Elk County Forum

General Category => The Coffee Shop => Topic started by: kdfrawg on July 20, 2007, 10:38:43 PM

Title: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 20, 2007, 10:38:43 PM
All right, this may seem silly, but I have changed my display name from kdfrawg to Kermit. Most of my friends call me Kermit, anyway, and kdfrawg is a pain in the patoot to pronounce, even mentally. Besides, "kdfrawg" is an all-lower-case unix translation of K.D. Frawg, which is a shortened version of my full internet name, Kermit D. Frawg, lo these many years since 1979.

It is still perfectly fine to call me kdfrawg, or frawg, or frawgy, or even Michael. As you would guess, I have been called many things over many years, so it will be just ducky if you have something else you'd like to call me. As they say, you can call me anything but late for dinner.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Mom70x7 on July 20, 2007, 10:48:30 PM
Quoteso it will be just ducky

Now you're mixing animals on us. No,  ::)  no,    :o    no.   :D
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 20, 2007, 10:55:55 PM
Well, okay, that's a good point, Mom70x7, let's just pretend that the word "ducky is not there. Please substitute a more generic word, such as "wonderful" or "great" or maybe a more creative word, such as "jubilant" or "thrilling."

I sit corrected.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Wilma on July 21, 2007, 06:25:09 AM
You can change your name if you want, but you will still be frawgie to me.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Diane Amberg on July 21, 2007, 09:41:50 AM
 Do what you want, "Kermit" is still green!  ::)
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: flo on July 21, 2007, 09:49:07 AM
sounds good to me just as long as we can call you whatever we want (except late for pie) - and what we call you will depend on what kind of day we are having  :angel:
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 21, 2007, 10:34:15 AM
That sounds perfectly fair to me, Flo.

And no, Diane, it is not easy being green. Although I do get by.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Diane Amberg on July 21, 2007, 11:24:42 AM
Hey, that would make a great song!!!
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Jo McDonald on July 21, 2007, 12:13:12 PM
I have been sitting here - humming the song  "Frawgie" went a-courting and he did ride  uhhuh

I have made up a few lines in my head - but guess I will just hum along and entertain myself with this one

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Diane Amberg on July 21, 2007, 12:18:21 PM
 with the queen and the princess by his side.....
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: flo on July 21, 2007, 12:22:34 PM
Kjell gonna be the princess  :o
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 21, 2007, 12:25:24 PM
Then Teresa's going to be mighty surprised!

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: flo on July 21, 2007, 12:37:50 PM
he might just be cute in a little tu-tu and pink slippers  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Janet Harrington on July 21, 2007, 12:42:20 PM
No, no.  I guarentee that Kjell would not look good in a pink tutu and slippers.  He tried to wear a towel turban once so he would look like the posse and we hated how he looked in it.

I don't even want that thought in my head.  Kjell is a manly man.  Not a girly man.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: flo on July 21, 2007, 12:48:21 PM
got your point - scratch that -  :-X :o
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Diane Amberg on July 21, 2007, 01:23:24 PM
  That Frawgie doesn't want ANY man by his side when he's a-courtin.' Too much competition.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 21, 2007, 02:02:48 PM
What I'm thinkin' is that my wife might be pretty unhappy if I was a-courtin' in the first place.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Rudy Taylor on July 21, 2007, 03:47:57 PM
Nope. The name stays Frawg.  Lots of words rhymn with it.  Nothing rhymns with Kermit.  We'll decide when you get a name change, Frawgie. We'll let you know.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 21, 2007, 03:50:38 PM
LOL! That's what I like, a democratic forum. One man, one vote. One frawg, no vote. Goodness, I'm making myself laugh as I type this. Whooo-eee!

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Diane Amberg on July 21, 2007, 05:11:53 PM
   I beg to differ. Varmit is a pretty close rhyme with Kermit. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 21, 2007, 05:20:53 PM
There was an old frawgie named Kermit,
Who was really a bit of a hermit.
He was always alone,
Even while on the phone,
With a lady he knew named McDermot.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Diane Amberg on July 21, 2007, 06:22:41 PM
   you ARE talented!
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 21, 2007, 06:52:27 PM
Why, Diane, you'll make me blush!

