now cause it is to muddy, and the ruts are big and would drag the bottom of my van. But I drive have another truck I can drive.
I understand where you are coming from, but I truly believe that if gravel was put on now it would be wasted money. Not sure if I am right, but that is my opionion.
Actually in the couple spots i was talking about, the gravel their dumping there won't do any good. The areas have no base in which to support the gravel. these two areas are low areas where the water is crossing the road. First thing to fix areas like this are either put one of those metal culverts in there, and build up from there to grade level with a layer of rock, layer of dirt layer of rock ect until your at grade then cover with what i call crush n run. That stuff will pack down like concrete.
You can build the area up above grade so that it isn't low lying but then you have a problem with the water pooling up on the sides of the road.
But at any rate, the road has become dangerous and needs to be addressed!
So how many people showed up at the County Commission meeting to talk about the roads?
Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 21, 2010, 10:05:32 PM
Just curious. Where is the deer ranch rd. and Perkins Blvd? I don't remember any of the Elk County Roads getting that name when we were naming the roads.
I think he might be talking about Antler SE of Longton and Limestone N. of Howard.
Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 22, 2010, 04:36:33 PM
So how many people showed up at the County Commission meeting to talk about the roads?
Do you think it really would have mattered??
Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 22, 2010, 04:36:33 PM
So how many people showed up at the County Commission meeting to talk about the roads?
Maybe people would show up if the commissioners actually cared about what the people in this county think. I can't remember the last time any of the commissioners went to the people and said "this is what we are thinking about doing, what do you think of this idea?" Using the exuse that no one shows up to the meetings is nothing but an excuse. By the way, why is it that the county workers are supposed to work so many hours a week to get insurance benefits yet the commissoners only have to meet twice a month and are still able to draw the same benefits?
Well you should stand out there and warn others of this danger because its too wet to address it any other way.
Quote from: peanut on February 22, 2010, 09:34:44 PM
Well you should stand out there and warn others of this danger because its too wet to address it any other way.
Well sure thing. I charge 150 a day.
thata boy
Well, to start with, you have to be on the agenda to get a voice in at the comissioners meetings. And when you get on the agenda, you are timed on how long you can talk, and the comissioners will sometimes not answer your questions at all, and when they do, they are not always truthful with their answers. Anyway, you would get told that Mr. Lackey is the road boss and he handles those problems and they think he does a fine job, they are standing behind him! It's a shame that the guys that work in that department have to take the verbal abuse mr. road boss uses with them, and if you stand up for yourself, then you are history. If jobs were not so scarce these days, then the road department would be in a world of hurt for employees! Mr. road boss takes NO ones suggestions on anything, it's his way or you can hit the road. And he is not willing to show employees how to do things he wants done his way, he just gets rid of them if they don't figure it out, what a fine boss huh? Don't believe these alarming facts, just visit with some of the road department workers. And on the subject of Rock road being so awful and treacherous, there is an elderly lady that lives on that road whom only has a car to drive, and she told me that she has to go through Piedmont to hiway 400 to come to Howard. Well, she does not shop at Howard at this time because of all the extra miles she has to drive. She takes the back road to Eureka, and she can travel the Greenwood county roads just fine in her car.
Quoteyou have to be on the agenda to get a voice in at the commissioners meetings.
I thought they had an open forum, or an opportunity for people to talk.
Thought it was just the school board you had to schedule in advance.
Mom70x7, don't miss the forest for the trees.
Regardless of how the meetings are conducted, M. has a point. How long has the county been using the "bigger" rock? How many people have voiced a complaint about it? How much have the commissioners listened? It shouldn't take people showing up at the meetings to change things. Unless the commissioners live in a bubble which protects them from public opinion, I am sure they have heard the complaints. While the issue of this thread may be just the roads, I think it is time we started looking at a broader picture. Just within the last years our roads have deteriorated to the point that a person cannot safely travel them in a car. And the only excuse we get is "well, its been wetter than ususal." To that I say Bullshit! Wet weather doesn't account for the lack of crowns or ditches or improper grading or, and this is a biggie, the misuse of funds. For example, last year the county was $150,000. OVER budget, yet they still came up with money to purchase a crane.
This year, with our roads in dire need of repair, instead of hiring more employees for the road crew theres talk of purchasing a 4x4 pickup for the road boss. What does it say about how they conduct business when Moline has 3 road crew members, Longton 3, yet Howard has (when you include Mr. Lackey) over 5 people working out of their shop?
Why is it that on days when it is raining and too wet to work on the roads we still see shops full of people or the road crew driving around "checking roads"? Seems they "check" the same roads over and over again without any improvements being made? Do they not remember where the bad roads are? And if they are in the shops doing maintainence on these days, why is their equipment always breaking down?
I know several members of the roadcrew and know they need a paycheck, however I also know that sitting around in the office or simply driving around trying to look busy isn't in the best interest of the county.
Consider this, most Police Departments employ 1 officer per 1000 people within their jurisdiction, Elk county has 3000 residents and how many deputies?? 5 or 6?
Why is it that the road crew employees need to know how to drive a truck, grader, operate a backhoe etc. yet at the courthouse there is one person per job? Why do we need 3 people at the tag office when there is only 1 actually working? Whatever happened to mulittasking?
Doing something simply because thats the way it has always been done isn't an excuse for finding a better way.
There is a spot on Rd. 9 that is a huge wash out. It was SO sloppy that you couldn't hardly get through it at all. They brought in rock and dumped it and it was fine for a day or two, but then you put all the dump trucks, semi's, trash truck and other big trucks that fly down this road as fast as they possibly can and all it did was push the rock up and out and made ruts so deep that the bottom of my Suburban scrapes. It's pretty bad and jerks you from side to side going through it since the ruts aren't straight. I suppose they'll be down to grade it as soon as it dries up, but right now it is pretty bad. I guarantee you you wouldn't be able to get through it in a car or low vehicle until it's fixed.
Maybe it would be wise for the comissioners to lay off ALL road personel until the weather dries up,beings how they can't really do anything right now because it's too wet? Can't blade roads in mud and can't haul rock in mud, why not save the taxpayers some money here!! Maybe they could start back up about July.
You can't be serious !! Don't know much about the road crews except the ones here in Longton but I see them boys doing work on the equipment when the weather is bad and see them out cutting brush out of ditches quite often.
Quote from: Sarah on February 23, 2010, 08:49:07 AM
There is a spot on Rd. 9 that is a huge wash out. It was SO sloppy that you couldn't hardly get through it at all. They brought in rock and dumped it and it was fine for a day or two, but then you put all the dump trucks, semi's, trash truck and other big trucks that fly down this road as fast as they possibly can and all it did was push the rock up and out and made ruts so deep that the bottom of my Suburban scrapes. It's pretty bad and jerks you from side to side going through it since the ruts aren't straight. I suppose they'll be down to grade it as soon as it dries up, but right now it is pretty bad. I guarantee you you wouldn't be able to get through it in a car or low vehicle until it's fixed.
you can't even drive through it in a 1 ton.
M.MM--Laying off the road crew is one of the stupidest ideas i've ever heard. That's like telling a dog with no teeth to bite somebody or telling someone who's being laid off to get mouthy with the boss so one could get shit-canned instead of laid off. As far as for the Road Boss, Ernie Lackey, being rude to the road crew I bet you would be hard pressed to find anybody down there that would say that to him, about him or even behind his back, and not for fear of having their ass fired or laid off, Ernie is a straight forward guy. You do it his way and that is the BOSS'S way. How many times does a person have to be told how to do something and then they sit around and gripe about it, "well that's not the way we used to do it?", then spew out hatred and discontent towards the road crew. It sounds like someone has it in for Lackey or the Road Department in general, almost as if they had worked there and are unable to work there again. M.MM, keep stirring the pot. Keep reading the paper and the forum "fishing" for something else to bitch about!!
MR. KSHillbillys
Hell yeah! I agree. And I didnt know people really are that stupid but reading these it is apparent that you all want something for nothing, Whaaa Whaaa my road or this road or that road and it should be this way or that. IT HAS BEEN TOO WET!!! any work getting done is happening first thing in the morning while we still have a partial freeze, when it thaws its over. people are just going to have to deal with it best they can till better weather
From R. Shackleford Consider this, most Police Departments employ 1 officer per 1000 people within their jurisdiction, Elk county has 3000 residents and how many deputies?? 5 or 6?
No. Elk County has one sheriff, one undersheriff and 2 deputies. I don't know how many part-time people the sheriff has, but he only has those 4 for full-time. However; I did it with one sheriff and 2 deputies. LOL
"Its been too wet" explains why nothing is getting done now, however, if the roads had been properly maintained in the past that wouldn't be that big of an issue. Proper crowns and ditches allow for better drainage. When you have neither of those you end up with the problems we have now. Compound the lack of crowns and ditches with improper grading and you end up with roads in bad shape. For example, when the roads were dry enough to grade but lacked sufficient material, instead of hauling more rock onto that road the graders simply cut the road surface to come up with material to fill potholes which causes an "eyebrow" on the side of the road, which in turn prevents the water from running into the ditch, which after time creates an even bigger pothole. Or they simply lay rock over the top of the holes and hope that the rock will magically stay in the hole. Every book and technical manual ever written on the subject all say the same thing, that the hole must be cut out, that section of road re-shaped, and then re-rocked.
As for laying off the road crews, M.MM may be on the right track. Let me explain. The State is broke, Elk County isn't exactly rolling in taxpayer money. We don't exactly have money to burn. Every State in the Union is looking for ways to save money. If we don't have enough work to keep our crews busy it doesn't make sense to have them all show up. Laying them off would be a bad idea seeing as how the county has a hard enough time coming up with people that want to work for it anyway, however, having the employees taking furloughs might be an alternative worth looking at.
Quote from: peanut on February 23, 2010, 09:56:57 PM
Hell yeah! I agree. And I didnt know people really are that stupid but reading these it is apparent that you all want something for nothing, Whaaa Whaaa my road or this road or that road and it should be this way or that. IT HAS BEEN TOO WET!!! any work getting done is happening first thing in the morning while we still have a partial freeze, when it thaws its over. people are just going to have to deal with it best they can till better weather
What I want is for my tax dollars to be used wisely. What I want is for the road crew to do what they are being paid to do, which is to maintain the roads in the proper fashion and to maintain the equipment the taxpayers of this county have paid for. That doesn't include driving a loaded gravel truck 50 mph down a dirt road. That also doesn't include sitting around the shop for an hour or so in the morning doing nothing.
Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 24, 2010, 12:12:45 AM
Elk County has one sheriff, one undersheriff and 2 deputies. I don't know how many part-time people the sheriff has, but he only has those 4 for full-time. However; I did it with one sheriff and 2 deputies. LOL
Lloyd Ford did it with one sheriff, his wife and one dispatcher and a part time deputy. My, how times have changed.
As for the roads not draining; how can snow melt drain off the roads when the piled up snow is blocking the ditches? The crews could have left the snow on the road to melt and everybody would have something different to bitch about. Remember how much snow we have had? Remember how our crews spent Christmas Day clearing the roads? Memories are too short.
You are so right Wilma!! I can't say my roads are the best, but really doesn't bother me to much. No can't drive the van to work right now, but you know what, it's cause it has a flat! LOL !! I just haven't had time to air it up and get it fixed. I think we want champagne on beer money, all the way around the county!! Sorry, but no one, and I mean no one is getting ahead right now. Times are tough! Do you think it would really be right to ask someone to take a lay off till weather straightens out, then when it does "Oh, we can use you now"! Bad idea! For one, put yourselfs in that person's, the road crews shoes!! They, and the county do try. So, budget doesn't allow for things, I am sorry I live with it. I had to tell my 7 and 4 year old girls this morning that they couldn't buy any books from the book fair at the school. Not that I don't think it would be wonderful for them to get one or two, but we just don't have the money now. Are they hurting? Not really. We have alot of books around their house that they haven't read.
