Okay, here is a picture of the courthouse a couple of years ago. I had to lay down on my stomach, prop myself up on my elbows, laying across the street south of the courthouse in the yard of Maurice and Jackie Perkins little office. I think it is a good picture and I really think it is a better picture then the one that was on the website for the county.
That is a wonderful picture....!!! The best I have ever seen of the courthouse...
Good job Ta~~oops~~errrr~~ I mean....Sheriff.
But~~~ I would rather have the one of you .... rolling around in the street..... propped up on...ahhh..... did you say your elbows????
Now what a Kodak moment THAT would have been... ::)
Here is an older picture of the courthouse. I don't know when it was taken but I did get it from a postcard that was on eBay. I can't remember if I won the postcard or someone else that grew up in Elk County.
Notice the fencing...
I know I am repeating myself... but wouldn't it be wonderful if all of a sudden.. we were in that time frame???
.. and I know that things were harder then.. but in a lot of ways~~so much more uncomplicated and gentle.
If you will look to the right side of the photo you will see the old jail. That is the first jail that Elk County had that was separate from the courthouse. This 2 story jail was also the sheriff's residence, like it is now. This is the jail that had the only suicide that I have been able to find in our history. Now, it could be that there were some during the really early days, but I haven't found them in the papers. This jail also had an escape when a juvenile, (back then, way back, you could house juveniles in the jail), knocked a hole in a wall and ran down the stairs, knocking Sheriff Ben Carter's wife down, then stole the sheriff's car.
Quote from: Janet Harrington on October 20, 2004, 10:17:57 PM
Okay, here is a picture of the courthouse a couple of years ago. I had to lay down on my stomach, prop myself up on my elbows, laying across the street south of the courthouse in the yard of Maurice and Jackie Perkins little office. I think it is a good picture and I really think it is a better picture then the one that was on the website for the county.
Janet... thanks for this picture. It's very close to the view from our house when I was growing up. We lived in the house at the corner of Cedar and Randolph. I've been gone for 17 years now, but still enjoy hearing about Howard, and especially seeing pictures. If anybody else wants to post, this old "hometown boy" would sure love to see them. Thanks again for the memories!
I understand that the early Elk County Courthouse burned and destroyed many or all of the original records. Does anyone know if any of those early records survived. I am trying to get information on two families of my ancestors, Gann and Brant that lived near Busby in Elk Co.
Jack Phelps jackp5149@juno.com
Very, very few of the courthouse records survived that fire. There are some sheriff warrant books that survived and are in the basement safe of the courthouse. However; unless your relatives were arrested or taken to the mental hospital, they would not be in those books. You could call NEVA WALTER, the Register of Deeds, or write to her at the below address.
She would be the one who knows about records. She might even do some research for you.
127 N Pine
PO Box 476
Howard, Ks 67349-0476
Phone: 620-374-2472
FAX: 620-374-2771
Business hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM