April 13, 2009
Pirate: " In the future, America will be the one mourning and crying. We will retaliate (for) the killings of our men."
Acting like the aggrieved party, in hallowed jihadist practice. "US captain freed; Somali pirates vow to retaliate," by Todd Pitman and Pauline Jelinek for Associated Press, April 13 (thanks to all who sent this in):
NAIROBI, Kenya – Bracing themselves on a rolling warship in choppy seas, U.S. Navy snipers fired three flawless shots to kill a trio of Somali pirates and free the American sea captain being held at gunpoint, a Navy commander said Monday.
Angry pirates vowed retaliation for the deaths, raising fears for the safety of some 230 foreign sailors still held hostage in more than a dozen ships anchored off the coast of lawless Somalia.
"From now on, if we capture foreign ships and their respective countries try to attack us, we will kill them (the hostages)," Jamac Habeb, a 30-year-old pirate, told the Associated Press from one of Somalia's piracy hubs, Eyl. "(U.S. forces have) become our No. 1 enemy." [...]
Yet Sunday's blow to their lucrative activities is unlikely to stop pirates, simply because of the size of the vast area stretching from the Gulf of Aden and the coast of Somalia.
"This could escalate violence in this part of the world, no question about it," said Gortney, the commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command.
A Somali pirate agreed.
"Every country will be treated the way it treats us. In the future, America will be the one mourning and crying," Abdullahi Lami, one of the pirates holding a Greek ship anchored in the Somali town of Gaan, told The Associated Press on Monday. "We will retaliate (for) the killings of our men."...
I just watched Hannity on this subject..
This probably ..well not probably.. it is not very ladylike.. but.............
The two bit pirate hoods seems to feel empowered. ..what with all their spewing and threats..
I say...Blow their dumb asses out of the water. Hunt them down and destroy anything near them at the same time. I want the last thing that goes through their minds, besides the bullet, is the realization that maybe they had made a serious mistake, hijacking an American ship.
you know....Like most everyone else, I could care less what the pirate "envoy" thinks. I don't care if they like us.
I want them to fear us... and know... without a doubt ....that death is the only outcome for taking on a U.S. flagged ship. The real hope is that our current President has the intestinal fortitude to continue "on message". I will give him credit, he sent the right one this round. ( even if they did have to ask him ""2"" times before he acted. )
But as long as the crime pays.. it will continue.
I totally agree with you Teresa. I'm kinda tired of the hyenas runnin the zoo myself.
Yeah, they need to realize that there am more of us'n than is them and when we got people who can knock the beak off a crow at a hundred yards without making it blink, maybe they should rethink.
Retaliate, they did:
Somali pirates hijack 4 ships, take 60 hostages
Pirates have attacked 78 ships this year, hijacking 19 of them, and about 17 ships with more than 300 crew still remain in pirates' hands, according to Noel Choong, who heads the International Maritime Bureau's piracy reporting center in Kuala Lumpur.
Each boat carries the potential of a million-dollar ransom.
The U.S. is considering new options to fight piracy, including adding Navy gunships along the Somali coastline and launching a campaign to disable pirate "mother ships."
The four pirates who attacked the Alabama were between 17 and 19 years old, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said. "Untrained teenagers with heavy weapons," Gates told students and faculty at the Marine Corps War College. "Everybody in the room knows the consequences of that."
Time to knock them out on land and sea, using armed unmanned drones on "pirate camps" and pirate boats at sea. Remember, the area that the pirates cover is about one-third of the size of the United States. On-board security teams on each ship wouldn't be a bad idea, either.
I'm not joking..... >:(Quote
SHARPTON (12:08): You can call me now at 1 877 532 5797, (to say) something about the so-called pirates. They call themselves voluntary Coast Guards in Somalia, which may be more apt. Ah, whatever your view.
Sharpton is not alone:
Understand..It's the Huffington Post....:P Which is right "down there" with Weekly World News.... ::)
After reading, I realized I needed my hip waders to wallow through that "nuance" pile of Bovine Scatology...QuoteMichael Vazquez today used his Huffington Post blog to reprint an essay on the subject by a Canadian-Somali singer, K'naan:
Can anyone ever really be for piracy? Outside of sea bandits, and young girls fantasizing of Johnny Depp, would anyone with an honest regard for good human conduct really say that they are in support of Sea Robbery?
Well, in Somalia, the answer is: it's complicated.
