John Holdren -- Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Selected, empowered and currently advising the President of the United States of America. Here are his words:
"There exists ample authority under which population growth could be
regulated...It has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws,
even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained
under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became
sufficiently severe to endanger the society.
"All the children who are born, beyond what would be required to keep up the
population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room be
made for them by the death of grown persons."
And to think, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, FOX (except perhaps Beck), the Wichita Eagle, the Prairie Star, right down to ordinary folks on this list can still ignore or remain blissfully ignorant of things like this, can think Obama isn't a big problem, and.... can still sleep well at night!
What was that taken from? :P
The original quote is taken from Ecoscience, co-authored in 1977 by John Holdren and Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich.
To my knowledge, he has never recanted his positions.
Some will say something this old is irrelevant. Given no recantation, I would personally be concerned that he holds such a powerful advisory and policy making position in the US Government.
Also, according to a Nov 24, 2009 article in the Canada Free Press:
"Obama Science Czar John Holdren is directly involved in CRU's unfolding Climategate scandal. In fact, according to files released by a CEU hacker or whistleblower, Holdren is involved in what Canada Free Press (CFP) columnist Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball terms "a truculent and nasty manner that provides a brief demonstration of his lack of understanding, commitment on faith and willingness to ridicule and bully people".
Full article at:
But, alas, he's only one of dozens of unvetted czars appointed by Obama in what appears to be an avoidance of Senate confirmation processes.
I remember a book written by salem kirby back in the 70's that predicted this would happen. That forced abortions would be utilized to regulate population growth and that forced euthanasia of older folks would be used to subsidize social security. If you reached 80, they killed ya so that others could use social security
Quote from: srkruzich on November 28, 2009, 09:37:34 PM
I remember a book written by salem kirby back in the 70's that predicted this would happen. That forced abortions would be utilized to regulate population growth and that forced euthanasia of older folks would be used to subsidize social security. If you reached 80, they killed ya so that others could use social security
And yet, my friend, some eternal optimists in this country would say, "Can't happen in America." Yeah, tell the folks in Germany, 1933 that.
Lots of theoretical scenarios are put out in intellectual studies that they know will not work or be tolerated in real life. Do you not think it has crossed these supposed "euthanasia supporters" or "mandatory abortion advocates" that THEY will some day be 80? That THEY will have children?
Do you reckon they will just go to slaughter? "for the good of the country" ? LMFAO.
Quote from: pamsback on November 28, 2009, 11:05:11 PM
Lots of theoretical scenarios are put out in intellectual studies that they know will not work or be tolerated in real life. Do you not think it has crossed these supposed "euthanasia supporters" or "mandatory abortion advocates" that THEY will some day be 80? That THEY will have children?
Do you reckon they will just go to slaughter? "for the good of the country" ? LMFAO.
Keep on laughin, skeptic. While what you say about 'intellectual studies' may be true, it's also a fact that sometimes the worst possible scenarios actually play out in history. Are you so naive as to believe that we have advanced beyond that possiblity? k... you keep on smilin' and let us know when you need fresh sand to poke your head in.
My head is out here in the fresh air LOL.....I am so NOT naive that the very fact you ask that is hilarious......I have a healthy respect for the ingrained SELF-preservation interest of the human race. If it's gonna affect THEM it AIN'T gonna happen.
Quote from: pamsback on November 28, 2009, 11:18:34 PM
My head is out here in the fresh air LOL.....I am so NOT naive that the very fact you ask that is hilarious......I have a healthy respect for the ingrained SELF-preservation interest of the human race. If it's gonna affect THEM it AIN'T gonna happen.
do you remember hitler? Eugenics program i think it was called.
Ain't gonna happen :o You're assuming that the politicans who would put these laws into place would follow them. Now theres something that ain't gonna happen. Just look at their proposed healthcare bill, We have to follow it, THey don't.
Yes SRK it was and the Germans got the idea from US...from America.............imagine that. Eugenics was and HAS been used to try to control the population of any so-called un-desireable group for centuries. It's nothin new and it has worked well hasn't it....we have such a small population in the world with such limited family size.
If you waste your life settin around waitin for the next bad thing instead of enjoying the time you have when there IS no bad thing you are WASTING the ONE greatest gift you have which is your time on this planet.
You all seem to RELISH the fact that such things MIGHT happen more than you enjoy the fact that right this moment..they AREN'T happening and are not likely to. It seems you all will be HIGHLY disappointed if the chaos and terrible things you expect and seem to want DON'T ever happen.
You all HIGHLY UNDERestimate the people of this country. Yes, there will ALways be some who think such things are "good" ideas but the VAST majority will NEVER allow such things to happen or at the very least will put up a hell of a fight. Some of those people puttin up the fight will be the very ones you all have ridiculed and brow-beat into silence on this very forum.
You know the one thing a soldier prays for the most?...Peace. You know what he prepares for the most...War.
No one is sitting around hoping these things happen, but some are preparing for them. I don't know about anyone else but I enjoy each and every day, or at least try to. However, I would gladly give up my peace and enjoyment in life in order for my children to have peace and freedom.
No one has underestimated the majority of people in this country. In fact, I would say just the oppisite. We have trusted them to hold things like our American heritage, Our Constitution, Our freedom and our National Sovereignty near and dear to their hearts, but they have sold us out.
No they haven't. You just THINK they have.
I'm prepared. I also look to a brighter future.
I wish that were true, I really do. However, all one has to do is look back to the last presidental election and see that it isn't. Instead of electing a president that actually loved his country and wanted what he thought was best for it, they elected a radical. A man whose socialist beliefs led him to have no pride in his country, and who felt that America failed to live up to her promise. A man that felt "social justice" had a place in a country whose founding papers states that "..all men are created equal".
and the next election the pendulum will swing the other way....and a whole different group of people will be bitchin about "the sorry excuse for a president" the OTHER guys elected.
In the meantime people like you and me will keep livin, enjoyin our families, havin BBQs, goin to races or mud runs or whatever we do for fun and in another 30 or 40 years we'll go to sleep and wake up wherever we are bound for and people will STILL be bitchin about how the country is goin to hell in a handbasket because of "that poor excuse for a president" the OTHER guys elected...............
Sorry Pam, you'll have lost all your liberties by then. Somebody has been taking them away for the last 75 years at least. I'm still not sure where they put them once they have them; I haven't found the warehouse yet. See ya at the BBQ! ;)