It's not much, but I can do it, so I do.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: flo on July 21, 2007, 06:56:04 PM
Does Mrs. Kermit
Know this McDermitt
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 21, 2007, 07:00:08 PM
Yes, but I need a permit to talk to Mrs. McDermot.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Diane Amberg on July 21, 2007, 07:41:42 PM
   You go, Flo!
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Rudy Taylor on July 21, 2007, 09:12:25 PM
See there, Frawg (sniff, sniff).  The whole barnyard would miss you if you changed your name.

McDermot, heh? Now there's one with which nothing would rhymn.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 21, 2007, 09:19:03 PM
Why, McDermot rhymes with hermit and Kermit!


If it didn't, the poetry wouldn't have worked!
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Rudy Taylor on July 21, 2007, 09:22:42 PM
Frawg!  Don't you ever sleep?
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 21, 2007, 09:29:24 PM
Aw, heck, not yet. It's the shank of the evening.

I am having to sleep more than I used to. For most of my adult life I could get by on four hours a night just fine. I loved it because it gave more time for, for, well, everything. My neurologist guessed that it was my MS. I'm guessing that it's because I'm getting older by the day.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: desertlilydarla on July 22, 2007, 12:56:41 AM
Kermit, it's ok to sleep.   frogs like to sleep in a deep dark hole, but we do like it when you come out to play.  I really enjoy reading all of your post....  I to sleep a lot, and I'm not even a frog.  I have the cousin to narcolipsy, which is idiopathic hypersomnia, unknown cause of hyper sleeping along with sleep apnea and  RLS.... So while you all were posting this evening I took a 4 hour nap. Some days I don't get much done.   And then there are days I can stay awake for about 36 hours.   My husband  doesn't understand my sleeping pattern and neither do I.  So he tease's me and till's me he is going to trade me in for a newer model.

But then there is Ms's T, who stays up till wee hours of the morning working. And then up early the next day baking pie's , cleaning, taking video's and watching Mason or posting...... She is like the energized bunny.  I wish I had her get up and go.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 22, 2007, 10:29:55 AM
Many years ago I had a lengthy opportunity to see what my sleep habits were. I didn't have any client meetings for almost 120 days and my computers were doing most of my work. So I decided to stay awake when I wanted and to sleep when I wanted. After a couple of weeks, it started to normalize a little. I found that, on the average, I stayed up about 30 hours, then slept about six, making my ideal day a 36-hour day.

I mentioned all this to my friend Floyd, then a reporter. He thought about it a bit. Then he answered, "What you need to do, frawg, is search around for a planet with a 36-hour rotation period. Then you'll know what planet you came from. Man, you're weird. You want to have lunch?"

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2007, 12:41:59 PM
 DLD, do you use a C-PAP? Al has to because of his Post Polio Syndrome.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 22, 2007, 12:51:10 PM
Nope. I don't even snore much. MS pretty much affects random things, depending which which random nerve sheathing tissue it decides to munch on. So far, it has not yet munched on anything to do with my breathing. I understand that when and if it does, I'll need more than a C-PAP.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: desertlilydarla on July 22, 2007, 01:10:16 PM
Diane, I do use a C-Pap machine, but most of the time I get allergies and have to take it off.  It's so dry here I use a humidifer that hooks to my machine.  And with my RLS (Restless Leg Syndome) my legs jump like a frog all night long. No punn intented kermit. ;)  And that affects my sleeping.   I now take mirapex that the doctors use for Parkinsons.  It has worked wonders for my legs and arms.  RLS also affects my arms and right eye.  Sometimes it looks like I'am having a epileptic seisure.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Janet Harrington on July 22, 2007, 07:02:03 PM
My husband has a C-PAP with humidifier he wears every night.  We even have a fan blow on him, (besides the ceiling fan), because the mask is so hot.

