I am posting this on behalf of forum member, Jody. She would like to suggest to people who are interested in murder mysteries to read the book Mullendore Murder Case, written by Jonathan Kwitny.
It's supposed to be a true murder story that happened about 1970, that still remains unsolved. It took place in northern Oklahoma. E. C. Mullendore had a huge ranch that covered large areas of ranch land in northeastern Oklahoma and southeastern Kansas. I understand he was rather wealthy.
I checked the online catalog and the book is supposedly available at the Howard City library, and thru the inter-library loan. As for myself......I do not read murder mysteries.......I have plenty of nightmares the way it is.
Was E. C. Mullendore related to Noel Mullendore? If so, how?
I have no idea if E.C. Mullendore was related to Noel Mullendore. I hope the library does have that book. It is a hard one to find. I have a copy that I would never let anyone borrow. Sorry. I do not believe that you can find that book to buy anymore without paying an awful price for it.
E. C.'s dad was a cousin of Noel Mullendore, he is also related to the Mullendore's that lived in Howard.
Yes, the book can still be purchased if one wants to pay "an arm and a leg." I noticed on Amazon.com and e-bay where the book was selling for $150-$200!!!! The author of that book died in the late 1990s.
Thanks DeeGee, for answering my question.
Quote from: Lois Morgan on April 05, 2007, 03:30:55 PM
the book was selling for $150-$200!!!!
TA TA!!!!! :o :o $200 for a book??
(((whisper mode on))).. You and I could go on a vacation without Kjell or Jim.. all you have to do is sell the book and ..WALLA... by next week,we can be on a warm beach somewhere sipping something exotic with an umbrella in it...((((whisper mode off)))
I have done some further price checking on the Mullendore Murder Case. For a well used paperback, the price may be just a few dollars, but for a nice hardback, they were talking "big bucks." Someone had it listed for sale in the Bartlesville Classifieds and was asking $300 for the copy! So I would guess it just depends on how bad a person wants a copy and whether they want a paperback or hard copy and what condition the book is in.
A few dollars??!?? ???
Well Poop... that takes care of the vacation... :(
"If" I were looking to buy the book (which, I am not), I wouldn't want a "well used" copy, as my definition of "well used" is one that is torn, dog eared, yellowed with age, hasn't been taken care of, had drinks spilled on it, etc. and in lousy condition. Books in that condition are lucky to be sold at all. In buying a book of my expectations, from what I've seen on the internet, would cost a fortune. Of course, there is always the possibility that one may be found at some yard/garage sale, where the folks don't know what it's worth and sell the book real cheap, just to get rid of it.
When the paperback version first came out, I bought a copy. I was somewhat familiar with the Mullendore ranch and knew of the murder and all the intrigue surrounding it. Made the mistake of loaning my copy and never got it back. A few years ago here in Winfield at Art in the Park I ran across a hard-bound copy at the Winfield Library's book sale. Got it for $.50 Bargains are still out there if you're in the right place at the right time.
Well, Dan Durbin, you are such a lucky guy. The paperback version that I have is old, kinda ragged, but not that bad. I can't even remember where I got it. I just know that I won't sell it and I won't loan it out because I don't think it could stand someone reading it.
I also have an old paperback book titled "Anne Frank's Diary". I have had it for years and it is one that I cannot lend because I wouldn't want it coming apart. However; they have reprinted "Anne Frank's Diary", so I wouldn't think that an old one would be worth much money.
I am sure that E.C. Mullendore and family were related to Noel Mullendore and his Father Dave, in fact in the book it mentions that when the original Mullendore,who was John, came to Kansas, from Indiana in the late 1800s they settled on a farm near Howard. On the same page in the book where it is discussing Erd Mullendore's preparation for the run in the Cherokee Strip it says:One night in the farmhouse at Howard".At the time E.C. III was murdered I happened to live in Bartlesville Oklahoma and worked with the ex-wife of E.C. III's bodyguard, Chub Anderson. We immediately bought a copy of the book when it came out, in later years we acquired another copy for one of our sons. In the Elk County History book it also discuss that John Mullendore came from Indiana and settled near Howard, two of his sons mentioned were Erd C. and David, it appears thatErd C. was E.C. III"s Grandfather and David "Dave" Mullendore his brother, was Noel Mullendore's father.