I just think you need to think of others to. What do you do for a job? Would you like it if someone layed you off or constantly complained about you?? When you were working hard? Sorry, but I think that thinking of others is also not being done in this situation. I am sure by the time summer gets here things, roads, will get better.
Quote from: kshillbillys on February 23, 2010, 09:35:03 PM
M.MM-- That's like telling a dog with no teeth to bite somebody or telling someone who's being laid off to get mouthy with the boss so one could get shit-canned instead of laid off. As far as for the Road Boss, Ernie Lackey, being rude to the road crew I bet you would be hard pressed to find anybody down there that would say that to him, about him or even behind his back, and not for fear of having their ass fired or laid off, Ernie is a straight forward guy. You do it his way and that is the BOSS'S way. How many times does a person have to be told how to do something and then they sit around and gripe about it, "well that's not the way we used to do it?", then spew out hatred and discontent towards the road crew. It sounds like someone has it in for Lackey or the Road Department in general, almost as if they had worked there and are unable to work there again. M.MM, keep stirring the pot. Keep reading the paper and the forum "fishing" for something else to bitch about!!
MR. KSHillbillys
Ok, I'm trying to set part of this right. Mr. Ks Hillbilly, I am not M.MM, my sign on name as you can read is oldfart. The rest of you might want to know, I am Jim Morrow, aka Fish. Now then, I've been accused by some members of the road crew as being M.MM. Nope, its not me. Let's start with the comment, "Laying off the road crew is one of the stupidest ideas i've ever heard." There were 2 of us laid off in Sept., remember? Are you getting worried?
Ok, now for the spewing hatred and discontent for the road crew, still not me. If you have something to say that you know for certain that I said let's hear it.
Your opinion of Mr. Lackie and mine are far apart. I consider him to be a verbally abusive person who if you voice your opinions that are different than his there goes your job. Yes, I probably would be hard pressed to find someone that calls it like it is because you would lose your job just as I did. I voiced my opinion about cutting the crowns out of the road because I didn't feel that would help maintain the roads correctly. I might be wrong, but from the sound of the comments... As for sitting around and griping, I was out working. I voiced my opinion and was taken out of the blade and put in the mower.
Now then, M.MM, don't know who you are but I think you have alot of facts right and are saying things that need to be said.
R. Shackelford,maybe with all the wet weather, that crane has been fixed and is ready to use on that 1 job. And it's great that brush is getting taken care of too, surely all equipment is in tiptop shape with all the maintenance time because of wet weather.
Jarhead and Peanut, of course I wasn't serious about laying off the whole road crew, get real! That was said out of frustration with the road situation, which goes back to what I believe as a basis of how you maintain the roads to begin with is to how they hold up in a wet winter as we've had.
Mr. KsHillbilly, believe what you may about the verbal abuse that has been used at times on a road crew employee, Oldfart just confirmed it! Freedom of speech is my American taxpaying right, just as it is yours, and I have visited with a few of the road employees, some of whom still ARE employeed, to get my facts right.
A boss should be willing to listen to his crew and take into consideration their views and ideas on things, and if he feels they are wrong, then explain to them why they are wrong and get things settled then and there. I know there were some, at the time that 2 got laid off, that were afraid they were next for one reason or another. Maybe they have been beaten down to do what they are told, with no discussion, or they too will lose their job. Kind of like a puppet on a string, someone controling you!
NOT how an employee-boss relationship should be! You get NO respect that way! They should work together to best suit our counties needs money wise, one person can't be right ALL the time.
Angtown3, so glad you have a truck to drive to work, but some rural folks are not that fortunate, as I told about earlier of an elderly lady living on Rock road. I pray every day that no rural person has a medical emergency or fire, as it could be a real disaster for them with the roads in this shape.
I will continue to get up earlier to make my way over these disastrous roads to get to work myself on time. I know eventually they will get fixed, but will it be the right way so the next rain don't turn them into the disaster they are now? Spring is just around the corner, what a scary thought for the road situation!! You all have a nice evening, and you working road crew members, thanks for all your dedication under your circumstances.
And to set the record straight on my end, I have never worked for the county, nor do I plan to in the future. Im just a concerned elk county citizen....................
by the way ks hillbilly is a county road employee
If that elderly lady living on Rock Road is who I think it is, you'd better not let her hear you call her that.
Quote from: oldfart on February 24, 2010, 06:44:18 PM
by the way ks hillbilly is a county road employee
And I've NEVER hidden the fact that I am....
OK, so kshillbilly is a county employee, but I have no idea who he is, doesn't matter. Just wondered how long you have worked for the county and if you feel that the 2 laid off employees were treated fairly on being told they were on a temporary layoff?
Quote from: Wilma on February 24, 2010, 08:10:56 AM
As for the roads not draining; how can snow melt drain off the roads when the piled up snow is blocking the ditches? The crews could have left the snow on the road to melt and everybody would have something different to bitch about. Remember how much snow we have had? Remember how our crews spent Christmas Day clearing the roads? Memories are too short.
You're right Wilma, memories are short. For example, a person reads a manual that states in order for a pothole to be fixed it must first be cut out, the road reshaped, then and only then should new gravel be laid down. That same person then goes out and simply blades over the pothole and then calls for a load of rock.
As far as snow removal goes, yes, they did a good job, and kudos to them for it. However, that doesn't excuse the rest of the conditions of our roads.
Quote from: angtown3 on February 24, 2010, 12:05:11 PM
I can't say my roads are the best, but really doesn't bother me to much... I think we want champagne on beer money, all the way around the county!!
Speaking of champagne on a beer budget...would that be anything like purchasing a new 4x4 pickup for the roadboss, when the one he has is perfectly fine?
Quote from: angtown3 on February 24, 2010, 12:05:11 PM
Sorry, but no one, and I mean no one is getting ahead right now. Times are tough! Do you think it would really be right to ask someone to take a lay off till weather straightens out, then when it does "Oh, we can use you now"! Bad idea! For one, put yourselfs in that person's, the road crews shoes!! They, and the county do try. So, budget doesn't allow for things, I am sorry I live with it.
Do you really thin it is right to pay someone to drive around all day in a pickup "checking roads" just so they look busy? All over the country States and Counties are having to tighten their belts, why should we be any different? Is it really right to use taxpayer money to pay someone to basically do nothing?
Tulsa PD is having to furlough officers, so is their Fire Dept., we are closing down two schools because we can't afford to maintain them, you're right times are tough.
Quote from: angtown3 on February 24, 2010, 12:05:11 PM
I just think you need to think of others to. What do you do for a job? Would you like it if someone layed you off or constantly complained about you?? When you were working hard? Sorry, but I think that thinking of others is also not being done in this situation. I am sure by the time summer gets here things, roads, will get better.
If I am doing a bad job I would want someone to point out where I need improvement. Thinking of others is fine, but you have to look at the overall picture, not just one detail. The county cannot continue to spend money without showing benefit. Right now the road dept. is in a bit of a catch 22. They have to fix the major problem spots, and theres a lot of them. But by doing so, they're wasting rock money because the road isn't ready for rock. It isn't completely the current crews fault, this problem is years in the making. However, if the county continues with business as usual the problem will only get bigger.
As for who is an employee and who isn't...fwhat difference does it make, this is a public forum, and everyone has the right to voice their opinion.
Hey Cybil...I mean Shackelford...How many voices are telling you what to do today? I know who you are son and you are on my list!!!
Wilma, the lady I refered to on rock road is a friend of mine, and it's a shame she has to do so much driving out of the way or to another county to do her shopping.
A couple points to ponder, wonder if the road boss should consider putting up danger ahead signs on the roads where the places are not travelable by car before someone gets seriously hurt? They could be taken down as the places get fixed.
And, wonder if the county would consider doing a "cash for 4x4" for rural people who have only cars to travel these roads with?
Quote from: kshillbillys on February 24, 2010, 08:40:22 PM
Hey Cybil...I mean Shackelford...How many voices are telling you what to do today? I know who you are son and you are on my list!!!
The voices are many but distinguished. You may
think you know who I am, but the real answer just might surprise you. And as for being on your list,...why am I? Have I said something that is not true?
Quote from: M.MM on February 24, 2010, 10:58:21 PM
A couple points to ponder, wonder if the road boss should consider putting up danger ahead signs on the roads where the places are not travelable by car before someone gets seriously hurt? They could be taken down as the places get fixed.
I think a better sign would be "
Abonden Hope, All Ye Who Enter
Don't you all have the same problems on the same roads and have the same complaints every year?
Yes, we do and the same people complaining.
Very evident that Wilma and Dianne haven't tried to travel our county roads, but wouldn't advise it if you don't have a truck. I have never used this forum in the past to voice my opinion on situations, but it seems to be a good place to start. I've lived in elk county my entire long life, and i've never seen the road situation in the shape it's in now.
Oldfart? You said you've been laid off since September? Is that right, my goodness, i'm so sorry! When is your expected date to go back? Looks like they could use a full crew right now, at least on days like today, to work on the roads.
Quote from: M.MM on February 23, 2010, 12:50:58 PM
Maybe it would be wise for the comissioners to lay off ALL road personel until the weather dries up,beings how they can't really do anything right now because it's too wet? Can't blade roads in mud and can't haul rock in mud, why not save the taxpayers some money here!! Maybe they could start back up about July.
Why would you care whether Old Fart gets his job back? In your earlier post you wanted ALL of the Road Crew to be laid off til July! Make up your damn mind!
MRS. KSHillbillys
P.S. I'm gonna start not taking people seriously who don't have the nerve to put anything about themselves in their profiles or write in the New Members thread like everyone else has done. If you just go ahead and let us know who you are it gets other people out of hot water (like Fish). And I'm damn sure not going to pay any more attention to people who I KNOW are using two different names on here to argue and make themselves look important!
Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2010
It's a bumpy road out there, in more ways than one. Wichita city streets feel especially rough these days.
Repair crews blame Mother Nature.
In the first two months of the year, Street Maintenance supervisor Don Cradduck says his crews have patched around 13,000 potholes, or three times the number filled during January and February of last year.
"Winter has been kind of rough on us this year," Cradduck told KAKE News on Wednesday.
It's been so bad, some of Cradduck's crews have worked six-day weeks just to catch up.
"I had three crews on a full shift one Saturday patching pot holes," Cradduck said. "They probably did about 150 holes each... if not more."
Potholes form when water seeps into the asphalt, freezes, then thaws again. As the water expands, it can dislodge the pavement.
Officials estimate it cost $6 to patch the average hole. So far this year, Cradduck estimates the city has spent nearly $78,000 on potholes.
"It's not determined by whether we have the money or not. We just have to do it," Cradduck said.
Rodger Jones lives in the 3000 block of S. Bonn, where crews spent about 20 minutes patching several small potholes Wednesday morning.
"They're keeping up with it best they can," Jones said. "I wish we could just resurface it [the street]... but if not, that's the best we can do."
Cradduck says city maintenance crews will respond to pothole complaints as quickly as possible, generally within a day. But with an unprecedented backlog of patching to be done, some potholes may have to wait.
The biggest potholes are a priority, Cradduck said. Earlier this week, a 21-year-old woman filed a complaint with Wichita Police after striking a large pothole near I-235 and N. Meridian. The pothole was so deep, she said it punctured her tires.
And with more snow and moisture in the forecast, Cradduck says his crews may not be resting anytime soon. He expects more pothole complaints over the next few weeks -- at least until Spring when the weather warms up, and his crews can catch up.
Imagine the wet, the freezing and the thawing doing this to pavement. Why would anybody think that a little bit of dirt and rock would stop this from happening to a gravel road?
MR. KSHillbilly
Excuse me KsHillbilly! If you look back a page, I posted that I made the statement out of frustration about" laying all the county workers off til July." Did you simply miss that post, or you just can't stand not knowing who all voices opinions on here? I don't know you either and really don't care.
