How Many Friends?
The old man turned to me and asked
"How many friends have you?"
Why 10 or 20 friends have I,
And named off just a few...
He rose quite slow with effort
And sadly shook his head
"A lucky child you are
To have so many friends," he said
But think of what you're saying
There is so much you do not know
A friend is just not someone
To whom you say "Hello"
A friends a tender shoulder
On which to softly cry
A well to pour your troubles down
And raise your spirits high
A friend is a hand to pull you up
From darkness and despair...
When all your other "so called" friends
Have helped to put you there
A true friend is an ally
Who can't be moved or bought
A voice to keep your name alive
When others have forgot
But most of all a friend is a heart
A strong and sturdy wall
For from the hearts of friends
There comes the greatest love of all!!!
So think of what I've spoken
For every word is true
And answer once again my child
How many friends have you
And then he stood and faced me
Awaiting my reply
Softly I answered
"If lucky...... one have "I"
I love this poem. How precious.
I'm new as of today here & feel friendless :( So I had to read this.
Your poem really made me sit & think, who are my friends (real friends)
God, My sweet Jesus is my best friend
&then my husband
& my children
my family at our church/friends
Blessed is someone with smaller portions of true
than many with bigger portions of nothing.
I love your work, I will be reading more. I posted one of my own, I feel like a deer on hunting day around here. lol
God Bless
Don't be put off by the reactions you have been receiving on the other thread. I guarantee you, the people on this site are (for the most part) the most warm-hearted, generous people you're going to come across. If you're feeling like a 'deer on opening day', then grow a huge rack of horns and start charging! Bring the fight right back to 'em! There's only one thing worse than sitting back and letting people make you feel like you just descibed...and that would be doing nothing to defend yourself. Eleanor Roosevelt once stated that no one can make you feel inferior without your permission (and I'm paraphrasing here, OK? Those of you who are more well-versed in History probably know what the verbetum quote would be). So, bring it on. You've got more friends than you know, Lina.
Hang in there!
Spoken like a true "Catwoman"....
Quote from: Teresa on June 28, 2008, 11:31:16 PM
Spoken like a true "Catwoman"....
Good's been too many moons since I even SLIGHTLY resembled those cats! Where do you find these graphics?
Ohhh you might be an older version.. but the young cat is still lurking in there somewhere. ;D ;D