He has RA and he has RLS.  He also takes Mirapex for his RLS, but he has to take 2 pills every night to keep the legs from dancing around.  Sometimes he tries to take just one to keep costs down, but no cigar.  He has to have two and that's all there is to it.

Even though Jim has RA pretty bad, he is a working fool.  He will come home from working for the city mowing and I'll have to take his socks off because his back hurts so bad.  His hands will be swollen from holding onto the lawn mower all day.  He spends time in the oil field doing roustabout work for the owner and that takes about 2 hours of his day.  However; it is not an every day job.

When Jimmy wakes up in the mornings, he groans and moans and is stiff.  Takes him a little bit to get going.  I'm glad that he is working because I think if he was to just stop, everything would get worse.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: MarineMom on July 23, 2007, 04:52:08 AM
Quote from: Janet Harrington on July 22, 2007, 07:02:03 PM
When Jimmy wakes up in the mornings, he groans and moans and is stiff.  Takes him a little bit to get going.  I'm glad that he is working because I think if he was to just stop, everything would get worse.

I wish I could still work  ??? my RA actually improved a little when I had to quit working I started getting more rest and some of my symptoms (especially the fatigue) lessened but I still can only go an hour or two before everything starts to shut down  >:(
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 23, 2007, 09:25:08 AM
That sounds pretty familiar, MarineMom. I would give almost anything to be able to go back to work, too. I feel even more like a useless member of society than I probably should, even for me. I was raised by a father raised in the depression, so I have always been a hard worker. This disability thing hit me a lot harder mentally than it did physically. I just detest it.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Rudy Taylor on July 23, 2007, 10:04:34 AM
I can't fathom being confined to my house, or to a wheelchair or bed. Any of you who are experiencing such inconveniences get my respect, honor --- and prayers.

Only yesterday, I chatted offline with Kermit and learned so much about him. Kermit, you bring such sunshine to so many every day, did you know that? Your words are invariably calming to the people of Elk County and your wit brings a smile to everyone who is fortunate enough to read your daily posts.

I just figured ol' Kermit was a lifelong resident of Elk County, probably living in Howard or Moline. Then he tells me he has never been to Elk County and that he lives in Lawrence, a victim of that dastardly devil, MS.  Whoaa! Could it be that his new friend of mine spends every hour of every day in pain? Is it possible that in his restricted environment, Kermit still finds time to uplift others, even those he has never met --- and may never meet?

At the age of 61, my greatest inhibitor is Type 2 Diabetes, although it hasn't greatly changed my life. But as I ponder my future and the probability that I will suffer various plagues of this little monster disease, I am bolstered by the strength of folks like Michael Jones (Kermit). During tough times, I will recall his words that once flowed across my computer screen, predictably kind, sometimes funny, often uplifting and always thoughtful.

So, there, Mr. Kermit the frog. You have made my "Top Ten List of People Who Make Me Feel Better When I Feel Like Giving Up!"

Thanks, for being you.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 23, 2007, 10:46:04 AM
Well, Rudy, I don't know what to say. I am for once at a loss for words.

I think I'll just say "Thank you" and then be very quiet.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Janet Harrington on July 23, 2007, 08:00:24 PM
What a wonderful thing to say about our frawgy, Rudy.  I'm glad he joined this forum and glad that you joined it, too.