I just like knowing WHO i'm talking to or listening to, that way I can make a better informed judgement on what they are saying. Joking or not, you threw the comment out there and I don't know you to believe that you were joking or just frustrated. I say what I mean and mean what I say....
And that's MISSUS (MRS) KSHillbillys to you....We have one username and both of us use it. That's why we sign our posts but if differentiating between MR and MRS is too difficult for you then.....
hope they put asphalt in some of them ones i saw over there today filled them with sand
I also "say what I mean and mean what I say," and the county road situation is not a joking matter. I believe there are a LOT of frustrated people around the county, but I get facts before posting things. May throw a little humor out there, such as the idea of the county doing a "cash for 4x4's".......yeah right! And I still don't know you even though you opted to give your name, but like I said, don't really matter to me that I don't. Enjoy your weekend everyone.
Actually I have traveled those county roads. Had family 10 miles out on Limestone Rd. long ago. Never had the pleasure during winter or mud season though. It must be frustrating for everyone knowing you have to deal with it every winter.
Quote from: kshillbillys on February 25, 2010, 06:15:50 PM
P.S. I'm gonna start not taking people seriously who don't have the nerve to put anything about themselves in their profiles or write in the New Members thread like everyone else has done. If you just go ahead and let us know who you are it gets other people out of hot water (like Fish). And I'm damn sure not going to pay any more attention to people who I KNOW are using two different names on here to argue and make themselves look important!
Could be folks use two names for fear of losing their job. Isn't that what happened to a former road crew member?
But since we are going to start applying standards then we should start with who we see in the mirror. Time and time again folks on this forum have spoken out on how the Federal Gov't needs to not only stop wasteful spending but also do what is best for the country. How can we expect our Federal Gov't to act in our best interest if we are not willing to demand the same from our county gov't?
Well since I don't work a 4 day week like they do at the county, my weekend won't officially start til tomorrow after work, but yeah, you all have a good weekend too.... ;)
MRS KSHillbillys
Jennifer Walker
P.S. Geez I didn't know people could get confused so easily after you explain something to them... ::) Can I borrow your crayons and draw you a picture?
Varmint---If all that is being said is "TRUE" then why would someone be afraid of losing their job? Especially for comments on a PUBLIC forum that CANNOT be held against you, as long as they are TRUE...
MRS. KSHillbillys
It sounds like there is an identity crisis on the forum these days no one knows who they are.
What evil lurks.... ;D
Quote from: kshillbillys on February 25, 2010, 09:02:46 PM
Varmint---If all that is being said is "TRUE" then why would someone be afraid of losing their job? Especially for comments on a PUBLIC forum that CANNOT be held against you, as long as they are TRUE...
Because we don't live in a perfect world. And folks don't like bein told they're wrong. But more to the point, what has been said that isn't true?
and evil shall be their undoing my fair lady Di
I don't work for the county so I don't know how true any of it is. Yes some of the roads are bad. If you go back through the last couple of years' posting when Dick Scott had just retired, you will see the comments were the same as they are now. The roads suck... I've never met Ernie but the only bad things I've ever heard about him are from the people on here that "don't work" for the county.
It's a lot like in the politics section over here right now....Ernie is being blamed for things that he inherited from Scott and probably that Scott inherited from whomever was before him.....ya know like Obama inherited stuff from Bush 2, Bush 2 inherited stuff from Clinton and Clinton from Bush I ...blah blah blah...
I don't go around bashing my job or the people I work with on a public forum, simply because I don't think that's good business. If you aren't proud of who you work for and what kind of job you do, then find a new one. Everyone gripes about the economy so feel free to create a job for someone who would APPRECIATE it!
MRS KSHillbillys
I know you're a taxpayer but say for instance you pay $600/year on your place, I am most certain that you double that in one months' wages with the county. Your small percentage of taxes would'nt even pay an employee for the county for one month much less 14 in the road dept. for a year. This doesn't count courthouse personnel or sheriff's dept. personnel, upkeep of equipment or a rock budget. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it takes everyone in the county who pays their taxes to keep the county government running but only 1 little chicken shit to stir up hate and discontent.
MR KSHillbilly
LOL! Looks as though MR. kshillbillys has gotten himself all confused and now don't know if he works for the county or not. One page he does and one page he doesn't, get some rest this weekend dear BOY, the weather may just make those roads a little worse again! Good to have some newbies aboard!
You might want to go back and look at his and her postings again. THEIR last posting included both of them. As they have said before they both use the same screen name and sign it either MR. or Mrs.
Ahhh yes, you are so right Varmit! My mistake; after the Missus tried to get me to distinguish on that last night. Sorry hillbillys. My eyesight just ain't what it used to be.
On a little lighter note. Could it be that it takes time to get the roads but up to par? I mean new road head man and all. Just asking!
I will add that they did a pretty decent job fixing the disaster down the road out here. If we could keep the big trucks off this road that use it as a freeway driving faster than most freeway speed limits it would probably hold up longer, but if we get another rain, with the weight and speeds, I don't know. But they did a good job of trying to fix it.
I am a new member on here but have been reading posts on this site for awhile now. Took a drive on several county roads east and west of Howard today and must say that they are all terrible. Lots of rutted areas on every road that I was on. Good thing that everyone that lives in the rural community of Howard doesnt complain or it would be a full time job reading all the posts on the forum. Travel at your own risk and please be careful.
Quote from: angtown3 on February 26, 2010, 12:04:24 PM
On a little lighter note. Could it be that it takes time to get the roads but up to par? I mean new road head man and all. Just asking!
I understand what you are saying...however if the roads had been maintained like they should be it wouldn't be as big of a problem now.
I would like to refer you all to my latest post on the Census thread.
Quote from: Wilma on February 27, 2010, 08:07:19 AM
Name one program that would survive with just what Elk County citizens could put into it, including the roads. Do you really think that Elk Countians pay enough in taxes to keep up the good work. Most of the road crew would have to be laid off. The big, more efficient machinery wouldn't be affordable. Maybe we could get Pete Harvey and his horses back to drag the roads. Yes, the roads are in bad shape right now. Even in dry weather they aren't much better, but it isn't all the fault of the road crews. If they had the level surfaces, sandy soil and no rocks like Sedgwick County has, they could keep the roads in much better shape. Ask yourself if you would go out and work your fields right now. Would you plow your garden in preparation for planting right now? Just what do you think the heavy equipment can do with the mud? I think this should have been saved for the other thread, but here it is anyway.
Why don't you just admit that there is a need for federal and state funding and the only way to do that is through taxes. One central authority is more efficient than 50 smaller departments that depend only on local funding
Okay, so let me get this straight. Our roads are in the condition they are right now because of 1) unlevel surfaces 2) the lack of sandy soil and 3) rocks in the road 4) wet weather.
1) A road surface shouldn't be level. If it is then the water isn't going to drain off of it. The center of the road should be at least 5 inches higher than the shoulders. That way the water will drain off into the ditches and not just be absorbed into the road bed causing muddy conditions and "soft spots" that develop into potholes and mudholes.
2) While sandy soil does allow for better leaching it also doesn't pack as hard. You want a road bed to be firm and solid so that the road maintains its shape.
3) If there is an area of road that has a bunch of limestone sticking out in the road causing a rough road surface then the road has to be built up somewhat with the proper material. You wouldn't want to use the same material in rocky areas that you would use in muddy ones. Placing 2inch gravel on rocky areas and hoping it will stay is wasting that gravel.
4) Weather happens. Using it as an excuse for lack of proper maintance is insulting. Water will stay on the road if it has no place to go. If there is 4inch "eyebrow" on the sides of the road water cannot get to the ditch. If there isn't sufficent grade from the crown to the shoulders water will not drain off.
maybe this will help you arm chair blade operators go to this web site it will tell what we all need to know
Fascinating! The pictures and illustrations are terrific. Thanks. :)
Oldfart, thanks for posting that.
THANKS Oldfart!!! That is just what people need to understand, especially our ROAD BOSS and his BOYS! Do you reckon any of them will view it, understand it, and/or attempt to use the proper method on Elk counties roads? We'll see over time. Our comissioners would benefit from a look at this also to put the road boss on his proper direction to BENEFIT Elk county roads and the proper USE of our tax dollars. But will they care? They did hire him to oversee our county roads needs, and I think they have stated that they feel he is doing a fine job and they are standing behind him!
Interesting! Thanks! :D
Hmmmm, don't think I would exactly say our road boss is so new on his job. Seems to me it would be around a year and a half, give or take a little, that he was hired on to that position. Didn't get that confirmed, but i'm pretty sure it's not far off Angtown3. I know a gal thats worked a lot of construction, wonder if she applied with the county for work what her chances would be on getting hired, if they were hireing, and what her feelings would be on the new logos..ELK COUNTY BOYS? Traveled a few county roads myself today and found 2 places where it looked like some gravel was thrown out about like you would throw chicken feed. I imagine the cars still do not appreciate the dried up ruts that probably bottom out their cars if they don't strattle the ruts.
I think that Elk County could be liable for a long and involved lawsuit over the term " Elk County Boys". What about a shirt or jacket with " Elk County Girls" ???? :)
How about Elk County Roadies? ;D
Good Lord the things people sue over. No wonder our judicial system is fubar'd
So Steve, how would you like it if the outfit you worked for had labels of 'The Elk County Girls' ? :P
Quote from: sixdogsmom on February 28, 2010, 04:34:37 PM
So Steve, how would you like it if the outfit you worked for had labels of 'The Elk County Girls' ? :P
I don't care. Wouldn't bother me if i drove in a pink truck. When i go to work its to do my job not a social club :)
Geez the things that are griped about on here! Those logos have been on the trucks for about 8 months and you're JUST NOW starting to bitch about them? Cripes, if it said Road and BRIDGE Dept., you all would bitch because they don't build bridges..And I guess they should drop the ROAD too because YA'LL don't think they do a good job there either! How about just a logo on the trucks that says DAMNED IF WE DO AND DAMNED IF WE DON'T?
I wish I knew where everyone on this forum worked so I could criticize them and their work. It's petty and stupid, but I guess it makes ya'll feel better. What started as a nice thread from Wilma has branched off into a big bitchfest...
P.S. In my paragraph I wrote telling about me and the MR. when we joined the forum, I stated I work at the Post Office so hell, start bitching about me and leave the "boys" alone for a couple of days... ::)
steve you are right (fubared) law suit ? i dont think you can suit if you screw up your own car thinking its a truck. Roads are not in the best shape and anyone who knew this y would they continue to travel and not adjust their direction of travel? If i go outside and shoot my truck and i dont adjust my aim who do i sue smith&wesson.?
ps. kshillbilly the post office sucks (LOL)
Jennifer, now I have someone I can bitch to about the mail. I have been waiting on this , about 15 years ago the mailman didn't close my mailbox good and the mail got wet. OOPS I said mailman that is probably an offense that I can get sued over,I should have said the mailperson.
It's OK Frank!! I'm not offended by it...There's only one word I'm ever called that I'm offended by and it would get that person's hiney beat! (But I'm NOT tellin' what it is!) LOL...I get called mailman, mail lady, mail girl, hey you, whats ur name...everything...People are too thin skinned anymore and just want to whine and bitch about everything! I'm sorry you had a bad mail carrier tho. If I was your mail carrier I would NEVER let you down! :P
Jennifer ;D
Jennifer, Myrna and I like and have a lot of respect for our mail carriers, they are out there everyday delivering the mail in all kinds of weather, and they always have a great attitude about it.
Quote from: the shadow on February 28, 2010, 09:02:48 PM
steve you are right (fubared) law suit ? i dont think you can suit if you screw up your own car thinking its a truck. Roads are not in the best shape and anyone who knew this y would they continue to travel and not adjust their direction of travel? If i go outside and shoot my truck and i dont adjust my aim who do i sue smith&wesson.?
p.s. kshillbilly the post office sucks (LOL)
Okay genuis, what about folks that don't own a truck and have no choice but to drive on our roads. like say, maybe if they live on a bad road?
