Does anyone know a quick way to tell how many posts there have been today?
Our infamous leaders, Kjell and Ms. T, would have to answer that question.
Wow, there are posts by the month in statistics off the home page. I know with the forums I have run, I would have to query the database to find that out. It's a great question, though, Wilma, since I would guess that today has been somewhere close to a record.
Go to the home page of the forum...
Scroll to the bottom and where you see..
Forum Stats
Click on .... [More Stats]
It will give you a wealth of information about each day of posts, new members, pages opened..
who is the biggest windbag for the day... LOL
It is a feature that is open to every member who is logged in as a member.
Enjoy poking around in that room... :)
It really is kind of interesting and we keep an eye on it often.
More stats!
I'm getting so I like this board software better than PHPBB2!
check it out, is is quite interesting.
I checked it out and found it quite interesting. I would suggest that the rest of you do the same. I didn't find how many posts there had been for yesterday, but the monthly stats are interesting.
thought I was a wind bag - guess not- at least not the biggest one ;D
Hey, Flo, I have looked at that, too. Are you calling me names?
While in college, I took a required course on stastistics. The instructor was a wise old ex-marine who began his class with the following--- Ladies and gentlemen, stastistics is a process that allows any damn fool to prove any damn thing with numbers. It all depends on which ones you leave in and which ones you take out and who is looking! And that is about the truth.
Quote from: Wilma on July 22, 2007, 07:16:42 AM
I checked it out and found it quite interesting. I would suggest that the rest of you do the same. I didn't find how many posts there had been for yesterday, but the monthly stats are interesting.
Wilma here are the quotes for yesterday:
Topics: 2
Post: 360
New Members: 1
Most Online: 75
Pages Viewed: 8963
Where did you find that? Did I not look far enough?
That's is right, you need to look again Wilma.
At the very bottom page of stats you will find all of the months stats. Click on the the mark just left of the month and it will drop down and you can scroll down to the day you want. I think that was it.
That worked, Darling. Thank you. We now have had 75 posts and 4 new topics and 73 online. This is fun.
I just happen to find that last night, while I was poking around. Are you calling me Darling because I'am so sweet? ::)
Anyone named Darla has to be a darling.
Whoa, good save!
Glad you like it.
Sweetness, it doth abound on this little forum. That's why I keep coming back.
A sweet fix is good for what ails us, eh, Rudy????
Gads... I think I am going to be sick! :P
Hey Kermit.....what is PHPBB2?
I'm sorry! PHP is a computer language. BB stands for Bulletin Board, which is another word for "Forum" like this one. "2" is the number of the longest-running version, although it is about to go to version 3. Like the "Simple Machines Forum" (SMF) software that runs this forum, PHPBB2 is a software program written in PHP that runs on a web server and manages forums much like this one. I have a fair amount of experience with it, and have alway liked it. The software that Kjell and Teresa chose to run this forum (SMF) looks as if it is also an excellent package.
Does that help any?
Uh oh.