The news media these days has been covering piracy in the Somali coast with such lop-sided journalism, that it's lucky they're not on a ship themselves. It's true that the constant hijacking of vessels in the Gulf of Aden is a major threat to the vibrant trade route between Asia and Europe. It is also true that for most of the pirates operating in this vast shoreline, money is the primary objective.
But according to so many Somalis, the disruption of Europe's darling of a trade route, is just Karma biting a perpetrator in the butt. And if you don't believe in Karma, maybe you believe in recent history...
...But while Europeans are well in their right to protect their trade interest in the region, our pirates were the only deterrent we had from an externally imposed environmental disaster. No one can say for sure that some of the ships they are now holding for ransom were not involved in illegal activity in our waters. The truth is, if you ask any Somali, if getting rid of the pirates only means the continuous rape of our coast by unmonitored Western Vessels, and the producing of a new cancerous generation, we would all fly our pirate flags high.
Any chance we can talk Sharpton into doing an "inspection tour" of the Somali Coast Guard?.... ;D
I say strap his bloated self to the main mast of the most heavily weighted, expensively loaded freighter and send him into the heart of the pirate waters...Then, when the pirates take him hostage, see how long it is before THEY pay US to take him back...And imagine the look on their faces when we remind them of the US's stance on not negotiating with terrorists. HA.
Pirates Vow To Retaliate, both French and American snipers stick to their creed. One shot one kill. Much more effective than big battleships.
(I know, a liittle over dramatic)
Yea, but fast. I kinda like the idea of a couple of Destroyers sitting of the somilian coast and hammering it with artillery until the only thing left is...well....nothing. It is simple really, they kidnap one American, we level one somilian city. Sounds fair to me.
Oh yeah THAT would work......................
Noooowww we're getting somewhere...
Send a message LOUD and CLEAR! :police:
I was bein sarcastic :P Kill what a few thousand just to get ten or twelve? Ain't that what THEY do? and isn't that why we hate them so much?
Post an armed guard on the ship.....see em comin...blow em out of the water. Problem solved. Goes back to the discussion we've been havin in that other thread about havin the means to protect yourSELF and your property against the bad guys. Blow up the whole coast.........good god y'all.
What a great visual Catwoman!!! I would love it.
Sorry Pam. :-[
I kinda got caught up in the "moment".. :angel:
Oh, nobody wants to blow up or make glow a bunch of innocent civilians...The problem with the Somali pirates is the same problem with the Islamic extremists...You have a small number of idiots who give the rest of the population a bad name. All joking about the bloated Sharpton aside, I think that our US freighters need to be fully armed with large shell/grenade launchers...There need to be snipers on board each ship, from port to port. All crew members need to be fully trained and individually armed with the gun called The Judge...Looks like a handgun but uses .410 shells...You don't have to be a wonderful shot to totally take out the individual in front of you (I'm saving my pesos to be able to procure one of these for myself, before O can outlaw them). Then, take out every pirate within decent shooting/bombing range. Eventually, they'll run out of the 14-17 year olds who are willing to die on the open waters of the Somali coast and the problem will become slowly smaller. I don't normally go in for retroactive birth control of this sort but it doesn't appear that the pirates are going to be saying, "Oh, sorry, my mistake", any time soon.
NAAA!!! I still like the idea of leveling the coast line. Espcially when you consider that the entrie region has been in anarchy for years. Killing "innocent" civilians??? If the civilians that allow these pirates to occupy the coastal regions of somila were worth their salt, those pirates wouldn't be there to begin with. Also, these scumbag oxygen theiving scurge of the bounding main aren't just a few in number, there are many (Legions??).
Besides that, taking them all out just makes more sense?? If you have a nest of coral snakes under your house and one of them has bitten your child, you don't just one and hope the rest will crawl away, you eridacte the entire bunch.
Oh, and on a side note, I heard on the radio that the pirates used RPG's (rocket propelled gernades) during their latest attack. I really wouldn't want to bring a .410 to THAT gun fight. A Patriot cruise missle maybe....
;D ;D I like the idea of the unmanned drone, taking out selective targets. Neat, tidy.
Give me a break Varmit. Blah Blah Blah blow em all up...nits make lice.....I spend a LOT of time tryin to keep my cool for the simple reason that I actually try to practice the things I post in that enlightenment thread I do but sometimes my head starts smokin and it's all over.
I really don't think you are serious about killin people just because......or are you? I don't know because I don't know you.