As for your anaology...smith&wesson isn't funded by our tax dollars. Our road crew is.
Jennifer, if we didn't have money for gravel why in the hell would we spend it on logos? Frankly, I don't care what they say, to me thats not the point. If the county is hurting for money then they shouldn't be wasting it on things like logos.
Varmit, it sounds like you've gone ex-commando because your panties are in a wad! I know a few people that work for the road and bridge deptartment and one of them that I know is a nice little lady working dowstairs in the basement. Now what would you say if all it took for those logos was a neat little computer program and some decal paper and her time of running that program? Boy talk about wasting money! I'm pretty sure she has some pink decals that she could make some logos for you, saying Varmit, Blly, Crybaby or R. Shackelford
The Shadow KNOWS
Good point Shadow. I was told that that nice woman you speak of is the one that came up with the idea for the Elk County Boys. Also, I believe rock was still being hauled into the middle of November so the logos would've had no bearing on that budget anyway.
Sorry, Jennifer, I can't bitch about the Postal Service. I've watched the mail person deliver mail in freezing cold, rain, hail, 100 degree heat with high humidity, a job I would not like to do. The young man who processes our passport applications some years ago rushed it through so we would have them in time for our vacation. I remember some years ago, Susie, our mail lady delivering the mail in freezing rain and I had just heated some soup for my lunch. I ran out and gave it to her because she just looked so miserable. I made her sit in the mail truck and eat it. So, you won't hear any bitching from me.
So, you are telling me that it is a closed shop; that women need not apply? Why not change the logo to The Elk County Girls, if it is so easy and inexpensive? The road department is being paid for with tax dollars, certainly not a place to even hint of discrimination. And Frank, Mailman is incorrect, you had it right when you said mail carrier. And Mrs. Hillbilly, I am sorry that you do not appreciate your job, and what other women went through to assure you were even considered for that job. It would be so easy to slip back to the days of blatant discrimination. Think about it!
WHEN did I say that I did NOT APPRECIATE MY JOB????????????
I also NEVER said anything about women need not apply at the county shop either! I was stating it was a woman that came up with the logo using HER program, HER decal sheets and HER time! DISCRIMINATION was NOT even brought up by me!
Just when I was starting to calm down for the evening...Go back and reread my posts! I NEVER said anything about NOT appreciating my job!! I appreciate my benefits and my nice healthy paycheck and I even appreciate my boss and the patrons I deliver to! DO NOT EVER PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH WHEN YOU HAVE NO IDEA!
WOW ? 6dog
Way to go 6Dog for injecting stupid into the equation! I read your post hillbilly and I did not see where you put down your job either. 6Dog must have some kind of superpower to read what she wants to read and perhaps believe what she wants to!
the shadow KNOWS
Mrs. Hillbilly, you are a woman working for good wages in what in times past had been considered a male only occupation, thus the term 'mailman'. I would think that you would be in the front lines to assure that not even a hint of discrimination entered the job site; especially in a public servant venue. Elk County Boys is an inappropriate term for public servants in positions that are preasumably open to all applicants. I do hope this reaches the attention of our county commissioners BEFORE some kind of suit is made, and that this error is corrected. This county is not a wealthy one, and a suit such as this would really be felt. It is the law, sorry for those who do not agree, but it is the law.
Quote from: sixdogsmom on February 28, 2010, 10:00:54 PM
So, you are telling me that it is a closed shop; that women need not apply? Why not change the logo to The Elk County Girls, if it is so easy and inexpensive? The road department is being paid for with tax dollars, certainly not a place to even hint of discrimination. And Frank, Mailman is incorrect, you had it right when you said mail carrier. And Mrs. Hillbilly, I am sorry that you do not appreciate your job, and what other women went through to assure you were even considered for that job. It would be so easy to slip back to the days of blatant discrimination. Think about it!
Mailman Mailman Mailman Mailman Mailman. Sheesh. come on it doesn't matter. The fact is whoever, man woman chimpanzee, or ape whatever it takes to get that mail delivered, is all that matters. Discrimination my foot! Who cares as long as the mail gets delivered or the roads get fixed.
and i agree you old goat.
But YOU stated that I don't APPRECIATE my job...and you are stating this because I ALLOW people to call me, a woman, A MAILMAN? Oh my goodness...That kills me! Do you know who calls me mailman, mail lady, mail girl? LITTLE KIDS on the routes that I do..The adults call me by name usually...Should I copy off your last post so that I can be more sensitive to ALL women and let these kids know that they SHOULD NOT call me a mailMAN? THAT is the STUPIDEST THING I've ever heard to EQUATE me NOT appreciating MY job to not telling someone off that calls me a MAILMAN! I have been there for almost 10 years and I have NEVER yet been offended by that dumbass comment.
Now I'm going to have to go take one of my husbands blood pressure pills....Geez~!
P.S. Thank You Steve and Shadow!
Sixdogsmom, you are so right, I too feel it is an inappropriate logo for the county, but it was probably put in place to suit the road bosses ego. REALLY, what was wrong with 'Elk County Road Department'?
Does anyone know if the county was really $150,000 over budget last year? Looks like the comissioners would keep better tabs on spending than that. They are in a position where they should know how to follow a budget, or keep their hirees in line with the budget!
can i just say BULLCHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!M.MM MR.KSHILLBILLY
Really? $150,000 OVER budget? And what donkey's backside did you pull that from? I'm sure everyone that is smart uses a budget in their home. Once each department is given their money THAT IS IT! I don't think our commissioners in this county are stupid enough to have a $150,000 deficit in the budget and it not be public knowledge and everyone bitching about it way before now! I just found out there used to be a woman who worked in the road and bridge department years ago but there has not been one since. I'm sure some accommodations could be made for her. Why don't we just change the sign to Elk County Men then both men and WOmen could be covered? I don't think that that new road boss had discrimination on his mind when he put the logos on the vehicles. And why are you the one to bitch about it when the county commissioners know they are on there. Why don't we call the sheriff's department and bitch at them for having sheriff on the side of the deputy vehicles? Is that a form of discrimination too?
the shadow knows and don't like you
Well Shadow, if you look back on page 2, it was Shackelford that made the over budget statement, and like I said, I don't know if thats correct or not, was just looking for a yes or no on that.
M.MM, what is wrong with Elk County Road Dept/ Best In State? And make sure it is, (Best In State), both before and after it is displayed on public vehicles? Now that's a logo we can all be proud of!
Quote from: the shadow on February 28, 2010, 09:44:53 PM
Varmit, it sounds like you've gone ex-commando because your panties are in a wad! I know a few people that work for the road and bridge deptartment and one of them that I know is a nice little lady working dowstairs in the basement. Now what would you say if all it took for those logos was a neat little computer program and some decal paper and her time of running that program? Boy talk about wasting money! I'm pretty sure she has some pink decals that she could make some logos for you, saying Varmit, Blly, Crybaby or R. Shackelford
The Shadow KNOWS
And yet once again, looks like you'd rather use misidirection and focus on a sub-point rather than the whole issue. IF a citizen of Elk County donated the time and materials for the decals then great, kudos for that person for doing something for the county. However, that information should have been made public when the issue first came up first came up. Why would I be labeled a crybaby for wanting my tax dollars to be spent in a wise fashion?
Quote from: the shadow on February 28, 2010, 10:58:23 PM
Really? $150,000 OVER budget? And what donkey's backside did you pull that from? I'm sure everyone that is smart uses a budget in their home. Once each department is given their money THAT IS IT! I don't think our commissioners in this county are stupid enough to have a $150,000 deficit in the budget and it not be public knowledge and everyone bitching about it way before now! I just found out there used to be a woman who worked in the road and bridge department years ago but there has not been one since. I'm sure some accommodations could be made for her. Why don't we just change the sign to Elk County Men then both men and WOmen could be covered? I don't think that that new road boss had discrimination on his mind when he put the logos on the vehicles. And why are you the one to bitch about it when the county commissioners know they are on there. Why don't we call the sheriff's department and bitch at them for having sheriff on the side of the deputy vehicles? Is that a form of discrimination too?
the shadow knows and don't like you
You know as well as I do that the "$150,000 deficiet" rumor or whatever you want to call it, is what was going around last year. Then about November, magically it was covered, allowing us to haul rock. As far as public knowledge, theres a lot that goes on that the public doesn't know about, and if they do they don't say anything because either they don't care or no one listens.
Oh, by the way, the word "sheriff" is gender netural, it doesn't imply neither male or female, so that really isn't a valid retort.
And with that I am done with this thread. It is obvious that reasonable discourse is totally out the window here. So, ya'll have fun with the "I don't trust you cause you use a screen name" and the "I don't like you" and when you are ready to discuss this issue like adults, let me know.
Quote from: M.MM on February 28, 2010, 11:57:43 PM
Well Shadow, if you look back on page 2, it was Shackelford that made the over budget statement, and like I said, I don't know if thats correct or not, was just looking for a yes or no on that.
What evil lurks in the heart of men? Apparently a "rumor", a misquotation, a little misguided judgement.
Quote from: Varmit on March 01, 2010, 05:42:15 AM
You know as well as I do that the "$150,000 deficiet" rumor or whatever you want to call it, is what was going around last year. Then about November, magically it was covered, allowing us to haul rock.
A preacher is a preacher. When I put my trust into God's hands or one of God's messengers, I do not look toward them for false accusations and misguided judgement. And Kudos to you, for the sheriff and deputy being gender neutral.
the shadow KNOWS
Wow........As a lifetime resident of that neck of the woods up until 10 years ago and as a person who has drove MOST of them backroads more than once...I gotta say they never got that bad in my opinion. You live in the country you deal with country roads.
You oughta see some of THESE backroads if you wanna bitch! I wouldn't move any closer to civilization than I am tho.
As a FEMALE who has spent the last 30 or so years workin right alongside the guys in everything from road and bridge construction to siding houses....I gotta say havin signs on the trucks that say such and such boys whatever would not bother me a bit. I never got a job as a WOMAN...I got a job as a HAND.....if I didn't MAKE a hand I would not expect any different treatment than a guy. In fact my pet peeve was always women who wanted to work a guys job but then expected to be treated different BECAUSE they were a chick. They actually made it harder on the ones who just worked their asses off to earn a spot.
Sorry Sixdog :P
Sheriff is gender neutral as in Sheriff Harrington and Sheriff Copeland. Which is male and which is female?
As for knowing what is going on in the county, you have to see it to know about it. We sure aren't told anything.
Hey Sarge, before we go fishing this spring and offend someone , my little tug boat,"The Crappie Queen" will be renamed"The Green Latrine". I hate this PC crap !!!
Whether the budget was over by $150,000 or whatever, we were told the reason we were laid off was because of the county being out of money and that Ernie had hired too many people.
One of my older brothers was Elk County Commissioner back in the early to mid 1980s and I remember asking him if he was able to please everyone and his response was " the only way to please everyone is to lower taxes, spend more money and gravel and blade the road everyday to everyone's house". I have been over the Elk County Roads almost every other weekend for the past several weeks, I take Turkey West to one point and sometimes I go on into Piedmont and back. I have Taken Cresco/Rock Road to the PawPaw road then North to Turkey then West, I have taken the Road that goes by the Copeland place then North to Turkey, the only point that I drug bottom was at the Old Monical place. Sure the roads were muddy but I still had no problem, and they were not any worse than expected for the weather conditions you have had. Surely you don't think they should be blading and spreading gravel when it is raining, or there is snow on the road or the road is so muddy the dirt in front of the blade just balls up. I remember the roads in the early 60's being just as bad. I feed cattle in about 6-8 pastures everyday and in every direction from Howard and I remember one winter I had to be in 4 wheel drive nearely all of the time and I even had to feed some with a 2 ton truck with chains.
