I took some pictures of the hummingbirds hanging around our feeders in our back yard this weekend. We think we have about 7 pairs hanging around. These are the ruby-throated hummingbirds. Really pretty. When I hang up the feeders after filling them, the hummingbirds will buzz by my head wanting me to leave so they can fill their little bellies. They are so much fun to watch. This picture shows the male and if you look in the foreground, you will see the back of the female.
Great picture, Janet! We have 4 hummingbirds. One male sits on top of the shepherd's hook that the feeder is hanging on, and chases the other hummingbirds away that come to the feeder. He's a stingy lil guy. I also have pictures of mine, but I'm not entirely sure how to get them on here.
Those pictures are great. I haven't got my feeders up yet..
Guess that is on the list for tonight too.. :-\
I have two hummingbird feeders out and need more, I guess. Sunday morning had 7 eating at the same time, which was surprising, since there always seems to be one waiting to chase the other's off. ALSO, the baltimore orioles eat out of them and they take a lot. I bought a nice oriole feeder last summer - - - :( they won't touch it. SO, I shall continue to feed both out of the hummingbird feeders. Also, have a bunch of gold finches. They are sure pretty and colorful. Not unusual to have 10-15 or more at one time eating and swinging in the breeze.
Flo, have you tried putting grape jelly put for the orioles? The lady that writes the Elk Falls items for the paper is quite a "birder" and she says she puts orange slices & grape jelly out. Just a thought.
I also bought a baltimore oriole feeder and the orange juice that went it in.
They wouldn't touch it either :(
I love to watch hummingbirds. I remember when I used to go out to Louise Winns house.. ( Where Horst Hiller lives now) and she had the biggest hummingbird feeders I have ever seen. She had 5 of them.... and we counted 30 some hummingbirds at one time. It was awesome to watch.
I have heard of the grape jelly thing, but have never tried it...
We have a bunch of hummingbirds that come to our feeders, five are out and in use but we need to put the rest of them out because the number of hummers we have are greater than can get to the feeders at once. Attached is a couple pictures I took this afternoon before it got too busy around the feeders. They are sure are a thristy bunch they will drink a quart of necter every day.
Dee Cee,
Those are great pictures. I had been trying to get one of a male hummingbird standing still on a rail, but never could get him to stop long enough to get the picture.
I also have Orioles, 2 pair, hanging around the feeder. I tried the grape jelly and orange slices. Never touched them. They drink out of the feeders, so I'll continue to feed them along with the hummingbirds.
The yellow finches are very pretty. I have seen one of those. Just the male. I haven't seen a female.
We put out sunflower seeds for all the other birds and I'm here to tell you, they devour that. The squrriels do to.