So what if it's been in anarchy.....what's it to you? Do you live there? Do you even KNOW anybody who lives there? If you do do you know them good enough to put a death judgement on them? People AIN'T coral snakes. You don't kill them just because....hell ANYbody can snap tomorrow...maybe you just oughta go killin whoever you think MIGHT do somthin you don't like SOMEday. Don't even WORRY about what they might do.... just kill em cause of where they are from or what color they are or what religion they have or what sex they are or IF they have sex or if they agree with you or if they DON'T agree with you. Kill em all and let God sort em out RIGHT? Hell maybe you oughta just kill me...after all I went off on you.
Yeah there are a bunch of em livin by pirating.....I'm pretty sure if you just get the ones in the boats you're gonna get the pirates. The rest of them are just trying to survive in the savage place they live in. People in America always stand up and run the scuzbags out of town right? BULL, I know better for a FACT and if you are the one who makes waves everybody tells you to shut the hell up cause the bad guys will do whatever they want to you or your kids. So spare me the there are no innocent civilians there crap. I KNOW better
Woo Hoo! The Pam we know and love is Baaack!! :-* :-* Look at the age bracket Varmit claims, not far from video games IMHO.
You know what pam, you're right. We should just use diplomacy, and selective targeting, embargo's..blah, blah, blah.
Oh, wait a minute...we have, they failed.
If we are going to deal with this problem, then lets deal with it. Hey, heres a solution, lets start treating these "people" the same way americans have been treated by them, we can start by dragging their dead bodies thru the streets, chopping their heads of with butcher knives, really torture them (not the watered down american version of torture) but the real methods these bastards used on our servicemen, i.e. electrodes on their gentials, ripping out their teeth with pilers, ripping off their finger and toe nails, beating them with rubber hoses and bamboo reeds, burning the bottom of their feet with cigarettes. You know methods that produce real damage. And while we are at it we can continue to let third world countries dictate our foregin policy and security methods.
Are their innocents in somilia, sure, just like there were in every war ever fought, but that is the nature of the beast. You want "civilian" casualities kept to a minimum? Then you destroy your enemy as fast and brutally as possible, because the longer it drags out the more innocents get hurt. You said that if we only go after the ones in boats that we would get the pirates, are you serious?? Do you think they spend their entire lives in a boat?
The only way "the bad guys will do whatever they want to you or your kids." is if you let them. I don't know what america you grew up in or live in...but the America I live in does not just roll over and let these scum have their way with it.
You know what sixdogsmom, you're right, I'm not that far from the video games. What does that have to do with anything/
I am friends with LOTS of people older than Varmit, who don't have half of the political sense he has..
He knows his stuff...
I wouldn't want to go up against him in a debate.. I'd lose on the facts level..
I'll stand next to him any day of the week if he needs someone to watch his back...
( while he throws the grenades.. of course) ;)
I trust Pam the exact same way... She knows I'd stand strong with her against whatever.......
On the mental level?
Both have more than a little brain power.
They just have different ways of handling things..
On any other level?
If push comes to shove I'll pick those 2 to be on my team any ole day.
I see Pam's point of view...
But actually.. my patience with terrorist communities is about on it last leg... :-\
I'm a bit more of a "go in blasting" mode now.
((oh yea.. I LOVE video games... what does that make me?)) ;D
Thanks Teresa, made me laugh and smile...needed that to bring my blood from back from boiling to a mild simmer. >:( >:( :)
QuoteYou know what pam, you're right. We should just use diplomacy, and selective targeting, embargo's..blah, blah, blah.
No no diplomacy....armed sailors...post a watch.....rpg's...whatever it takes to blow the f-ers out of the water.
QuoteIf we are going to deal with this problem, then lets deal with it. Hey, heres a solution, lets start treating these "people" the same way americans have been treated by them, we can start by dragging their dead bodies thru the streets, chopping their heads of with butcher knives, really torture them (not the watered down american version of torture) but the real methods these bastards used on our servicemen, i.e. electrodes on their gentials, ripping out their teeth with pilers, ripping off their finger and toe nails, beating them with rubber hoses and bamboo reeds, burning the bottom of their feet with cigarettes. You know methods that produce real damage. And while we are at it we can continue to let third world countries dictate our foregin policy and security methods.
Yeah this has been done and it makes my blood boil just like any OTHER red-blooded American. But stupid me I THOUGHT we were supposed to be ABOVE doin that because WE know better. How about we use some common sense and dictate our OWN security policy. Instead of sayin OH....my bad.....he/she LOOKED like the bad guys so I thought they WERE one.