I don't know the other Commissioners but I do know Liz and I can tell you she is plenty smart and is a hard worker, and I think she is trying to do the best she can under the circumstances. It will be interesting to see how many people sign up as a candidate in the next election.
Don't hold your breath, Frankie, I don't want to lose a dear friend.
The world is full of Monday morning quarterbacks, you know!!!!! I hold the deepest admiration and respect for ANY AND ALL city council members and county commissioners. They have a "tuff row to hoe".
Jo, I agree with you and I to have the utmost respect for those that serve the people for nothing but all of the gripes they get. You can't please everyone all of the time no matter how much you try.
I recall now that Lawerence Jontra is one of the Commissioners and I have always considered Lawerence a very intelligent, and levelheaded businessman, a good farmer and a fair person.
Here is one besides Liz. Dont know about the third one.
Pam and Jennifer, I think that you both may have missed my point. The womens' movement and equal opportunity laws are precisely the reason you both were able to be hired in a non-traditional job, one that pays well and traditionally had been male only, no female need apply. Hooray that you both were hired and thrived doing those jobs! I say again hooray! However you must ever be vigilant that those opportunities are not lost. During WWII, women were hired enmasse to do factory work, and they did it well. However at the end of the war, most were let go, relegated back to the kitchen to bake cookies. Have a look at the womens' magazines from the 1950s; women were only pictured as wives and mothers, nothing more. Even Sarah Palin could not have become Sarah Barracuda without title nine in her school. Vigilance like charity begins at home.
And you missed mine, Sixdogs...I NEVER once complained about my job or ran myself down. It's sad when people are quitting this forum for stupid reasons like that. I do hope I never get as mad at anyone as I was last night. With that said, I think I'll watch and read but screw posting because too many people just don't get it and then piss me off...Later.
Sixdogs I know you dont know anything about my real life but I owe my skills to a father who had no sons and a grandfather who taught me from the getgo I could do ANYthing I set my mind to not a bunch of women libbers back East who wanted to be men but still treated like women. One of my first jobs was logging with my Dad after my Grandad died. I grew up with the men...they KNEW me and KNEW I could do the job. It literally never occured to me when I got grown and was a single mother that I would not be hired because I was a chick. Men have always looked at me and knew I could handle whatever came my way. I NEVER asked or expected special consideration because I "was a girl". I guess I was lucky probly beCAUSE i was accepted as a Hand not a chick they HAD to hire because of a quota. I always proved being a girl was NOT an excuse.
I have always accepted the fact that doing a mans job did not excuse me from the so-called "womens" work, mostly because I was responsible for BOTH pretty much my whole ADULT life at least.
Some sign on the side of a truck that just said men or boys,,,off color jokes and comments.....or all the OTHER things a lot of women who decide to work with men complain about ever bothered me or made me feel LESS than. I never needed special recognition of the fact I was female...I KNEW I was.
Quote from: pamagain on March 01, 2010, 09:14:52 PM
Sixdogs I know you dont know anything about my real life but I owe my skills to a father who had no sons and a grandfather who taught me from the getgo I could do ANYthing I set my mind to not a bunch of women libbers back East who wanted to be men but still treated like women. One of my first jobs was logging with my Dad after my Grandad died. I grew up with the men...they KNEW me and KNEW I could do the job. It literally never occured to me when I got grown and was a single mother that I would not be hired because I was a chick. Men have always looked at me and knew I could handle whatever came my way. I NEVER asked or expected special consideration because I "was a girl". I guess I was lucky probly beCAUSE i was accepted as a Hand not a chick they HAD to hire because of a quota. I always proved being a girl was NOT an excuse.
I have always accepted the fact that doing a mans job did not excuse me from the so-called "womens" work, mostly because I was responsible for BOTH pretty much my whole ADULT life at least.
Some sign on the side of a truck that just said men or boys,,,off color jokes and comments.....or all the OTHER things a lot of women who decide to work with men complain about ever bothered me or made me feel LESS than. I never needed special recognition of the fact I was female...I KNEW I was.
LOL growing up around my house the girls either got out there and helped with the wood chucking and bucking, hay bucking, whatever the guys did or they were in a world of hurt. Dad and grandpa didn't care that they weren't boys. They were two hands, two feet and a strong back like the rest of us. Shrug
Mom worked a job back in the 60's substitute teacher, office work, got her masters in music in the 70's. Didn't do it with a libber point of view nor a libbers help. She did it on her own and earned it from her own merits not someone elses coattails. At one point she made as much as my dad did in the 60's. 1.15 a hour. Dad had his masters deg in mid 70's and at that point i think his max earnings were something like 30k a year. Moms was around 18k a year part time.
Since then i have observed how we have lost a lot from that era. Children coming home to empty houses after school, The employers took big advantage of the workforce doubling. They cut wages and hired 2x the workers.
Whats really fun these days is if i find a rabid womens libber, i find a gal that will play along with me and do the go get my coffee and dinner made woman routine. LOL
Used to have a gal live above me in the apartment complex, i would just make her irate half the time by doing that. :D
I think most women in this small town do whatever it takes to get the job done without worrying about if it a mans job or a woman's job.. or what context it is called.
We don't get our panties in a wad if we have to crawl off a tractor or lawn mower and go in and cook supper. Its just part of what we do .
I do the bulk of the cooking and cleaning and laundry..along with all the "man" jobs I do too..
I could care less if someone labels it girl or boy.
I also know my boys get off work and cook supper every night..( They both love to cook) and Danny gets his daughter ( Ashley) ready for her next day by making sure she has her homework done.. her clothes ready for he irons!
People who get all flipped out by mail man.. mail person.. etc in my opinion are the ones who stir the pot over little insignificant things when it doesn't need stirring.
On such a nice day you would think the county would be grading the roads. Went by the Howard county shop and three road graders sitting in the yard all day long. I did see them hauling gravel today but why not blading the ruts out of the roads as well. Maybe they need the two employees back that were laid off so that they have enough people to operate all the high priced equipment that has been purchased in the last several years.
Stay by your phone OLDFART, because I think they need your help. Maybe MR. Hillbilly can set me straight and tell me why nobody was in a grader today.
Since my husband is at WORK and I just got home from WORK, I called to tell him how worried you were, redfox, about the graders sitting at the yard. One grader IS out grading..there's only 2 sitting at the shop not 3. In case you missed the memo, there was a funeral today and some doctor appointments. Could we get your phone number so that the shop foreman and employees can call you to let you know why things aren't being done the way YOU think they should be done?
the Missus :angel:
P.S. YOU could go apply to work for the county as well, so you can tell them how to do their work....or maybe not...hmmmm?
I am sorry, Mr. Redfox, but there are only two graders in the yard and one of them hasn't been out anywhere this year. I don't think it is operational. There has been action over there today. I can hear everything that goes out or comes in and there has been a lot of noise over there. What time was it that you went by the yard? Actually, there wasn't much in the way of equipment there for awhile, so I thought maybe they were out fixing something so somebody would have an easier time of coming to town.
I have been listening to the guys on the scanner and they are out doing things all day. I keep hearing them asking and reporting loads. They seem to really be trying to make repairs that they couldn't when the weather was so bad. I don't live out in the country and don't know about the condition of the roads, but these are honest hard working guys.
Sorry Hillbilly. There was only 2 road graders there but they have a big new loader with a new attachment on the front that I was counting. Not sure if its the counties or just a trial basis but doesnt seem to do any good sitting in the yard. As for Dr. appointments, they should be made on Fridays since they work 4 days a week. I pay taxes and can ask questions and voice my opinions as well as you. Still think Oldfart should be called back and run some of the equipment that is just sitting and not being used since the weather is allowing work to be done now.
Hey Hillbilly, just let me know when the county is hiring. Ill be right in to apply for a job. Work 4 days a week and get benefits. Would love to apply so post on here when there hiring.
Quote from: redfox on March 04, 2010, 06:20:02 PM
Sorry Hillbilly. There was only 2 road graders there but they have a big new loader with a new attachment on the front that I was counting. Not sure if its the counties or just a trial basis but doesnt seem to do any good sitting in the yard. As for Dr. appointments, they should be made on Fridays since they work 4 days a week. I pay taxes and can ask questions and voice my opinions as well as you. Still think Oldfart should be called back and run some of the equipment that is just sitting and not being used since the weather is allowing work to be done now.
I don't know who was off going to the doctor or what doctor they go to, BUT our doctors' office is closed on Fridays and I'm sure others are too....So, in a perfect world, one could make appointments for their day off...But this is NOT a perfect world...
Sounds like you should find a new Dr. Would want to save my time off instead of using it on appointments. How stupid is that.
Hillbillys, you both better keep taking blood pressure pills because I am going to keep stirring this pot.
Mr. Redfox, is that Red Foxx from Sanford and Son, are you "comin to see Elizabeth"? You make insinuations toward my wife being stupid again, you better hope I don't find out who you are. I'm getting awful damn sick and tired of your mouth. I'm sick and tired of this whole damn thread. If you're one of the little crybabies that got their ass fired, you will die waiting for a phone call to come back to work.
MR. KShillbillys
P.S. THAT blood pressure pill thing was a joke when I said it...But it's "cute" that you think you matter to me...MRS.
WOW red fox i would not say a word about someones wife like that. If Mr. Hillbilly needs help and i doubt he does, im here!
the shadow KNOWS
See you all take thgings wrong. Not calling her stupid. I said it is stupid to make Dr appointments on the 4 days the county employees work. Should make every effort to get them on Fridays.
Yes the name did come from Sanford & Son. I didnt know that there were employees who have been fired. I only know of the 2 which got laid off. Are you saying that you dont need or want their help. Were they not good workers? I know both of them but have never worked with either of them.
Quote from: redfox on March 04, 2010, 06:20:02 PM
Sorry Hillbilly. There was only 2 road graders there but they have a big new loader with a new attachment on the front that I was counting. Not sure if its the counties or just a trial basis but doesnt seem to do any good sitting in the yard. As for Dr. appointments, they should be made on Fridays since they work 4 days a week. I pay taxes and can ask questions and voice my opinions as well as you. Still think Oldfart should be called back and run some of the equipment that is just sitting and not being used since the weather is allowing work to be done now.
Redfox, why would they want to hire you, it appears you don't know a Grader from a Frontend Loader.
I am no expert but why does the county have all this equipment setting and not in use. Either hire people to run them or dont purchase the equipment. waste of county money if bought and not in use.
In reference to not having women apply at the county road department, I thought we had a woman working in the Moline Shop, Tula. Isn't she still there?
Quote from: jarhead on March 01, 2010, 09:22:02 AM
Hey Sarge, before we go fishing this spring and offend someone , my little tug boat,"The Crappie Queen" will be renamed"The Green Latrine". I hate this PC crap !!!
Quote from: redfox on March 04, 2010, 06:50:53 PM
Sounds like you should find a new Dr. Would want to save my time off instead of using it on appointments. How stupid is that.
Apparently redfox, you can't remember what you just wrote a few minutes ago. If you can't remember from one minute to the next then there's no way they will hire you to work for the county. AND in the past few minutes I haven't said that any employees were fired. BUT one was. The other was laid off. As far as for good workers, your opinion of a good worker and mine vary greatly. And as far as for the loader, it was a demo model brought down to try to sell to the county. It had the hell worked out of it during the snowstorms. It seen more use today with the attachment on the front called a reclaimer, where it chewed up ledges in the road today. Don't lose any sleep tho, because it's going back next week.
Tula hasn't worked for the county since before Ernie started.
Quote from: redfox on March 04, 2010, 07:27:24 PM
I am no expert but why does the county have all this equipment setting and not in use. Either hire people to run them or dont purchase the equipment. waste of county money if bought and not in use.
