Elk County Forum

General Category => Poetry => Topic started by: Teresa on September 27, 2007, 11:19:01 AM

Title: The Moon
Post by: Teresa on September 27, 2007, 11:19:01 AM

If you want to work with the moon's influences, you need to know the cycles of the moon itself. The Moon goes through an entire cycle of waxing and waning about every 28 days. This is called a Lunar Month. There are about 13 Lunar Months in a calendar (or Solar) year.
The moon was full on Wednesday, September 26, 2007
12:45pm PDT.
It is now starting to wain, so that means that it is growing smaller in apparent size.
If you enjoy working with the moon and it's energy, then on the waxing moon ( 7 days before a full moon)  the moons energy will  increase or expand something -- love ~~ to draw someone to you, money ~~~ to attract wealth, Crown of Success ~~~ to advance a career and bring you the most recognition on the job or in school, to increase business or draw customers to your shop,  are often begun or worked entirely while the moon is waxing or growing bigger in apparent size.
Folks who want their hair to grow thick and fast cut their hair when the moon is waxing. People plant crops grown for leaves, flowers, or seeds during the waxing moon

On a waning moon ( 7 days after the full moon) the energy will work to decrease or diminish something -- separation & break up ~~ to end something whether in love or career., & for the removal of disease -- are often begun or worked entirely when the moon is waning or growing smaller in apparent size. Folks who want to keep a hairdo and slow down their hair growth cut their hair when the moon is waning. People plant crops grown for roots during the waning moon

This September moon is the Aries Full Moon of the child: a celebration of innocence, adventurousness and starting new. This is the best Full Moon to take a leap of faith, release your desire for a new beginning to the  universe and start taking action.

On an Aries Full Moon your intention is best released with these qualities in mind: spontaneity, wonder, curiosity, adventurousness, and innocence. There are few times in an adult life when we can begin anew without dragging along our past pain, fear and worries. But this is the Full Moon to strive for releasing your intention with childlike hopefulness and inner faith. Know that what comes from your strong intention will be evolutionary, supportive and.... well, a big adventure! So smile and let it fly!

Since Aries is a fire sign, releasing is best done through burning, and fire ritual is best done with safety in mind; so make sure to use an indoor fireplace, or a stone fire circle.

This is a time to lighten up and celebrate the cheerier, Arian side of life. For those of you who just want to have some fun, this Full Moon of the child is best celebrated with playfulness and adventure.

I hope I didn't bore any of you with this. It's just one of the many things that I incorporate into my life and enjoy .

Title: Re: The Moon
Post by: greatguns on September 27, 2007, 03:16:35 PM
Boring NOT!  I found it most interesting.
Title: Re: The Moon
Post by: Ole Granny on September 27, 2007, 09:49:17 PM
One of my granddaughters had a religion class last night.  Several things came up making her late for class.  She is shy and had debated on whether to just skip class rather than walking into class late. Decided she had better go.   Professor was lecturing when she walked in. Granddaughter just looked at the professor and said "Full Moon" as she sat down.  The professor cracked up.
After class she asked her if she wanted to write a paper on power of the moon!!
Title: Re: The Moon
Post by: Diane Amberg on September 28, 2007, 10:41:45 AM
There really is something to that. Several of the babies I delivered on the ambulance were on the full moon, especially if there is a low pressure weather system at the same time. Now put together a low pressure system on a full moon and make it on a solstice date and a baby's near due date....get out the catcher's mitt!