I can also see why you are a writer.  You use such wonderful words as does frawgy.  The only thing I can say about the two of you...You Go, Guys.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: flo on July 23, 2007, 08:03:21 PM
wow, Rudy, very touching and very true.  Frawg, it is a lot easier to answer someone's smart-ass post that something so humblling, isn't it?  Really never thought you'd ever be at a loss for words.  :laugh: I have a brother in law who is in the last stages of MS but he still isn't giving up.  He was first diagnosed 27 years ago and basically said it wasn't going to change this farmer and it didn't until the day he did something wrong and ended up on the ground with the tractor on top of him, where he laid for hours till someone found him.  He continues to keep busy every day, but spends more time in the house and has given in to a cane.  He falls, makes a joke about having too much to drink (never drank alcohol in his life), laughs and grabs something to get up. Hardest for him was not being able to go out and care for the cattle and having the car keys taken from him.  Have known others with MS and then learned that there are different strains that effect victims different ways. Some are bedfast after only a few years,  and it always seems to happen to such nice people. 
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Wilma on July 23, 2007, 08:05:39 PM
But don't follow them, Janet.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 23, 2007, 08:20:58 PM
When we move, my wife always lets slip to the new neighbors that I have MS, lest they think I drink. Your brother-in-law seems to have the only attitude that works. You just have to keep going, and one of the best ways is through a sense of humor. Right after I first met my (step) daughter, we were out together at a Walgreen's store. I asked her what she would do if I just fell over on the way through the store. She rared back and hollered, "Pick-up on aisle four!" I knew right away that she and I would get along fine. Heck, she was only 11 or 12!

That takes me back to the last time, I think, when I was without words. Without telling either my wife or I, she wrote a letter about me to the MS Society. I was on the Board of Directors for the Kansas City region, and therefore went to almost all of the public meetings. At the award banquet that year, I was sitting with my wife and some friends, lending applause to the winners. Then they announced the winner of the Father of the Year Award, and it was me.

My wife had to push me out of my chair and I thought furiously about what I could possibly say at the microphone. Although I didn't yet know how it had come about, I did the only thing I could think of. After all, I had to say SOMETHING! So I spent several minutes talking about how great my daughter was.

All I can say, right now, is that Rudy is obviously one hell of a good guy.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Jo McDonald on July 23, 2007, 08:38:22 PM
I am sitting here with tears in my eyes.  The most wonderful thing about this forum is reading and feeling the love that can be conveyed through words that tug at the heart strings of folks that are online friends and it feels like you are all in the same room - touching hands.
Frawdg and Rudy -- may I say,  I think you both are Two hell of a good ole' boys.  I am so glad to have made your acquaintance through this love and hug forum.
Bless you both - may you always be blessed.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 23, 2007, 08:45:43 PM
That feeling is mutual, Jo. Even though I have never been there, I feel a real kinship with the people in this forum. It is difficult to explain how that happens, but it did. I am just incredibly pleased to have stumbled across this wonderful haven on the Web.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Rudy Taylor on July 24, 2007, 06:58:34 AM
Doggone it. There are tears in my Cheerios, folks.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Leonardcrl on July 24, 2007, 01:29:34 PM

I just took a quick pass through your Genuine Kansas site and have some questions.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: W. Gray on July 24, 2007, 03:29:57 PM

I would like to jump in.

One of your questions is quite interesting and triggers a mental question I have had for several years.

I believe the trading post you mentioned was Howard when it was located three miles to the north on Paw Paw Creek.

I checked my copy of the WPA history of Kansas and do not see a mention. Longton, Elk Falls, Moline, and Grenola get a short story but there is nothing for Howard. I am looking at a 1939 edition. Perhaps there is another book out there.

Henrietta Elma Mann in her A Brief Historical Sketch of the Settlements of Elk County mentions two men making an 18-mile long plow furrow that extended south to a major wagon trail. That trail meandered clear across Howard County parallel to the southern boundary. At the intersection of the furrow and wagon trail, they placed a sign pointing to Howard. There being no roads, immigrant wagons on the trail, if they were so inclined, followed the furrow. One of the plowmen was named O'Neil.

I have always wondered why O'Neil and company would spend their time going that far south when there was a major wagon trail just to the north that ran diagonally northwest from Wilson to Butler through Howard County. Both wagon trails were old well-worn Osage tribal hunting paths.