RED you are obviously not a farmer, you have obviously never ran a business. In Farming, Construction and other businesses which would include the county, you have you have a lot of equipmeny you don't use everyday. What are you trying to say, that the county should sell their mowers in the winter and buy them back for the summer. Should the county sell their Frontend Loader(s) when they don't have anything to load and then buy them back when they do.
I think you need to stick with your TV Junkyard business.
thats funny chit elk@kc
This is one of the cry babies here. I was told we were laid off so I was lied to by the road boss and the commissioners? You may be right, I asked Mr. Lacky the other day if and when we would be coming back? He told me it would never happen. When he did hire some one they would be the dumbest stupidest s.o.b. so he can train them to do things his way.
LOL Oldfart! I don't think he's going to the hire the dumbest, stupidest s.o.b. and I would tell you why but I would get kicked off of this forum...
MR. KSHillbilly
just repeating what the man told me
Well I was there when it happend , the verbal you and you are laid off ,Brandon was pissed but didnt say anything to Erney out of anger like you did old fart. by then it was too late for Im sorry. Just to set the record straight I work for the county too and am proud of the work we do even when we cant please everyone while doing it. Thanks Charles Brown Howard , Ks.
Thanks for backing me up on that point, Peanut. You're right that I responded in anger. He was laying off us but just the week before he had hired someone? Tell me is that good business practices?
Holy crap batman, you put your name on here? You must be a big man for that. Some dont. Like the penguin or a chicken.
My personal opinion would not matter nor would it change the out come. It happened and thats that I did wish that it didnt happen the way it did. I liked working around you but .... and I try to say this gently you let stubborn get in the way of what the boss wanted whether he was right or wrong.
My OH My! Are you telling me that the week before 2 employess of our county road department were laid off, another person was hired???? What are the commissioners thinking on things like that going on? And they told the 2 laid off fellows that the road boss had hired too many people? Something is VERY wrong with this whole picture. Now i'm really going to DIG!!
Quote from: the shadow on March 04, 2010, 08:23:07 PM
Holy crap batman, you put your name on here? You must be a big man for that. Some dont. Like the penguin or a chicken.
I know I said that I was done with this thread, but this has gotten ridiculous. Just because someone uses a screen name and not their real name (which by the way is the smart thing to do in regards to internet safety) doesn't mean that they don't have valid points or should be subject to ridicule, just because you might not like what they say. But if it will make the name callers happy here is a list of others on the forum that post using screen names...
the Shadow
Peanut...Charles Brown
And thats just to name a few. So, feel free to fill your real names.
Well as a county employee we are told right up front that the employer is an at will employer, which means they can hire and fire at will they dont need a reason either way.
yep, thats true.
Wow dude,, I have called no names I say what I mean and mean what I say. as for inherent saftey these folks and I mean everyone is of no more of a threat to me than I am to them.
You're right Charlie. But when a man loses his job for voicing his opinion about the way roads were being maintained like cutting the crowns out, then doing away with wind rows . Know people that work inother counties, some of them for 20 years they couldnt believe it like the boys at the shop it better tojust do as Ernie says ,but I
think someone else had it in for me also.
At will employeer........I have heard of that. I don't understand our commissioners though, they hired a road boss and they were told of his verbal abuse with employees, yet they did nothing but let him get rid of some while he stayed on? That is just not kosher in my book! And these are our elected officials representing our county and watching out for our best interests? Man the world is messed up these days! REALLY messed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dunh, dunh, dunhhhhhhhhhh and the plot thickens
the shadow KNOWS
You could be right, I was told that the little crown we had were not stable and needed to be cut and replaced ,as far as the wind rows . I was told that they retain water and that we didnt have a buget to keep them.
Hell we have been filling in our "real" names: KSHILLBILLYS=Robert and Jennifer Walker. To know who we are, all people have to do is look at our profile. WE aren't hiding regardless of internet safety or not. We've stated before where we live and where we work. We have stated everything but our drivers license numbers and social security numbers. We are easy to find day or night.
go back couple pages varmit I posted my name when the first cave man invented the wheel some one bitched about the roads
Oldfart, are you sure that you got laid off a week after those other two guys that used to work for the county were hired on? As I seem to remember they were there maybe around 2 months before you got laid off or open mouth insert foot. You first were demoted from road grader because you weren't doing what you were told, right or wrong, and placed into the brush cutter and God only knows how much money you cost the taxpayers of this county each day you tore it up. You just go ahead and keep whipping that old dead mule cuz it ain't going nowhere.
MR. KSHillbillys
the crown was not stable lol what every that means i'm done here not going to do me any good,unless someone povokes me
M.MM you have to be there to fully understand what has happened and what is going on. I have heard of the verbal abuse issue but was not there in person at the time it happened, However this should have been reported to someone as is stated in our employee hand book if it did happen, Everyone loses there temper from time to time, I have too but I also was able to talk to Erney and ask what it was that he wanted and have had no trouble since. Personaly I feel Erny is a good boss to work for , Believe me I have had far worse And he does Know what he is doing. Good things take time
Amen Peanut!
I can prove it go north on rd. 18 off of mule I was on that rd. all day hauling rock the bottom feels like it is gone like you are driving on sand.
Quote from: peanut on March 04, 2010, 08:49:11 PM
Wow dude,, I have called no names I say what I mean and mean what I say. as for inherent saftey these folks and I mean everyone is of no more of a threat to me than I am to them.
Wasn't implying that you did. My post was directed more to "the Shadow".
Quote from: kshillbillys on March 04, 2010, 08:58:45 PM
Hell we have been filling in our "real" names: KSHILLBILLYS=Robert and Jennifer Walker. To know who we are, all people have to do is look at our profile. WE aren't hiding regardless of internet safety or not. We've stated before where we live and where we work. We have stated everything but our drivers license numbers and social security numbers. We are easy to find day or night.
Mrs. Walker, you are right. But again, my post was directed at shadow. I should have worded it differently.
Quote from: oldfart on March 04, 2010, 09:00:18 PM
go back couple pages varmit I posted my name when the first cave man invented the wheel some one bitched about the roads
Yep, you did, I missed it. I apologize.
You're absolutely right Charlie. I remember that road. That's the road that we both, together, put around 16 loads of gravel on TODAY alone, while our only bladehand that we had today straightened the ruts up before we filled them and most of the road between Mule and Native did feel like you were driving through a sand pit. The top may be dry but what's underneath still have plenty of moisture as if it had rained yesterday. And it doesn't help matters much trying to drive 14 to 15 tons across it.
MR. KSHillbillys
Yes sir, And didnt mean to take all the credit. And I know you didnt Varmit
More toward me? One should check their own closet for skeletons. My name is Kent Allard, but who is the "real" redfox? r. shackelford? How long has their skeletons been buried from the light of day?
the shadow KNOWS!
Yes. More towards you. Redfox? M.MM? I don't know. R. Shackelford, that dime has already been dropped.
the shadow knows through his research of r. shackelford, of his child hood and military service and his discharge from the military its only a nickel for a phone call were im from.
the shadow knows.
You guys are doing a good job of getting the roads back in shape.
At lesat on the ones that I travel.
I hope some time in the near future the ditches are made to drain.
:D :D :D :D
Quote from: the shadow on March 04, 2010, 09:57:38 PM
the shadow knows through his research of r. shackelford, of his child hood and military service and his discharge from the military its only a nickel for a phone call were im from.
the shadow knows.
Well, then by all means, enlighten us.
They say that there is an entire list of ditches that are going to be done.
the shadow doesn't think that the information acquired should be placed for all to see but if you must know or try my patience i can send it to your personal email.
the shadow knows.
by all means send it.
the shadow must go to bed now got to work tomorrow slow dow drive safe
the shadow knows but dont care right now
Quote from: Varmit on March 04, 2010, 10:18:01 PM
by all means send it.
And Varmit... as moderator.. you have an obligation to NOT divulge any identity that you find out..
it is to be kept to yourself.. :police:
I know you know that.. but I wanted it known publicly to this forum that the identity's of all of you.. no matter who or how many alias you have.. is confidential to only me..
I expect Varmit ..Judy and Catwoman or anyone I ask to help moderate.... to abide by the same rules..
If they find out an identity of someone on here they will keep it to themselves...
I got lay off on Monday sept. 1 on Thursday week before guy from Severy for Longton remember, fired him and Eric about month later. you can make me look bad at my job but the public that saw me may say otherwise. as far i know never had any complaints. ' so Robert I'm done here. what ever i say won't change things. i worked hard there and you know it . thank you JOE PUBLIC that have been behind me.
Quote from: the shadow on February 28, 2010, 09:44:53 PM
sure she has some pink decals that she could make some logos for you, saying Varmit, Blly, Crybaby or R. Shackelford
The Shadow KNOWS
Quote from: Teresa on March 04, 2010, 11:01:41 PM
And Varmit... as moderator.. you have an obligation to NOT divulge any identity that you find out..
it is to be kept to yourself.. :police:
I know you know that.. but I wanted it known publicly to this forum that the identity's of all of you.. no matter who or how many alias you have.. is confidential to only me..
I expect Varmit ..Judy and Catwoman or anyone I ask to help moderate.... to abide by the same rules..
If they find out an identity of someone on here they will keep it to themselves...
Yes Ma'am, I know. I wouldn't divulge anyones identity. I was just curious about what information "the shadow" had on me, or if he was just blowing smoke.
But to clear things up...Yes, I did post under the name of R. Shackelford. I did so because there were things I wanted to say but was worried about losing my job if I said them. However, now that "the shadow" has dropped that dime on me to continue to post under a pseudonym is pointless.
"There is something that I have been intending to say all day, but by the time I get back to the computer it has slipped my mind. So I am going to say it now.
Hurrah for our county road department. They went out early this morning and are just now getting back in. All the dirt and snow removal equipment has been out all day. This doesn't benefit me, but I think we should all thank them for doing this on a special holiday. "
This thread was started by Wilma with the above post on Christmas day 2009, thanking and praising the County Road Department for a job well done in cleaning the roads for Christmas travelers. That thank you was well deserved and I think the County is continuing to do a good job on the roads under severe weather conditions. From Wilma's one post there have been 176 replies and 2380 views. A big THANK YOU to Teresa and Kjell for the forum which makes it possible for people to air their opinions and to be able to let off some steam.
Quote from: peanut on March 04, 2010, 08:43:08 PM
Well as a county employee we are told right up front that the employer is an at will employer, which means they can hire and fire at will they dont need a reason either way.
In case you all didn't know, Kansas is an "at will" state.
Quote from: Janet Harrington on March 06, 2010, 07:28:54 PM
In case you all didn't know, Kansas is an "at will" state.
Does not mean you cannot sue and win for cause. If an employer terminates you for a cause that is prohibited they are still liable.
Quote from: jerry wagner on March 06, 2010, 07:35:39 PM
Does not mean you cannot sue and win for cause. If an employer terminates you for a cause that is prohibited they are still liable.
Yeah thats one reason i wouldn't and won't hire permanent employee in any business i own. I can hire a contract employee and get rid of them without fear of suit.
In a at will state i doubt theres any cause and it would be awful hard to prove when the employer says they don't need ya anymore what cause would there be.???
Quote from: srkruzich on March 06, 2010, 08:16:35 PM
Yeah thats one reason i wouldn't and won't hire permanent employee in any business i own. I can hire a contract employee and get rid of them without fear of suit.
In a at will state i doubt theres any cause and it would be awful hard to prove when the employer says they don't need ya anymore what cause would there be.???
Certainly is cause:
1. Termination for pregnancy
2. Termination for personal situation (sexual orientation/etc.)
3. Termination for FMLA issues
4. Termination for sexual harrassment whistleblower
etc.... the list goes on
Quote from: jerry wagner on March 06, 2010, 08:54:40 PM
Certainly is cause:
1. Termination for pregnancy
2. Termination for personal situation (sexual orientation/etc.)
3. Termination for FMLA issues
4. Termination for sexual harrassment whistleblower
etc.... the list goes on
And its awful hard to prove any of that. All a employer needs to do is say they didn't need that person anymore and those issues are a moot point.
