Let's get those creative juices flowing. For those of you who have forgotten, or never had it in school, Haiku is a simple form of short, expressive 3 line poem that is based on word creativity rather than rhyme. The first line has only 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables and the third again has 5. On the one hand it's easy because it's so short, but then again it's hard because each word is very important.
The trees catch the wind.
Branches bend and sway and sigh.
The rain follows soon.
Ok, now you try one.
summer days ending
school kids return to classes
house quiet again
milkweed leaves eaten
black, yellow and white caterpillars
Monarch butterflies fly.
Two very nice poems! :) :) :) The 5, 7, 5 is the goal, but doesn't have to be exact always.
:DEverytime I woke up last night, my brain was trying to Haiku. However, couldn't wake up enough to write anything down. Didn't have time to think about it this morning. I bet I'll come up with something over this long weekend.
Morning sun shines warm
Flower fairy softly shakes
Pollen from fair hair
Ya get an A+, Teresa, that is beautiful! All the ones I've seen are very good.
Good morning bright sun
Peeking over green tree tops
Bringing Gods warm smile
Here is another one that I woke up with this morning..
Fly away with me
Take my hand and we will soar
Flying to the stars
Well, the creative juices are done and I am ready to start my walk.
Exercised the mind..and now I am exercising this old bedraggled carcass of mine. :D
Everyone is doing beautiful Haiku..........all if have so far is:
Haiku Haiku Not
My brain is in a dead space
Maybe tomorrow :D
Roma Jean's got it!
Nicely done, and all in fun
Another some day? ;)
Snails glide down the stems
eyes peering deep into leaves
What will they eat next?
haiku written but
can I share these deepest thoughts
is the forum safe?
Deep thoughts bare the soul.
Is this forum safe for you?
Friends are here, we pray.
The autumn season
Quickly approaching this land
The best time of year!!!
Hummingbirds buzz around looking for
Sweet nectar with which to fill their bellies
Fly away little hummingbird away.
This is very nice. Too many syllables for a true Haiku, but I really like it. And the hummers really are stuffing themselves now. :laugh:
Diane, I really don't know how to do these poems. I just thought I would do 5 words, 7 words, and 5 words. Obviously, it is 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables. I think of another later and see if I can make it work. I never was one to write poetry, but I'm getting older, so I'll try.
Janet, You have a great start for a Haiku!
I was taught to write it like you did yours, then loose a few of the words or syllables or add -which ever works.
That way you get the idea on what you want it to say.
Check mine out!! Isn't it great! (Don't bother looking, I haven't written one yet.) ??? ??? ??? ;D
Don't you just love wisdom from a no show. I may when I find the time.
early in the dawn
creatures waking up slowly.
welcome the bright sun
Good picture, patryn. My kind of morning.
Janet is learning
Thinking, growing, studies words
Result for her: Haiku
You guys are so great! Janet's poem wasn't a Haiku, but is an expressive poem and stands on it's own.
Sunflowers of gold
standing tall in the garden
a beautiful sight
Turtles walk slowly
Keeping steady pace along
Dewy grass awaits.
That's it, Janet, nicely done. I love box turtles.
Napping dogs and I
Blissfully lie under sky
Happy Labor Day
All of these poems are so good. :D You should all be pleased with what you have written. :laugh:
I think I'll write more and then publish. LOL
**Letting out a big sighhhh**
For gods sake~! She finally gets one right and now she thinks she's a star and ready to publish.
I don't know why it should surprise me! **shaking my head**
Well.. I'll just be ever so thrilled to read all of her "poems" when she gets "the book" finished.. ::)
(http://www.cascity.com/howard/animations/148.gif) ::) ::)
walking so slowly
listening to birds calling
relaxing journey
The Goose waddles by
With her ducklings behind her
Quacking to each one.
Be careful. Be very, very careful. You might get to read the published works sooner then you think. You just never know and I do have a contact with Infinity Publishing Company. Keep your eyes wide open.
Should I or shouldn't I? Should I tell Teresa that a goose has goslings and that she does not quack, she honks? Or maybe it wasn't a goose. Maybe it was a duck?
I thought about it, but I ''chickened'' out. I ''ducked" it. It's not at all what it's quacked up to be....so go ahead, you tell her. ;D ;D ;D
OK. Teresa, a goose has goslings, not ducklings and they don't quack, they honk. Or maybe you meant duck instead of goose.
There, Diane, how was that?
Very brave ;)
Wilma and Diane
Just might have ducks and geese put
Where the sun don't shine. :o
Take THAT Haiku poem and sit on it..... ;D
((Takes a smart ass to know one..or two))
I've ducked; I've been goosed.
To goslings I'm always kind.
They would protect me.
O Great Queen, forgive
This humble one for pointing
Out the difference.
A goose and a duck
Are very similar birds
But one honks, one quacks.
One has goslings and
The other has ducklings, but
They do both waddle.
Those are cute ...
I realize dear Mama Wilma that one honks and one quacks.. but to be honest, I wasn't paying much attention.
