At the foot of the garden
Where wild things abide
A place for young children
And rabbits to hide
A place not clipped and
Not nipped
A place more mussy
Than tussy
With riotous colors
And placement not fussy
A few stepping stones
And just a few crows
But nothing is set in
Regiment rows
A bit tangled, a bit
Mangled by various whims
From great Mother Nature
It's all in her plans
At the foot of the garden
Where wild things abide
The fairies hold court
From dawn to eventide
Secrets exchanged and
Tea parties attended
Rare scents and sweet
Visions are blended
Within the walls of abodes
So tiny they seem to be
Parts of the shadow of
Leaves on the trees
Sparkles and spangles
Borrowed from webs
Adorn each fairy from
Foot to the head
Each tiny shoulder holds
A gossamer wing
So the fairies can fly
When the little birds sing
They dance by bright moonbeams
And sunbeams alike
Both waltzes and polkas
With equal delight
If Dame Fortune should bless you
And walk by your side
And if you believe, really believe
You might sight
The fairies, all the fairies
At the foot of the garden
Where wild things abide
Written by Eda Collier Nettles 2001 (sixdogsmom)
What a lovely poem. There is some real talent here. :) :) :)
Fantastic poem. I really liked it.
Thank you both so much. The greatest praise is that received from people whom you admire. Thank you again!
I hope those thanks extend to me. I think this poem is quite enchanting. Quite suitable for a children's book. Maybe you and Janet could collaborate.
Absolutely! Thank you Wilma!
I have a two young granddaughter 5 and 6 who love fairies. I shall read it to them. Thank you. We have a little fairy path to a Redbud tree which has a a little fairy door with a tiny lantern hanging on it. My three-year old grandson helped with the fairy door as a surprise for his sister and cousin. Charley will love the story too.
I am so happy that you enjoyed my poem. I too have a fairy home in my yard. I also have an underground factory where the fairies produce marbles. They love marbles you know, that is why you find them so often when you dig in the flower beds. The fairies have dropped them while dancing. Blessings, Edie.
Well, apparently my fairies also go hunting and camping. I find marbles quite often, but I have also found little rifles, a wee canteen, a tiny pup tent, and a well bucket. The family who sold us this house had sons who grew up here.
Our Fairy path is covered with marbles. Also one of the roots of the Redbud has three-toed foot above ground that has marble toenails.
I kinda keep to myself about my beliefs and practices.
How wonderful to find out that other people living close to you enjoy and believe in things that you thought you were the only one around this area who did?
((Did that make any sense at all? It was a mighty long sentence ) :)
Ashley loves my faerie poems and songs...and I weave wonderful stories of faeries and 4 legged creatures and winged ones.
** If faeries wish to remain hidden from view, there is little human kind can do. Remember, when seeking the fairy and all nature spirits, you should never wear iron. They despise it! in fact, it is said that particular metal can harm or even kill the faery.
And never whistle in the woods. It disrupts the natural aura of the place.
Roses seem to attract the wee ones in a powerful way. If you wear rose oil when seeking the faeries, they will be drawn to you despite their wish.
Probably the most well known place to find the Fae Ones is within a natural mushroom ring at sunset or full moonlight. It is said that a person can simply look through a stone with an opening, or a hole, and possibly see one. Caution should be taken not to be caught unaware by the faeries, especially during the full moon. They are very very onry and mischievous, and at times like these will be up to no good.
If you decide to try your hand at any type of faerie magic, make certain that all of your tools are made of copper, silver or woods that are sacred to faerie. Oak is probably the best to use.
If gem stones are to be used, the most appropriate are faerie stones (staurorite)......, quartz crystal, rose quartz, moonstone, , amethyst are a few. To guard against mischievous spirits, it is best to use flint.
If you have unexplained bruises - this is caused by pinching faeries. ;)
Did you know that the difference between Angel wings and Faerie wings are that Angels wings are like birds......and Faeries are like butterflies...??
A couple of Ashley's favorites..:
Sit where the cat sits. Cross your toes.
Close your eyes. And smell a rose.
Then say under your breath:
"I believe in fairies, I believe in fairies,"
Gadflykins! Gladtrypins!
Gutterpuss and Cass!
Come to me faeries..
Each time I ask.
Where are the fairies? Where can we find them?
We've seen the fairy-rings they leave behind them!
After they have danced all night, Where do they go?
Maybe in the sky above?.. Say, do you know?
Is it a secret no one is telling? your garden... That's where they're dwelling!
No need to look very far..because
Where there are flowers, the fairies are!
Believe in the faeries
That make dreams come true,
Believe in the wonder
The stars and the moon
Believe in the magic
From the faeries above,
They dance on the flowers
And sing songs of love
And if you just believe
And always stay true
The faeries will be there
To watch over you!
Thank you for sharing that Teresa. It surely does not hurt to be a bit touched by the 'Fae' in this day and age. Enough with greasy work clothes and greasier minds! Let the fairies do their job. Blessings, Edie.
Now I know where I got all of those bruises.