And i know that the tactic usually used is to sue anyway to cost the employer money so they will settle out of court. Thats why i wouldn't hire or won't ever hire any perm employees. Not worth the hassle. Contract employees are someone elses problem.
Quote from: srkruzich on March 06, 2010, 09:49:04 PM
And its awful hard to prove any of that. All a employer needs to do is say they didn't need that person anymore and those issues are a moot point.
And i know that the tactic usually used is to sue anyway to cost the employer money so they will settle out of court. Thats why i wouldn't hire or won't ever hire any perm employees. Not worth the hassle. Contract employees are someone elses problem.
And that is an EXCELLENT reason never to work contract. The employer has enough protections in KS... let the employee have some.
Quote from: jerry wagner on March 06, 2010, 10:07:56 PM
And that is an EXCELLENT reason never to work contract. The employer has enough protections in KS... let the employee have some.
Ahh contract is the only way to work. :) You make 50% more working contract than you do permanent.
Employees have plenty of protections. I have worked for employers and i have run my own business. The only thing a employer is required to do is to pay a agreed upon wage for a days work. that's all. Employees are not entitled to anything else.
Yep! Just what I thought was gonna happen HAS. The first little rain came along and all the boys steady work at hauling and dumping etc last week or so, the rock is sinking out of place in them bad areas, and the ruts are back! Now time to start all over again I reckon, sad part of it is, the boss may know how to operate all the equipment, but what good is that if he doesn't know how to use it in the proper way to benefit these roads? Elk county does not have enough rock to get these roads back up in good shape!
Quote from: jarhead on March 01, 2010, 09:22:02 AM
Hey Sarge, before we go fishing this spring and offend someone , my little tug boat,"The Crappie Queen" will be renamed"The Green Latrine". I hate this PC crap !!!
I thought it was the green latrine since you can never quite whiz over the side of it.
We'll be back at road fix'n as soon as it drys a little.
Quote from: Sarge on March 08, 2010, 11:35:59 PM
I thought it was the green latrine since you can never quite whiz over the side of it.
Please don't laugh at any thing the old fool says. It'll just make him think he's witty and then he will try to come up with another 'funny ." I swear---I do not know why his Uncle Don didn't put the lad head in a 220 connibear and maybe knock some sense into him !!
Well Peanut, maybe in the meantime, the boss'll be thinking up a way to fix them roads that'll be more than temporary! LOL we can only hope!
I really have to state something that I don't understand at all. I have driven on all kinds of county roads over the years all around here. To me they are not any different today then they were when I was 16. When I was a teenager, that is where we learned to drive. Are they really that bad??? I mean come on. We have had a pretty snowy winter, a start to a wet spring. What do people expect??? Some of the city streets are bad, too. Can't we just be happy with the fact that we have maintained roads??? I am. I know that my roads are not that good now, but I don't expect them to be. I just like the fact that I live in the country!! I like the fact that when it snows that I know that I will have a path to get there, because the county men will be out there to grade them!! Just be happy with what we have and glad that you live here in America!!!!
Don't worry BE HAPPY!!! Peanut, and all the road guys, you do do a good job!! Just keep plugging away and don't worry what others say. I have been there and people will grip about anything they can find to grip at!!! :laugh:
Quote from: angtown3 on March 12, 2010, 08:30:46 AM
Don't worry BE HAPPY!!! Peanut, and all the road guys, you do do a good job!! Just keep plugging away and don't worry what others say. I have been there and people will grip about anything they can find to grip at!!! :laugh:
We darn well better worry about what people say. We work for them, not the commissioners. It is the citizens of this county that provide the means for our employment. We might not like what they have to say but we should listen to their opinions and give thought to wht they have to say. It would be different if we worked for a private business but we don't. A fact that, I think, sometimes gets forgotten.
You missed the point. I think they should listen to us yes. But if they listened to every compliant out there they might as well never go home from their job! They can only do so much!! I am not sound mean but man, can't there be a happy medium???
Quote from: angtown3 on March 12, 2010, 12:48:58 PM
You missed the point. I think they should listen to us yes. But if they listened to every compliant out there they might as well never go home from their job! They can only do so much!! I am not sound mean but man, can't there be a happy medium???
I think that where the frustration is coming from from folks is this. We see the problem areas. These are areas that are constant. And when reported their patched, not fixed but patched. Patching doesn't work for long. For example, and i know there are many of them elsewhere, but on Rock between 9 & 10 there are two main spots. THey need to be dug out, big rock brought in, then layered back with soil/larger gravel mix, then layered again once brought back up to grade with a fine crush mix. Meanwhile since these are very much a problme build the road with a crown and divert the water off to the creeks. THat would solve the problem.
BTW i have worked building roads when i was younger, and dealt with this type soil as well as solid rock. Solid rock is just as much a problem as these types of soil around here. I was a powderman and would have to cut into the limestone rock bed 3-4 feet deep and build up from there. At any rate builiding gravel roads always requires a base bed of rock with buildup into a crown. Otherwise your roads just disappear when the rains come.
The patching cost money. I figure that the county brings in gravel for these two spots at least once or twice a month. Thats a lot of money. What if you dug it out, built it back up. Wouldn't cost anymore than what their spending already.
AMEN! Varmit and srkruzich actually get the whole picture and understand.
You know its not that I don't get the whole picture, just get tired of all the complaining, all the time!! You complain about the roads, you complain about your taxes, you complain about the school situation, and what do you do to help????? I might not attend all the meetings, but have been to school board meetings, city meetings, county meetings, I help in different clubs around town, and you know what, I get tired of all the complaining! I am just happy to live in America!! Sorry but I do get it, just don't complain ALL the time like some!! Have a wonderful WEEKEND!! :laugh:
Quote from: M.MM on March 12, 2010, 04:20:26 PM
AMEN! Varmit and srkruzich actually get the whole picture and understand.
No we get the whole picture, what you dont see is us doing exactly what you thought was a good idea all summer long last year. Rd. 18 S. of Turkey and continuing S., Also Rd. 18 S. of Junebug and that one even has a new creek crossing. Just so you knowit still is very time consuming and still is weather dictated.
angtown3,If you are NOT concerned about how your tax dollars are used, whether it's for wastefulness or benefit, that's YOUR problem. I was taught NOT to be wasteful. I have NOT gotten into the school situation deal because I feel that's up to you younger generation whose children are attending our school district. I PRAISE you for attending those meetings out of your concerns on the matter. I voted on the school bond issue, as i'm sure you did also, and we may or may not have had the same opinion on it. I have helped in MANY clubs in our communities over my years as an elk county citizen, and I hope to think it was appreciated as is your own. If you can't stand stand to view others opinions for our county, then why do you keep coming back reading any of them? EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion, and everyones is NOT going to be the same. Would you keep buying your children the same brand of shoe, only to have it fall apart shortly after purchase? Or would you want to make a change next purchase? Would you keep having the same person reroof your home, only to have it leak the next rain? Or would you maybe go a different route?
peanut, 'what you don't see is us doing exactly what you thought was a good idea all summer long last year'??????
Don't know who you are acusing me of being, but I don't know you and don't plan to PRETEND I do! Don't even know where rd. 18 s. of turkey and s. of junebug even are without hunting up an elk county map and looking, but they are not roads I travel. I am however fully aware that fixing our roads is VERY time consuming AND weather dictated. My concern is that your time and taxpayers money is a waste when the roads are a temporary fix when weather permits. A lot of them i've traveled that you have put rock on the last few weeks no longer has signs of that rock now because we got another rain and it has simply disappeared leaving the same problem as before you put all that rock on it. I am NOT running down YOU, or your work,you do what the boss says, so you see, the BOSS is where the problem lies on fixing our counties roads, and my opionion, he must not be doing it right the first time or most of these places would NOT be needing attention AGAIN! And I am left to assume our elected comissioners don't see things for what they are either, or change would be made.
Why would you need a map, M.MM to find Road 18? You said you live in Elk Falls in a previous post and that you've lived here all your life. Everyone knows that Road 18 is a direct route from Elk Falls to Howard.
And if the previous boss was doing such a wonderful job, in your way of thinking, that you would never have to touch the roads again, then why are we messing with the roads again? The previous boss had 21 years to get things right and they weren't, but you think Mr. Lackey can snap his fingers and do it in a little over a year?
And I don't think Peanut was accusing YOU of being anyone. I think it was a general you, as in all of you that have been armchair road bosses lately. For someone who has lived here all their life and in the Elk Falls area, it sounds like you need to crawl out of your hole and actually do some driving on these roads that you keep bitching about. You either don't know what you're talking about (roadwise) or you are a liar about where you live.
MR. KSHillbillys
MR. kshillbillys, I have NOT stated I live IN Elk Falls, rather that vicinity, and I HAVE lived in Elk county ALL my life, not always at my present location. I DO NOT travel rd.18 from Elk Falls to Howard, I take the hiway. I have NOT been in the vicinity of rd.18 and turkey in MANY years, so don't know what condition THAT may have been in. (I have looked at an Elk county road map), and that would be near Greenwood county line. I have always called the road from Elk Falls to Howard the lake road.
I have NOT made ANY comments on the previous road boss, that was made by hhjacobs. My comment to his post is that I remember gravel AND repairs being used and made all the time on our county roads. There DID used to be a windrow of gravel at one edge or the other on most roads in the past, but as I recollect, when a certain comissioner got elected into place, they saw to it that windrow was NOT left on the edge anymore, but rather left in place on the roads so water could run off to the ditches, a good idea. But we USED to have crowns on our roads also, which have disappeared leaving the road a place for water to stand! And I notice soft spots on roads even when it's DRY, which become rutty when wet. A couple weeks ago I took Piedmont rd. from 400 to Rock rd. and east to 99, just to see what condition that was in. NOT GOOD! Would have been easier to travel in my truck than my car, will NOT take my car on that one again anytime soon. And I was taught NOT to accuse someone of being a LIAR unless you have proof to back it up!
Hey, Fellas and Gals, I don't think that blaming a certain road boss for the road conditions is fair. I was driving those roads, especially the one from Piedmont to Rock and Rock to Rd. 9, 62 years ago and they were pretty much like this then, when we had a lot of snow and rain. The difference is that we didn't have the big trucks and 4-wheel drives going over them in all conditions and tearing them up before they had a chance to dry out. We kept the big trucks off the muddy roads, didn't have 4-wheel drives and used our cars when we HAD to go to town. I can tell you that the conditions that exist now are pretty much like they were 60 years ago and all the years between.
So lay off blaming the current road boss, the previous road boss and calling each other liars. The roads are what they are. There was no base when they were built and there has been no base miraculously show up since then. If you want the roads built the way you think they should be, petition your County Commissioners to raise our taxes so the county will have the money to have it done right. We have been told how they should be and how it should be done. I think the subject has been killed, skinned and stewed. And I would just like to throw the whole pot out.
Wilma, I concede. You are absolutely right. A technicality for calling 1 a liar, not in Elk Falls but in the "vicinity". And he didn't talk about the previous road boss, HH and I had brought that up. But, M.MM or M&M, like some m&ms are sweet on the outside and a nut in the middle.
MR. KShillbillys
Yep I do agree, as for thinking you are anyone in particular MMM, I was not.
After having read many, many of your posts, it sounds like there is no permanent fix for those roads that are always a mess when wet in the spring. Is there a way to keep big trucks off those roads altogether when there is an annual seasonal wet problem.? ? Can you ban certain traffic at times or are the roads just being used by residents? If so, then there is no solution, ya just gotta wait it out.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 14, 2010, 06:54:55 PM
After having read many, many of your posts, it sounds like there is no permanent fix for those roads that are always a mess when wet in the spring. Is there a way to keep big trucks off those roads altogether when there is an annual seasonal wet problem.? ? Can you ban certain traffic at times or are the roads just being used by residents? If so, then there is no solution, ya just gotta wait it out.
