Well this doesn't necessarily apply to me, yet, I still thought it was nice and would share it with you:
Old Age And Memories
When shades of night begin to fall,
And shadows lengthen on the wall,
My thoughts roll back to days of yore;
Like waves that gently lap the shore.
The youth I lost, so long ago.
Just where it went, I do not know.
Too soon, a young man took his place.
Then, age replaced that smiling face.
The child I raised, from very birth,
Has gone to find his place on earth.
He, too, will find that time flies by.
T'is but a twinkle of God's eye.
I live my memories, o'er and o'er,
And wonder if I could have done more.
Not one of those days were perfect spent.
And yet, the next was duly sent.
I tried and tried, with all my might,
But never did get one just right.
I've lived for many thousand days;
A testament to God's patient ways.
And now, my memories, good and bad,
Remind me of the chance I had
To live my life the way I should;
To shun the bad, embrace the good.
And yet, I trod the time worn road.
I walked alone, with heavy load;
Too proud to think that God would care,
My many burdens to gladly share.
And then, one day, I was wholly spent.
So, down from heaven, His Son He sent.
Not only did He lift my earthly load,
But put me back on the narrow road.
So now, my mind is full at ease,
No longer tossed like heavy seas.
Whatever life, now, has in store,
I have a haven on yonder shore.
It's not a prize that I have won,
But the gift, from God, of His precious Son.
Poetry © by Robert Winters