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General Category => Politics => Topic started by: Teresa on January 26, 2009, 05:04:15 PM

Title: Obama snubs heros
Post by: Teresa on January 26, 2009, 05:04:15 PM
Obama Snubs Nation's Heroes & Response

Why am I not surprised that the Cleveland Leader is the only major newspaper in the country that has given prominent coverage thus far to Obama's 'no show' at the 'Salute to Heros' Inaugural Ball. Was it a gaffe, or a signal? Whatever, it was a disappointing snub of all veterans and men in uniform by their Commander-in-Chief, who chose the company of the likes of DiCaprio, Shikira. and Kid Rock to that of the winners of our nation's highest military award.

From the "Cleveland Leader" newspaper, published January 21, 2009. No surprise here, but nonetheless disappointing. After all, Mr. Obama is our President, and America's Commander-in-Chief. What kind of message does this send to the armed forces and our veterans? Rather obvious, unfortunately.

Obama Snubs Nation's Heroes, Becomes the First President to Skip Ball Honoring Medal of Honor Recipients in Over 50 Years

Barack Obama may have stumbled over his words briefly during his inauguration, but he made an even bigger blunder later Tuesday evening. The newly sworn-in President opted not to appear at what should have been one of the most important Balls on his agenda that evening - The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball.

The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball was begun in 1953 for President Dwight Eisenhower's inauguration. The event recognized recipients of the Medal of Honor, the nation's highest military award. There were 48 Medal of Honor recipients in attendance, who were undoubtedly disappointed by the Commander-in-Chief's failure to show. Over the past 56 years and 14 inaugurations, no President has skipped this event - until now.

The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball is sponsored by the American Legion, and co-sponsored by 13 other veteran's service organizations, including those such as the Paralyzed Veterans of America and the Military Order of the Purple Heart.
Instead of attending this ball honoring our nation's heroes, Obama was busy making stops at 10 other official balls.

Obama and his wife's first stop was at the Neighborhood Ball. From there they went to the Home State Ball for Illinois and Hawaii, the Commander-in-Chief Ball, the Youth Inaugural Ball, and the Home State Ball for Delaware and Pennsylvania. They finished off the night with brief appearances at the Mid-Atlantic, Western, Midwest, Eastern, and Southern regional Balls.
Celebrities were a plenty at the balls, with Stevie Wonder, Shakira, Mary. J. Blige, Faith Hill, Jay-Z, Alicia Keys, Adam Levine, will.i.am, Sting, Mariah Carey, and Leonardo DiCaprio in attendance at the Neighborhood Ball. In addition, the other nine balls also featured a star-studded lineup including Kanye West and Kid Rock at the Youth Ball, Marc Anthony at the Western Ball, and Cheryl Crow at the Western Ball.

It was the party without all of the celebrities that Obama skipped. The very people who he sought to have support him during his candidacy and campaign, who have fought to protect this country, were snubbed in favor of publicity and the opportunity to rub shoulders - yet again - with the out-of-touch Hollywood elite.
Title: Re: Obama snubs heros
Post by: Anmar on January 26, 2009, 06:09:12 PM
Journalists shouldn't play politics

Title: Re: Obama snubs heros
Post by: Teresa on January 27, 2009, 01:42:09 AM
I received this about 10 times form military people....
Thanks for finding this Anmar..

I still  don't like him...

but I will pass it on...  :)
Title: Re: Obama snubs heros
Post by: Anmar on January 27, 2009, 02:56:02 AM
I'm not a big fan either to be honest.  I prefered Ron Paul, who i thought was the only true conservative in the election.  Regardless of our opinions and views, we must be fair at all costs.  Frankly i'm upset about the role that the media has been playing in politics, and it's both sides.  Political idealogues and pundits are passing themselves off as journalists and they are misrepresenting facts for political gain or sometimes even economic gain.  I don't care if they are with me or against me, their job is to report the truth.

Here's an example of how even conservative talk show hosts are sell-outs.  How many times did we hear them on the radio during the beginning of the campaign claiming that there is no economic slowdown?  They tell us that the democrats are all gloom and doom, chicken little types, etc etc.  Only a few weeks later, those same radio talk show hosts are advertising for companies that sell gold, and encouraging their listeners to dump the dollar and buy gold because the economy is tumbling.  They also don't tell you that the price of gold has fallen quite a bit in the last year and continues to fall.  Down $12 today in fact.  How many conservatives lost money listening to these "Journalists"

It's obvious for many of us that the left wing parts of the media distort things, but we can't blindly trust the right wing either.
Title: Re: Obama snubs heros
Post by: srkruzich on January 27, 2009, 08:22:02 AM
you know, anyone that listens to talkshows to get their financial advice deserves to lose their money.
ANyone knows that in a downturn like this you can survive it by bying a cd for 10 years with 2/3 of your money and investing the other third in a index fund.  In 10 years you will end up with your initial investment money you started out with in the worst case scenario, and in best case you will make a nice profit on the index fund.
Title: Re: Obama snubs heros
Post by: Teresa on January 27, 2009, 05:28:56 PM
Never regret presenting both sides of a story Anmar.

Even though it might "damage" your position on the issue, it is taking the "High Road" and it keeps us all honest.

If we fall into the "liberal" habit of distorting the truth or outright lying, we will have lost more than the argument.

If we fall into the habit of believing these deceptions, we will join the ranks of mindless believers and followers like those who have elected this president.
It will not hurt us to be armed with all the facts.

As to Obama's actions, if we allow that he could not be personally present for the security reasons given, a tele-presence could have been arranged where he could express his regrets and support...if they exist.

It might have been costly, but well within the budget of this extravaganza and was due the most important group of American Heroes.

We will see if he attempts amends and will determine if they are sincere.

And why isn't the Ball sponsored by the President and not the American Legion?..... and the Medal of Honor holders should be the Guests of Honor.
THAT'S what should be done.
Title: Re: Obama snubs heros
Post by: Anmar on January 27, 2009, 06:44:11 PM
You're right, he could have done a video or something.  The white house has a seperate ball for purple heart and other award winners, so they really do honor the vets.