Why are we crying?
Today we are burying one of our own,
Most of us do not know him
Some of us know his children
Some of us know his wife
Why do we cry for this stranger?
Why are we crying?
Is it that we have a child of our own in Iraq?
That we know that this could be our son
Are these tears of sorrow?
Or relief that it is not my child?
Why are we crying?
Is it that we have a parent in Afghanistan?
That we lay awake at night wondering
Are these tears of sorrow?
Or relief that it is not my parent
Why are we crying?
Is it that we have a spouse who will soon be deployed?
And we are afraid that the knock will be on our door
Are these tears of sorrow?
Or relief that it is not my spouse?
Why are we crying?
Is it because we recognize the sacrifice he made
That he gave his life that we might live free?
Are these tears of sorrow?
Because he proudly took that risk?
Why are we crying?
Is it because we sorrow with his family
That we share their pain?
Are these tears of sorrow
Because that is all that we can give?
Why are we crying?
Is it because there has been so many more like him
Throughout the life of our country?
Are these tears of sorrow?
Why do we cry for this man?
Beth Gordon February 2008
My family went through this experience with the burial of my brother, Rex Truitt, who was killed in action at the end of World War II. So, I feel that I am crying with the family, at their tremendous loss, and I will continue to cry with them, and all of the others who have lost family members while fighting for our freedom, until the end of my life. I can tell you for sure, when my brother was buried with full Military Honors, in the Longton Cemetary, there were NO protestors! There was a wide spread community of friends who really cared, who came out to pay their respects to Rex, and to our family.
As one of our Ministers said not long ago of all military deaths, the war caused them to die, but God caught them as they fell.
And, that's the knowledge that keeps us faithful!
a funeral is an emotional private time for the family of the deceased. The deceased is mourned by not only his family, but his many friends. When a soldier is killed in action, he is mourned by his family, his friends, and Americans whom he gave his life for.
True in everything spoken ..
Diane .. I really like what your minister said.. I will remember that..
*the war caused them to die, but God caught them as they fell.*
As God and his angels do with all of us.
Diane, what you minister said is so touching. I have never heard that said. But he is oh, so right!!