I know when we visited Great Britain many folks there take the wee people very seriously. We stayed in B&Bs all over the country. A lot of places, especially in the north, had an entry hall with an inner door and an outer door. At night the outer door was left slightly open so the fairies could pass by if they wanted to. When I asked what might happen if the door was shut, I was told that the fairies might do mischief. We were up north and drove across the Kielder water area on the moors well after dark. After we arrived at our destination the lady was really concerned because out there at night "things happen."
There is always Magick afoot...
One just has to watch, listen and feel. :)
The other evening, Ashley was with me while Danny went hunting after work. We were outside at the new house painting and she was wandering around in the flower beds and came running over to me all excited.
"Mee Maw..Mee Maw.. hurry ..come over here.. HURRY!". Well, I figured she had found a bug or something.
But when she took me over to the flower bed, there scattered right under the dirt( and they had been there a long while..) was about 6 marbles.. a beautiful clear blue..
She said.. "There are fairies here Mee Maw.. When are we going to make a fairy house and put it out here for them?"
I told her that when I get all moved in and settled, then we would sage and bless the grounds..
and together we would make one and offer it for the fairy's and their friends the birds..( because birds like to share the fairy's house)
She is so excited and frankly , so am I. I have a real good feeling about this house. Has a nice energy to it ..and after I get done with it, it will be really a safe haven..( just like this little house has been).
How far and wide the fairies fly
On bright and golden wing.
But when they settle down to sleep
A gentle song they sing.
Sweet Queen of Night
Soft silver stars
We're glad you are so near.
We seek our beds
We rest our heads
Without a moment's fear.
On thistledown
In hidden nooks
We watch the waning light.
The joys of sleep
Upon us creep
We wish you all good night.
When the first baby laughed for the first time,
The laugh broke into a thousand pieces and
they all went skipping about,
And that was the beginning of fairies.
The fairies have never a penny to spend,
They haven't a thing put by,
But theirs is the dower of bird and flower
And theirs is the earth and sky.
And though you should live in a palace of gold
Or sleep in a dried up ditch,
You could never be as poor as the fairies are,
And never as rich. --
Since ever and ever the world began
They danced like a ribbon of flame,
They have sung their song through the centuries long
And yet it is never the same.
And though you be foolish or though you be wise,
With hair of silver or gold,
You can never be as young as the fairies are,
And never as old.
A Fairy's house stands in a wood,
Midst fairy trees and flowers,
Where daisies sing like little birds
Between the sun and showers,
And grasses whisper tiny things
About this world of ours.
Such flowers are there beside the way,
Lilies and hollyhocks:
Blow off their stalks to tell the time
Tall dandelion clocks;
While pansies ring an hourly chime
Like a wound music-box.
Some day shall we two try to find
This strange enchanted place?
Go hand in hand through flower-lit woods
Where living trees embrace --
And suddenly, as in a dream,
Behold a fairy's face!
I like! :D
When we bought this place we have now my daughter and I were exploring, there is a big draw that goes right thru the middle of it and it's all woods. Anyway we came on this rock formation that has what looks like a door in it and a little spot in front with ferns and moss that looked like a garden and I told her look a fairy house! We still say that's what it is and make sure to leave it alone and sometimes leave milk out for a snack :) it gives you a cool feeling to believe it really is lol
Leave them some marbles too, they really like marbles. That is why whenever you dig in the yard, you find marbles. ;D ;D
I sometimes ..before I know Ashley is coming to stay..go out by our fairy house and sprinkle a bit of fairy dust ( glitter) and then "just happen" to walk around by there and.............. "gasp! Look Ash.. what is that?"
And then the story and imagination takes off....
What fun!
For more lovely illustrations from long ago, hunt up anything illustrated by Penny Ross. Marie Sandler wrote some lovely children's books and Penny Ross illustrated many of them. His work is simply delightful and he had quite a way with fairies, flowers and children. My favorite is Mama's Angel Child In Toyland. I had the pleasure of meeting his grandson on line.They are reprinting Penny's works so future generations can enjoy them.
I will definitely do that. thanks..
Do Fairies like a rainy day?
No! They hide and cry;
Their filmy wings--if they get wet
Would sag, and never fly.
Rain drops, rain drops
Leave the Fairies be!
Fall upon the Leprechaun
Or the Mermaids in the sea.
Do Pixies like a rainy day?
A-piping through the dell?
The Pixies must enjoy the rain;
Thats when they weave their spell.
Rain drops, rain drops
Play a Pixie-tune
But don't fall on the Fairies
n the Pink and Green Lagoon.
Do Giants like a rainy day?
Oh yes! it makes them shout!
They love the large and massive prints
Their huge boots hollow out.
Rain drops, rain drops,
Giants LOVE the rain.
But don't fall on the Fairies
Or they will all complain.
Out in the fairy yard I see
faces smiling up at me;
Dainty faces free to roam
all about their garden home.
How I wish that I could go
down to where the river's flow
washes on the sparkling sand;
Hold a fairy in my hand;
Or into the deepest wood
(though I know I never should)
There to laugh with them and play
in the coolness of the day.