QuoteYou said that if we only go after the ones in boats that we would get the pirates, are you serious?? Do you think they spend their entire lives in a boat?
No but they are in the boat when they are fixin to attack a ship. Pretty easy to get em in one pop then ain't it?
QuoteThe only way "the bad guys will do whatever they want to you or your kids." is if you let them. I don't know what america you grew up in or live in...but the America I live in does not just roll over and let these scum have their way with it.
I grew up and my kids grew up in the America that lets KNOWN drug big shots run around loose and throw their weight around and do what the hell ever they want. And they don't do it when you are lookin dude, they HIRE some desperate degenerate to do it in the middle of the night when you ain't aware.
I'll stand with ALL you guys..anytime...but that don't mean I'm gonna agree with everything you say
Okay, bloods not boiling anymore...deep breath
Militarly speaking, a defensive posture is a setup for failure. No matter how hard you fortify your position it will eventually, be overrun if you do not combine it with overwhelming offensive manuvers. Just look at any major battle in history. No war was ever won from the defensive position.
As far as dealing with this problem, look at WWII. The Allies didn't wait for Germany to "come to us" we took the battle to them. And in doing so, we crushed the German Army. Yes, german citizens were put in harms way, but there was no avoiding it, it was a nessesecary evil. We have to do the same here.
As for America, yes we have more than our fair share of the criminal element, but they are only here because, like you say, we have allowed them to exist here. The American people (well, most of them anyway) have been conditioned to think that they don't have the right to defend themselves, that they have to rely on the police and government to ensure their safety. I see nothing wrong with common, everyday people standing up to these drug dealers and thugs and telling them to either change their ways, or pay the price. But then again that would require courage....
Dude I know all that... I really do.
Just for sake of argument hows that takin it to em workin with the terrorists? The enemy we fight nowadays is a whole different animal than the ones we fought in WWII. The SS came close but they were still more interested in selfpreservation than they were the immortality of being a martyr to the cause. These guys now don't care if they die...so what....their life sucks anyway.....or they think it's goin to get em a front row seat in Paradise. Even the Kamikaze pilots didn't go for it with-out a little or a LOT of chemical encouragement. THESE guys today are standin in line to strap a bomb to their ass and go die for the glory of the cause! What are you gonna do to discourage them...kill em?
As for the drug dealer thing....to stand up and run them off you have to be willing to gamble with your kids or any other family members life that you won't wake up one night with your house burnin down around you. Or any one of a dozen OTHER horrible things. So what are you gonna do...put em in jail? woohooo, that's real rough on em and they STILL find somebody to burn your house down and THEY were in jail so how could THEY have anything to do with it.........
So if you want to go on the attack, hire gunboats to follow you and go OUT and blow the aholes out of the water instead of waitin for em to get close enough to the ship to hit em. You CAN"T just go ashore and blow bystanders up and be any better than they are.
Much as I've enjoyed this I'm callin it a nite lol
Have a good one yall
Combatting terrorists is a two edged sword. You have to get to the populace that surrounds them, that they recruit from. You have to make them fear you more than they fear the terrorists. Once you have that you can use the populace to actually fight against the terrorists, once they are willing to commit (albeit out of fear) you start to win their trust. Its PsyOps basically.
For example...
If terrorists hijack a plane, we blow up an airport..
They blow up a building, we level a town..
They kidnap one of ours, we kill ten of theirs..
eventually, they will see a dramatic decrease in their recruitment and retention numbers. Because the citizens of whatever country they are in will begin to realize that attacking the US or any of its assets is a death sentence.
Heres how the drug dealer thing works
1) The citizens organize watch groups with active, armed, patrols. I'm not talking about these neighborhood watch committees we have now, but the real thing.
2) Identify locations, members, movements of local gang and drug related activity. I'm not talking about the wanna be thugs, but the real bad guys. Find out what their patterns are.
3) Set up "safe zones" by establishing areas where any gang/drug/illegal activity will not be tolerated. example-neighborhood playgrounds. Keep an armed force at this location 24/7.
4) Video Record everything you see and do. To provide a record of proof of activity, and as a reference tool in identifying and establishing a gang chain of command, so you know who is calling the shots, who is supplying, when, where, and time of occurances.
5) Identify their strong holds. where they hang out, their "headquaters" and most importantly how they arrive and leave.
