I wrote this silly little poem for school. It can have movements and finger play and creative drawings.
Traveling Frog
A little green frog in a tall willow sat.
Watching the road for a man in a hat.
Wearing a hat with a wide, wide brim,
not just a little one, small and so trim.
Here came such a man, with a great long stride.
On jumped the frog, to take a short ride.
He crouched on the hat, the man didn't know.
Now where do you think this frog wants to go?
Along a small pond, the man walked so slow.
"Now is my chance," thought frog, "I can go."
So outward he leaped, 'way out in the air,
gliding down to a lilypad floating right there.
"Thanks," chirped the frog to the man in the hat,
who never did know where froggie had sat.
I liked that one. I will print it off and read it to Ashley.. she will like it. :)