Oh a fairy song to sing,
Glide upon a tiny wing
underneath the moon and sun;
Fairy life is full of fun!
As down the winding path I walk
Tiny fairies to me talk
And sing to me of happiness and light.
In the gentle summer breeze
Softly blowing through the trees
They dance about as swiftly comes the night.
Then as evening's stars are seen
And the earth turns darkest green
They become an even lovelier sight.
Glowing in a golden yellow
Floating in the air so mellow
To the darkness they bring such delight.
At the end of busy day
All my cares they take away
Lift my spirits to a lofty height.
Have you seen them as you go
Wandering from to to fro?
Truly want to see them and you might!
You've got quite an imagination! :-)
I didn't write these particular ones.... but yeah.. I DO have a good imagination. :)
Got anything on pixies, brownies, elves or trolls?
Have you all seen Nene Thomas art?
Beautiful and very magical pics.. Love that kind of stuff.
Quote from: Catwoman on July 01, 2008, 09:19:24 AM
Got anything on pixies, brownies, elves or trolls?
as a matter of fact I do. ;)
but If I don't get the bookwork done I will be fired.. :o
Opps I forgot , I don't get paid and I'm not actually hired so they can't fire me.. hahahaha
but I still got to do it.
I promise I'll get some of it up tonight though. I'll dig through my stuff.. I've written some myself so I will dig those up.
In Norway, elves were originally the spirits of the dead who brought fertility. Later they became supernatural beings, shaped as humans, who are either very beautiful (elves of light) or extremely ugly (dark / black elves).
They were worshiped in trees, mountains and waterfalls.
The Danish elves are beautiful creatures, but they have hollow backs.
The Celtic elves are the size of humans.
I met a little Elfman once,
Down where the lilies blow.
I asked him why he was so small,
And why he didn't grow.
He slightly frowned, and with his eye
He looked me through and through -
" I'm just as big for me," said he,
" As you are big for you!"
Hidden away in forests of gold
Hidden so deep ev'n time couldn't learn
Of their home veiled by tree and fern
Yet for eons their story's been told
The story of the elves
As shimmering mists wind through the trees,
And streams' reflect the night time moonlight
Giant redwoods tower out of sight
And songs of elves float on the breeze
The home of the elves
It's unknown how the bards knew such things
Of elfin despairs and their elations
To hand it down through generations
But one story never left their strings
The fall of the elves
For the elves no longer exist here
Their presence will never again grace the Earth.
Colossal trees are of normal girth,
The mists long gone and the streams are clear
The home of the elves
In a tale bards forgot through shame
Man hunted down and murdered the elves;
They wanted no ruler, save themselves.
Thus for this slaughter must man take blame
The death of the elves
But one thing man failed to achieve
One part of the elves not quite gone
One part of the elves left to live on
When the wind blows through the leaves
The song of the elves
Fairies and Pixies, elves and gnomes.
Spinning some magic,spells for our homes.
Their wishes are happy, of joys to share.
Join in their revelry, if only you dare.
Carefree of spirit, their happiness impart
Sending you Magick, to store in your heart.
A fairy's on my fingertip!"
I heard my Ashley cry.
"Oh, hurry, MeeMa! Come and see,
before it starts to fly!"
"She's beautiful," I whispered,
although I didn't see
the fairy on her fingertip -
that she was showing me!
Down past my garden, underneath the trees,
There is a place of magic that no-one ever sees,
A little grassy clearing, plain at ones first sight;
But if you take the time to see, you shall find delight.
If you come to see this place, take heed: you've found the Dell,
The little patch of beauty where the world's magics dwell.
The green, green grass spreads everywhere, dancing with the breeze,
Countless, tiny brooks run wild, laughing at their ease;
Flowers garnish everything, a flame of rainbow hues,
Circle brilliant, tiny pools, a shining range of blues.
One night the grass will kiss the sky when sun and moon are one,
And out will come the fairies, shaded from the sun;
The elves will come from underground to see the night move past,
The wood sprites will come one by one, awake, alive at last;
The pixies of the crystal wings will come out from the flowers,
And the Dell will come alive in the nights secret hours.
The fairies and the wood sprites, the elves and pixies too,
Will see the world at darkness where all the still things move,
Where moonlight deepens elfin souls and touches elfin hearts,
The fairies will know this moonstruck night was for them from the start.
But by-and-by the lazy sun will waken from its sleep;
From across the world the sunlight rays shall raise it head and peep;
The fairies flee back to the garden, and fade amongst the trees
The elves will dive back underground, digging up the weeds;
The sprites will fly back to the woods to be never seen again,
And the pixies climb back to the flowers, their one night at an end.
And dawn will break like any day, waking up the world,
The sky will flush a dusky pink and a creamy white of pearl,
And the Dell will be as normal, dancing with the breeze,
That secret place of magic underneath the trees,
But never again shall the fairies come when the moonlight falls,
Because its only once in a lifetime that fairy magic calls.