Elk County Forum

General Category => Politics => Topic started by: DanCookson on September 12, 2007, 07:40:45 AM

Title: The Reason
Post by: DanCookson on September 12, 2007, 07:40:45 AM
This was sent to me by a friend of mine who is a history professor and an expert in foreign affairs.  I am going to post it for everyone to not only watch, but for the same reason and the same comments he made when he sent it to me.

He told me this was the best audio-visual presentation he had seen concerning September 11th.  He also said it was very important for people to watch this and take some time for reflection.  Reflection about WHY we are at war.  He made a very disturbing comment to me and I will share it, since he is very familiar with that region and what is going on and I am almost dumb when it comes to these things.

He said anything less than victory in this region is suicide for America.  If this area is unstable it will be taken by Iran and turned into a safehaven for extremists around the world.  Iran is very close to having a nuclear weapon and when they get it, they won't use it.  He claims that they will sell it to Al Qaeda and let them use it.  Over 3000 people lost their lives on 9-11.  If that same explosion was a nuclear one, it climbs to over 3 million. 

This is the link to the presentation.  I think it brings things back into perspective for us.  I like the term that was used, "We Will Never Forget."

I am afraid some have....         http://www.pentagonattack911.com/
Title: Re: The Reason
Post by: Dee Gee on September 12, 2007, 10:31:54 AM
I can't believe anyone that sees this presentation would not support the war in Iraq and Afghanistan as one way to eliminate terrorism and make the world safer for all people.
Title: Re: The Reason
Post by: Judy Harder on September 12, 2007, 10:34:05 AM
Boy, Talk about a wake up call.
Thanks Dan for reminding us just why we sent people to the middle east...........
I didn't forget, but I was getting into all the hype about bringing all of our troups home
without really getting on top of it.

You did cause me to cry (again), but thats ok.......tears do clear out the sinus' and for that thank you.
thanks for sharing....now if you don't mind, I am going to try to send this to my address book.

God bless America and Hugs to you. Judy
Title: Re: The Reason
Post by: Teresa on September 12, 2007, 10:44:21 AM
Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh.. :'(  OH MY~~~ :(

Anyone ..anywhere in the United States that watches this will have to feel 100 different emotions.. And they flood your soul all at one time, gradually rising and falling during the whole of this movie.
We have GOT to all stand together.. United we stand and Divided we will fall.
Surround  our troops with your prayers, thoughts and verbal word support..
for what is put out in the universe in this manner will reverberate the world with it's message.

Great thread Danny.. Thank you .. :-*
Title: Re: The Reason
Post by: Jo McDonald on September 12, 2007, 01:52:06 PM
That is a powerful presentation.  Thank you, Dan, for posting and sharing that with the rest of us.

  I copied and pasted it to an e mail and sent it to many of my friends that do not view the forum.

   We,  as Americans, MUST support our troops in prayer and deeds, and DEFEND our freedom.
Title: Re: The Reason
Post by: giester2 on September 12, 2007, 02:17:27 PM

I would also suggest a documentary made by two French brothers who were in New York filming with the NYFD on 09/11/01.  It is simply called  "9/11"

I watch it at least once a year, or whenever I start to waiver over what our brave men and women are fighting for in the ME.