But, from what you are saying they must have plowed in at least four directions? That would make more sense although west might not have been a good choice.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 24, 2007, 03:38:46 PM
Leonard, here is a page that you have to know about if you don't already. It has all kind of great stuff one it:

http://www.kancoll.org/ (http://www.kancoll.org/)

What I am mainly doing with www.GenuineKansas.com (http://www.genuinekansas.com) right now is getting a page for every county and every city over 1,000 people. All of the interesting stuff is full of references to these very basic items, so I want to get them in place first so they will be easy to link to. I think I'm up to 730 pages, going in alphabetical county order, and I'm finally into the O's. Along the way I've tried to pick up the famous people that all the places claim as natives, and I couldn't help but do some of the history pages that are real basic.

I have taken a little time off (my wife says I was becoming obsessed) to do some other things and handle some non-Web problems. I'll be ready to make a push through the end of the boring stuff about August 1. Then I can start doing the interesting stuff like you are talking about. I would be happy to give you a second outlet for your material. I also have the main page buttons to add Kansas-related blogs to the site, if you are interested.

In the other direction, I'd be happy to render assistance where assistance is needed. I guess we could just start a thread here in the coffee shop, or if that would bore everybody to tears, we could take the discussion off line and into email. It might be that the people here may be interested in what we're up to. Why don't you let me know where you are in your project now and where you want to be, and I'll see what I can do to help get you there.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Janet Harrington on July 24, 2007, 07:05:38 PM
I really hate to disappoint you guys, but if you are going to talk "geek" talk about computers, then leave me out.  ha ha

I don't care if you make a link about whatever.  If it doesn't interest me, I won't read it.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 24, 2007, 07:42:16 PM
Well, heck, that's okay by me, Janet.

I'm pretty sure we can geek without you.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Teresa on July 25, 2007, 12:55:16 AM
Quote from: Janet Harrington on July 24, 2007, 07:05:38 PM
I really hate to disappoint you guys, but if you are going to talk "geek" talk about computers, then leave me out.  ha ha

I don't care if you make a link about whatever.  If it doesn't interest me, I won't read it.

Well ~~ Like ..ahhhh  I hate to disappoint you* Miss Conceited Think You're All That*.... but I don't think that they give a flying flip if you read what they write or if you don''t ..and I'm pretty sure they will 'leave you out'.  and not lose much sleep over it. ::) LOL

((((I'mmmmm Baaaaaacckkk)))
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Rudy Taylor on July 25, 2007, 04:44:15 AM
Alright! That's what I like ... a good, unadulterated antidote to Janet-isms.  Ain't nobody like our queen to apply such ointment.

But watch out ... I predict Janet will be back in good form.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Janet Harrington on July 25, 2007, 08:29:37 PM
Quote from: Teresa on July 25, 2007, 12:55:16 AM
Quote from: Janet Harrington on July 24, 2007, 07:05:38 PM
I really hate to disappoint you guys, but if you are going to talk "geek" talk about computers, then leave me out.  ha ha

I don't care if you make a link about whatever.  If it doesn't interest me, I won't read it.

Well ~~ Like ..ahhhh  I hate to disappoint you* Miss Conceited Think You're All That*.... but I don't think that they give a flying flip if you read what they write or if you don''t ..and I'm pretty sure they will 'leave you out'.  and not lose much sleep over it. ::) LOL

((((I'mmmmm Baaaaaacckkk)))

I have to quit laughing, so it will take a day or two before I can say anything about her meaness to me. 
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Rudy Taylor on July 25, 2007, 09:09:01 PM
I'll go to bed smiling having read Janet and Teresa's funny, funny put-downs.  And, these girls love each other!  That's great.

Of course, my wife will wonder why I'm smiling as i fall asleep.

Only another forum-oid would understand that one.
Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: kdfrawg on July 25, 2007, 09:16:15 PM
It is not good to go to bed smiling too widely and obviously. It may trigger the most pointed questions at 4:00 in the morning, when you are no longer smiling.

Title: Re: Display Name Change
Post by: Rudy Taylor on July 26, 2007, 11:01:36 AM
Yes, I've had to answer a few of them over our 42 years of marital bliss.

I wonder why they wait until 4 in the morning?  I'd have the same answer anytime of the day or night:  "Who me?  Whatcha talking about?"