6) Plan, Plan, Plan before you do anything. Recruit "outside" advisors if you have to. Retired military are a plehera of useful info.
7) and most importantly...know when to stop talking before you incriminate yourself... ;)...but I think I made my point.
You know, the founders of this country put their families lives on the line to fight for not just what they believed in but what they knew was right...why should we be any different?
I know that's the standard operatin procedure for terrorists. It is ALSO a two-edged sword because people who FEAR also HATE and what people HATE they try to destroy. Sooner or later SOMEbody is gonna have to jump of the fear/hate merry-go-round and find a better way. I myself have operated under the eye for and eye theory...I'm human...but I am also intelligent enough to realize it doesn't solve anything.... it just perpetuates the situation that caused it in the first place.
Good theory on the drug dealers...hope it works....think I saw the movie with Steven Seagal Lol
LOL SDM I missed your post in the middle of my rant last night.....I keep trainin the chick to be mellow but every one in a while she still gets loose :P Just shows how far I have left to go lol
And I think the chick is getting smarter. Can't be any other reason I am agreeing with her so much.
Pam you must've not read my whole post. We use fear to a point. Much the same way a parent does when they discipline their children. For example, my children fear me and my belt when they screw up. Yet, being children they will try and push me as far as they can on some issues. I tell them one time not to do something, if they do it, they get a spanking. Next time, I don't have to say anything, they know better. but they trust me to provide for them, and love them. You tell the populace, "look we are going to kill these terrorists, by what ever means possible, the more you help us do that the more your reward will be when the job is done. If you contuine to harbor or provide aid to terrorists, you will be killed also."
oh by the way, i don't watch steven segal.
Sixdogsmom, you never answered my question. What does my age have to do with anything?
When you get to be my age, ask that question again, only of yourself. I think you will understand then. ;)
No, I am asking you now to explain a comment you made, in a decidly deragatory way, about my age?
It is a proven fact that as men age they become less militant and women become more so. The more life you have on your bones, the more perspective you have on what's really important. It's not a put down on the contributions of younger people, it just happens, can't be helped. I've seen it in my own generation.
When you reach my age you aren't necessarily smarter, just smart enough to know that you DON'T know it all.
Yeah Varmit I read your WHOLE post. I just don't agree with you ;D
Lol why not watch Steven Seagal ?He puts on a pretty good show...not quite as limber and has a lttle more heft now but still LOL
Wilma one time I told my Dad it was amazin how much smarter he got the older I got. He cracked up over that one :P
I never claimed to know it all. I am not miliant, what I am is tired of seeing this country go to pot and no one (save for a few) standing up for it.
"Look at the age bracket Varmit claims, not far from video games IMHO."-SDM....that was a put down.
Pam, looks like well just have to agree to disagree...again :)
QuotePam, looks like well just have to agree to disagree...again
Yep looks like LOL At least we can still be speakin when we are done ;D
Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on April 16, 2009, 09:40:47 PM
As far as dealing with this problem, look at WWII. The Allies didn't wait for Germany to "come to us" we took the battle to them.
Not trying to jerk your chain...But, historically speaking, the European Allies were in WWII long before we entered...Our president was keeping us out of it until we got attacked at Pearl Harbor...There has been documentation that has suggested that he knew we were in imminent danger of being attacked but did nothing, waiting until we were attacked in order to force the issue of our being involved. But, yes, we played a major role in both the destruction of the Nazi regime and then again in the rebuilding of Germany, England, France, and whatever other country needed help.
Very true.
yeah i know, I was referring more to the end of the war than its start
Quote from: BillyakaVarmit on April 17, 2009, 09:48:04 AM
We use fear to a point. Much the same way a parent does when they discipline their children. For example, my children fear me and my belt when they screw up.
Billy, I grew up in the era of the fear of the belt. My dad used to whip us with the belt. That was the old days when we didn't know better. I am not placing judgment on you. I will leave you with what my dad said to me when he stopped using the belt. It never did any good and hurt me as much as it did you. Consider the alternatives. They work better and your kids will grow still being upstanding people just as they are now. Only less pain for all involved.
dnalexander, I'll leave You with the words my Father left me...
He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. Prov. 13:24
Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child: but the rod of correction shal drive it far from him Prov.22:15
Withhold nor correction from the child; for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell. Prov 23:13-14
I had a preacher once that said, "If they deserve it than spank your child, the Almighty even designed children with a place to do it, don't worry you won't break them, they already have a crack in 'em!!"
