Victor V. Grubb, a young man about 19 years of age, shot and killed himself at Oak Valley about 11 o'clock Saturday night.
He had called to see Miss Ruby Sanger, a young lady with whom he had been keeping company and had started home and when less than ten feet from the porch, after bidding her goodbye, drew the gun and fired a bullet into his breast. He only lived a few moments but long enough to tell Floyd Sanger that he was tired of living.
County Attorney Organ and Coroner Trowbridge of this city were notified and went down to Oak Valley. A jury was summoned and an inquest held and the facts as stated were brought out.
There had been no trouble between young Grubb and the young lady, except it was learned that he was anxious to marry her at once, and while her folks offered no objection to him they did oppose the marriage at the present time on account of the parties being so young.
Victor was the youngest son of the late J. A. Grubb, who served Elk county as commissioner, and a brother of the late Otto Grubb.