( just concentrating on those blasted syllables)
I will be more aware of my honking and quacking from now on.. :P
Now Teresa, duck, goose, honking and quacking are interchangeable syllables in your poem ....no excuse! ;D
Easy girl.. Eaaaasssssyyyyy...
Don't push the old crones button..
hahaha ;D
(( I have to find some excuse.. don't cha' know?)) :D
Well....I guess, considering your royal status and all, I can extend a professional courtesy and let it slide this time. ;D
And considering that I don't know you personally .. I will let you continue to stand on your 2 legs and not go ahead and turn you into a hop toad..
But I'll keep the potion hot ...just in case................. ;)
Fences surround us
Freedom has become enclosed
Oh, let us break free.
I really like that one Janet! Keep 'em coming!
Clear blue skies above
Cherished by children at play
Keep them safe O'Lord
Oh, my gosh, we've become poets and just didn't know it.
And, I might add, very good ones. I smile everytime I see a new one.
The cat and kittens
Laying in the noon day sun
Purring beautifully.
saw goose disaster
now am intimidated
no Haiku from me :o :o ;D
Colorful leaves float down
Small animals, wary of time
Winter's on the way.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Jeeminy.. those are some good ones... :)
Babbling waters speak
moving swiftly through the sand.
A new stream appears.
Wow, I am really impressed with these wonderful poems. We may yet have to publish something! :D :D
Shhhhhhhhhh~~ Dang it Diane.. Don't say that too loud..
You KNOW how Ta Ta gets when there is even a hint of "fame" in the air..
Easy for you to throw "publish" around.. but you are wayyyy over there and I am right here with "Miss I Wanna Be A Star" a block away!
Jeese.. have some compassion for me ................ :-\
Sorry 'bout that...I keep forgetting. :P
HA HA HA HA HA What a hoot !!!!!
Aged face with happy eyes,
Remembers many, long ago times.
Love, smiles, family , home.
Life moves in circles
If the old ones do not die
Then the young can't live
So profound, Ms. T.
Darn.......my warped sense of humor kicked in again, before I could turn off this "confuser"
ohhhhhh wellllllll ~~~~~~~``sorry!!!
Friday night football
touchdowns, field goals, extra points
Small town excitement!
Supporting the school
community spirit thrives
Don't let our school down!
That was really good!
Do you find ..as I do.. .that you reread these poems and count on your fingers the syllables?
;D I am doing it every time..
When I taught 4th grade, the kids loved to do Haiku because it was such a free form of poetry and they didn't have to worry about rhyming words, punctuation, capitalization, or anything except for syllables and a theme. That 5-7-5 pattern became very automatic with them, and there would be a lot of silent finger counting going on. Every student was able to be a success at Haiku writing.
Love cannot know that
My heart breaks anew each time
Ugliness shouts out.
Oh Ta Ta..... :'(
That was beautiful....
Blue sky, golden days
Leaves scrunching under my feet
Welcome back, Autumn.
Flying down my ramp.
Hit the brakes!!! Brakes aren't working!!! :o :o
Head first in the spruce. :'( :'(
Spruce twigs in her hair
Wilma's feet up in the air
Someone check on Wilma!
Jo, you have a real talent for this.
Mama's a poet
She really does not know it
But we all sure do.
Can a fence enclose love?
I wonder about love's faces
Cut the fence away.
God's heavenly grace
Awaits you at the gate
Here you will enter.
That is quite beautiful! Thank you!
Ferocious clouds form
Billowing across the sky
Autumn thunderstorm
My work here is through.
New poets have flown their nests.
Beautiful Haiku.
Caterpillar eats
Spins into a chrysalis
A monarch appears
Heat, heat, go away.
Come again some winter day.
Chase the cold away.
Clouds floating up high
Heavenly soft puffs of white
Weather predictors
Sadness moves along
Depressing me ever again
God, please lift me up.
Going to meet friends
Chatter gossip rings and things
Ya Ya's meet again. 8)
Moon so magnified,
Coming from afar,
A perfect night for magick.
Wishes whispered low
Casting a spell in my mind
Moon beams light my way
Aren't we all just doing wonderful?
And each one gives you a bit of "escape" as you read and imagine.
Valleys are sooooo low.
God surrounds, cares, cherishes.
Love lifts up, enfolds.
:)Ya Ya's drinking wine
Laughing, hugging, eating fine
I am blessed today!
WOW...these are all SO good. They are just beautiful! :D :D :D
Do we wish for love
God's love is everlasting
Open up your heart.
Clouds float above us
Mother Earth may get a drink
Living creatures smile
I liked that one Mama.. :)
Yes, that's a very nice one.
Black cats' toothy smiles
Decorated outhouses
Little ghosts are near.
I cry so that you may hear me, I sing so that my voice be heard
About Love
Whew...I haven't stretched these lyric muscles since high school...but here goes:
Man seeks his future
Unaware of those with him
And ends up alone.
Bees buzzing, it's spring
Nature wakes up from its nap
While the wind blew softly.
In sun-bright water
The lake creature swims alone.
I come up for air.