As far as alternatives. From what I have seen of children these days, I would say the atlernatives haven't done a damn thing, consider the number of gangs, drugs, premarital sex, teenage pregnancy, all of these have increased since the "alternatives" were put in place. No thanks. I believe I'll stick to the old school on this one.
Spanking when necessary doesn't hurt the child, but beating does. And I don't care if the Old Testament says to beat the child, it shouldn't be done.
Are you living in the Old Testament?
I agree. I don't "beat" my kids. never said that I did. even though I might be a "young" dad, I am smart enough to figure out what the Lord was talking about when He gave us the proverbs.
He didn't give us Proverbs, unless you are a Jew. He gave us Christ and Christianity and the New Testament. Which are you?
I'm one of those Bible Believing folks. You know the ones that believe that the Bible is Gods word. I am one who believes that with the gift of Christ the gentiles were grafted into the vine and able to partake of His word, not just in part, but in the whole. Because if Christians are not able to do so, if they can't take lessons from the old testament, then they can't take that "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth."-Genesis 1:1. We could go back and forth like this all day, but really it is simple..
God did it, the Bible says it, I believe it.
How do you then explain the missing books from the Bible thanks to the efforts of the Council of Nicea? These were also works that chronicled the life and times of Jesus.
Ah yes, historical biblical politics....even then.
I feel that if God wanted those books to be in the Bible, He would have seen to it.
Are you one of the anti Santa Clause people? :P
No, but my children do know the true meaning of Christmas.
But I do wish he would quit eating all my cookies...
LOL ;D ::)
The Catholic Bible contains books that are not in the Protestant Bibles. How do you explain that one? Is that God's choice or man's choice? I had better be careful, I might have to figure out just where my husband's Catholic Bible is.
The reason for that is that when King Henry the VIIIth split from the Church and started the Anglican (Episcopal) Church, he also had the Bible changed to reflect that schism. That is either the precursor of or is the King James Bible, I believe, if I am remembering my religious history courses correctly...Help??? Does anyone remember the correct progession of the schism that occured when King Henry wanted the divorce from Katherine of Aragon and the Pope refused to grant the divorce, so Henry left the church, started his own, and proceeded to marry Anne Bolyn?
I may be way out in the woods here but,.... That was the reformation, that among other things started the Church of England, the Bishop's Bible and then the King James version. Someone tell me if I've remembered it wrong.
:-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
So I must be wrong. Enlighten me, it's been a long time. That was a very complicated period. There was more going on than splits with the Pope and what was up with Henery the VIII, I am, I am. See, I remember Herman's Hermits.
Frank? Some help here??? David????? Helllloooooooooooooooo???????
I just might have to dig out some packed away Bible studies. I don't remember much about this but I am sure I have seen it somewhere. Maybe in my trusted 1969 version of the World Book Encyclopedia. Anyway, it is interesting.
I'm not sure how we got from pirates to Bibles :laugh: :angel:
Why, we were just talking about lots of little angels, don't ya know! lol :angel: :angel:
Bibles are more interesting, don't you think?
What I find interesting is how people who attend church, profess a faith in God, say they are governed by His word and yet question how it came into print.
By the way, I did see that the Dutch captured 20 more pirates.
The Dutch did? That's great. On the other subject, have you ever read the history about all the various versions and how they came to be? It's very interesting and there were, and are,a surprising number of variations. But unless we are old language scholars who could read old Aramaic and Greek, I'm not sure we'll ever know much more than the Latin translations. I'll told they aren't very accurate. Much as become symbolic and that's certainly OK.
I found a site last night that contained as much history of the Bible as is available. It is:
It is very interesting and much more than I had seen before.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2009, 05:46:04 PM
So I must be wrong. Enlighten me, it's been a long time. That was a very complicated period. There was more going on than splits with the Pope and what was up with Henery the VIII, I am, I am. See, I remember Herman's Hermits.
I wasn't sayin you were wrong Diane........:P sorry I was tellin myself not to even start on THIS subject LOL. They'd be here with the tar and feathers :P
That's OK Pam, I just thought you knew something that I'd forgotten. Wilma, that site really brought back memories. I think it will answer Cat's questions very nicely. I did have it pretty close as it turns out. The Bishops Bible is mentioned, then the King James version. Thanks!
What an excellent site! :o Thanks so much for posting it, Wilma. I always learn so much from all of you! :D
Somalian Pirate Hat
Love it!