ROTFL i doubt it..... Money talks and those big trucks are working for the folks with money.
Seasonal truck tolls to help pay for the problem?
Every rancher - farmer and lots of other folks all own big trucks. You have to have them if you are into agriculture and livestock...
so-- no way could any one even think of doing something like that.
Sometimes, you just have to suck it up and go on.
Yes, Jo you are so right! I know that we and others have heavy duty 4wheel drive pickups and we also haul our cattle to the sales with a semi and they are brought down country roads. We have to use these types of trucks. If you were the ones feeding the cattle in some of those pastures, that are in no means been dry lately, you would want the same kinds of trucks to use. The semi is to save time taking the cattle to the sale.
And I do care where my take dollars are going. I also talk to the commissioners if there is a problem, too. When we lived at the old place and my oldest started school, the bus had to come to the house to get her. There was a big hill before our house that seemed worry some to me and the bus drivers. I talked to a commissoner about a bus sign and one was put up to make people aware of the bus stop. Also at the old place our right in front of the drive always washed out, and sometimes it would get really bad. If I saw them out grading I would ask them to try to put a little gravel over it and they would try to help things out. I don't have lots of money or pull as some would comment on, but being nice goes along way compared to the continuely griping.
I am not saying that you are wrong about the way you feel or someone else feels. I just know that they are out there everyday, doing their job, while we sit on our computers and complain about the things that they are trying to get fixed to everyone's satifcation.
Yup, that was my point Jo said, sometimes there is no answer, ya just suck it up and be glad when things get better. We've still got some very old market roads here that were finally paved on the "go to market" side only. The other half was just gravel, if that. If it got too bad, people would carefully drive their wagons on the wrong side along the worst sections. Needless to say the driver had to be careful, but horses and wagons didn't go that fast back then. Even today Great Britain has some very narrow country roads that have pull overs so people can get around each other.
HMMMM.........Wonder how many of you would just want to suck it up and go on if you could not go east or west on 160 to Dr's. appointments or shopping, or couldn't go north or south on 99 for the same reasons because the roads were full of big holes that were nearly impossible to go around or through in your car? I bet plenty of you would be after the state crews to get things fixed up in good fashion so you could travel them like you always have. And I'd bet oldfart would say that sucking it up and getting on is a little hard to do after realizing he was lied to by his boss and the elected comissioners about being 'layed off' for the winter, but he has NO choice because no one seems to care about some of your own elk countians!
Today is SUNDAY, March 21, 2010. By 7:00 this morning we have had at least 6 inches of snow with wind creating drifts. Before 7:00 this morning there was activity over in the county road yard. By daylight two graders were out and an hour later the 3rd one went out. Now, all you people that want to bitch about the country roads, suck it up. How many of you would take your day off, especially a Sunday, to go out and make sure that the citizens can get out to church or whatever? And what's more, they are still out. It is now 2:30 in the afternoon.
Quote from: Wilma on March 21, 2010, 01:31:40 PM
Today is SUNDAY, March 21, 2010. By 7:00 this morning we have had at least 6 inches of snow with wind creating drifts. Before 7:00 this morning there was activity over in the county road yard. By daylight two graders were out and an hour later the 3rd one went out. Now, all you people that want to bitch about the country roads, suck it up. How many of you would take your day off, especially a Sunday, to go out and make sure that the citizens can get out to church or whatever? And what's more, they are still out. It is now 2:30 in the afternoon.
Actually they get paid double time for working on a sunday don't they? I know for sure they get at least OT. Yeah i would work on my day off for time and a half or doubletime. No problem.
they dont get payed overtime , so if they work on days like this say ,you get 10 hours you get 15 off before time goes in. on to something else M.MM please leave me out of your post Il lost friendsat county shops because of you and shakaford people still think we are same., Igave up trying toget my job back,so please leave me out of it ! ! !
Quote from: oldfart on March 21, 2010, 09:46:28 PM
they dont get payed overtime , so if they work on days like this say ,you get 10 hours you get 15 off before time goes in. on to something else M.MM please leave me out of your post Il lost friendsat county shops because of you and shakaford people still think we are same., Igave up trying toget my job back,so please leave me out of it ! ! !
ok comp time. so they didn't give up their day off, just swapped it for another day off.
Quote from: oldfart on March 21, 2010, 09:46:28 PM
they dont get payed overtime , so if they work on days like this say ,you get 10 hours you get 15 off before time goes in. on to something else M.MM please leave me out of your post Il lost friendsat county shops because of you and shakaford people still think we are same., Igave up trying toget my job back,so please leave me out of it ! ! !
As stated before I posted under the name of Shackelford, if you lost friends that is between you and them, don't blame me for it.
I want to personally thank them. Drifts are so bad still my way, but if they hadn't have gone out I know I wouldn't have made it to town today. County guys, I don't give a crap what others say, thanks!! My husband was talking and said he was sure glad that you guys came out yesterday and on Christmas. I helps out the farmers a bunch!
srkruzich, can you not once just say thanks? I mean, all you seem to think about is how awful of a job they do, they will get another day off. I am not telling you what to think, but they don't get paid a whole lot to being with. This is the negative additude that makes me want to scream!!! What starts as a Thank you works into well they get time off. Man!!!!!
I have to agree with Angie on her post. Life is made of many things. We can not be envious of every thing that some one else has.
A kind word and a heartfelt Thank You goes a long way. A job well done is worthy of gratitude from those that benefit from it.
Envy is an evil thing -- it only makes the one that is letting it show become the lesser for it.
Our walks and entry ways were shoveled yesterday afternoon. We appreciate that very much. Fred nor I knew the gentleman that
was manning the snow shovel, but we thank him just the same.
Steve, your smile is upside down.
I agree Angie. Steve doesn't even live in Elk County,so it isn't his tax dollars to begin with.
There were some of the employees that were out past nine that sunday and we dont mind, some look at it like its something that needs to be done even if its a sunday or Christmas. And its not mandatory we are asked if we will come in, and it does pay out in comp time, and there is never going to be enough explanation to m&ms or goat lovers cause some people arent happy unless there is something to stir even if they dont have all of the facts. Thank You for the thank Yous though, its nice to hear them.
Out past nine? That explains why I didn't hear you come in. By that time I am having my pre-bedtime nap.
Just a couple things i'd like to say, as i've been away from here for nearly a week. My road didn't happen to be in such bad shape as some apparently were last weekend. I don't know how the road employees are paid for working days off until I read these last posts upon my return, but I think that is between the employee and the employer, I was not the one to bring that up. I will say THANK YOU county boys for the work you did last Sunday, i'm sure it was very much appreciated by the rural people whom got the worst out of that storm.
Now, upon my return, my neighbor has told me that he heard anger and foul language over the county radio on last Sunday, and i'm not saying who said what because it wasn't me that heard it, but from what I was told, it was very inappropriate language that he heard on his scanner. I'm sure he was NOT the only person in the county with a scanner that heard the same thing. Don't know who or what that language was directed at, but it should not have been over the radio!!!!!
Things such as this sort of get under my skin.
If the eavesdropping (scanner) listening bothered him/her, the scanner does have an on and off control, doesn't it?
Surely the listener was not being forced to listen.
Jo, I have no idea what system is used out there but if there is an FCC license involved they could lose it or be fined over foul language if someone were to pursue it. I know, I know, it's none of my business, but I thought you might like to know.
Quote from: Jo McDonald on March 28, 2010, 07:11:52 AM
Things such as this sort of get under my skin.
If the eavesdropping (scanner) listening bothered him/her, the scanner does have an on and off control, doesn't it?
Surely the listener was not being forced to listen.
Things such as this get under my skin.... why should the employee be permitted to act in an unprofessional manner?
I couldn't say about now, but back in the 70's when we had a CB, we had to be registered. Maybe some of you remember KDW 9000. And there were regulations that if you didn't stay within you could have your license revoked and if the violation was serious enough, you could be fined and possibly your equipment confiscated. This was BCP. Today, few people depend on CB radios to stay in contact with each other. My personal opinion is that nothing should be said over the air that would embarrass your grandmother and get you trip to the backside of the woodshed.
We still have and use our CB sometimes when traveling. It's still nice to be able to talk to the truckers.They are great for good recommendations for local restaurants and such. Breaker, breaker 19 ;D....
Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 28, 2010, 02:47:54 PM
We still have and use our CB sometimes when traveling. It's still nice to be able to talk to the truckers.They are great for good recommendations for local restaurants and such. Breaker, breaker 19 ;D....
Most of your truckers went to shortwave back in the 90's. You don't have to have the licensing anymore i don't think.
I still say~~~~~~~~~~~~~no one is forcing you to scan someone else's conversation. Just like those that complain about all the trash stuff on TV. If you don't like it -- then don't watch -- and if you are eavesdropping on conversations of the county workers --- then don't repeat what they are saying and change your channel, or better still --- mind your own business.
Why is that you remind me of my Aunt Hellen T. sometimes ??
I have heard worse on TV, I do agree with the on/off thing though.
You had to be registered to have a CB back in the 70's ?? Well, I guess I was a big time law breaker back then too. :)
Wouldn't think too many people would be offended by what they hear over their scanner. If they were I wouldn't think so many would put that chip in their scanner so they can evesdrop on what their neighbors say on portable and cell phones !!!
Ron, I don't know why I remind you of your Aunt Helen T. Sort of strange, don-cha think?
Quote from: jarhead on March 28, 2010, 08:12:40 PM
You had to be registered to have a CB back in the 70's ?? Well, I guess I was a big time law breaker back then too. :)
Wouldn't think too many people would be offended by what they hear over their scanner. If they were I wouldn't think so many would put that chip in their scanner so they can evesdrop on what their neighbors say on portable and cell phones !!!
Somewhere around here i still got a 23 channel one. those were much more powerful than the 40 channels that came out. Back when i was driving truck, they came out with the i think it was Andrew jackson cb's which all i had to do was plug in the crystal for the shortwave on it. You were supposed to have a license but i never got one. Also had me a 1000 watt liener on it which was switchable from 250 -500 -1000 watt. Took care of those loudmouths that wouldn't give up the channel cause they thought they were the big dawg. Stomped all over them when they didn't listen to reason.
Even had the fed boys running all around the truck stop one night lookin for me. LOL
Man you could spot em from 5 miles away with those directionals.
Got to where you couldn't use a cb anymore due to the ground noise. Still that way. I have a cobra too here with ssb and all. Still noisy as heck. Prefer the shortwave much better.
Jo, Don't you tell Helen but she's always been my favorite Aunt. That gal will and does speak her mind---kinda like Teresa does wouldn't you say ??
what?? I have kept so quiet on this thread... Not a peep and her you are draggin me into it... :angel:
Snicker snicker ~~~~~
That's funny, she has always been a favorite of mine too. I talked to her 3 times yesterday...we are both goofy as heck when it comes to college basketball. Love the teams..hate the the coaches...hate the coaches~~~~~~~~~
And of course we both think we are super smart when it comes to how the games should have been played. lol lol lol
Drove county roads to Fall River lake Sat.,cant believe the differencein Elk and Greenwood county roads.smooth and windrolls to work with
Your Federal Stimulus Dollars at work. ;D Or is it election time again? Our roads always improve when it's election time.
How true!!! You don't need a calendar around here. When the road crews start "tearing and repairing" it has to be an election year.
I was talking about how nice greenwoods roads were
Aren't they always as nice as they are now?
Quote from: oldfart on June 07, 2010, 12:03:14 PM
I was talking about how nice greenwoods roads were
I knew you weren't talking about Elk County roads. LOL