We love reading the topics in the forum.
Frank Winn
Now, I may be wrong, but I believe that the Mullendores had a farm northwest of Howard. My ex-father-in-law, Dale Lee, owned that farm at one time. I am pretty sure that Dale's farm was in the Mullendore family.
When we moved over here in 1947, it was called the Mullendore Ranch. I don't know who was operating it or for how long. It is located 2 miles north of Lynn Perkins.
Yes - the Mullendors lived northwest of Howard.
I don't know where, but when I drive Izola Moore places, she tells stories about the Mullendores.
The Mullendore ranch was NW Howard or just North of Ralph Perkins , I beleve that R.E. Combs from Bolivar Missouri purchased it from the Mullendores, Dale Lee acquired it from R.E. Combs and now Pat Moore , son of Paul and Izola owns it.
Wow, Frank, you are just an absolute wonder. Thank you for joining our forum because we need people like you to remember these things.
Just to let you all know. The Mullendore murder truly did happen. One of my best friends was married to the grandson of the Mullendore that was murdered. She is divorced from that family now but Eric Mullendore's brother still lives in Sedan on a lot of the Mullendore land and raises horses and cattle and Eric is in Oklahoma. The man murdered was Eric's mothers father. It is still unsolved but was quite the story according to my girlfriend. Very wealthy family then and still. I don't know the details other than what I have told you. Julie Mullendore, which is one of my best friends was the 6th grade teacher in Moline for a few years. She taught Tania.
I am currently reading the book and let me tell you, it is packed full of information. I've done research on the murder for about the past year and finally decided I needed to just read the book to really get the answers I wanted. It has been so helpful. I have to stop reading every now and then and write down things, sit and ponder them, and then go back to reading. It is really excellent for any of those who are researching the murder of E.C. Mullendore.
In talking about the forum with a friend, he has told me that he knows exactly where the farmhouse was where the Mullendore clan started when they came from Indiana. If anyone is interested in knowing where, send me a personal message, I will give you the telephone number of my friend. However; this property is private property and I would recommend that if you think you want to look at the foundation, you get permission from the owner, who is my friend.
Is he your friend?
My gosh Ta Ta.. you told us "3" times that he was your friend...
jeeeseeeee~~ like ...ahhhh.... we are now convinced that he is "your friend".
*Rolling my eyes and mumbling**
Like I needed to hear that over and over in one little post....~~sighhhhhh
::) ::) ::)
You are just toooooooo funny. I was being so careful to not use his name. I didn't realize that I had said "friend" so many times. Of course, I don't have very many "friends" so that might be why I used that word so much. I just like the sound of it. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. hahahahahahahahaha
**shaking my head***
I hope that at some point you ladies can move past the bliss of ignorance that seems to bestow this topic and think about how hard it is to be a Mullendore. I'm in constant turmoil with my family over this horribly tragic event that devastated us. Every where you go you are recognized for a crime scene and not the good you do... Our family raises large sums of money every year for credible foundations like Breast cancer, childrens cancer and leukemia awareness. But on your forum you fail to mention that. I hope that you enjoy your vacation by selling the Mullendore Murder book! If you look closer you would see that the book is filed in the fiction category of the library. Mr. Whitney was unable to put any credit to his story; it was all half- truths, assumptions, and hearsay. I know that I personally fear for my childrens safety every second of every hour of every day! How would you like having threats made upon your children? Or people threaten your family by stealing or robbing you for memorabilia? I understand that it is a big mystery for Oklahoma and Kansas to be solved! Have you ever thought maybe we would like that as well? Press, trespassers, or helicopter news crews looking for something shatter every anniversary. Should we be able to celebrate number 3's life not be haunted by his Extreme untimely demise? Or have the snickers and whispered innuendo going on as you try to enjoy your family in public? Please know that we are human beings and that this hurts us to. But fueling the media frenzy does not help anybody! And most of all it will not bring #3 back.
Thank You,
Mrs. E.C. Mullendore IV
Let me assure you, M, that I do not immediately associate the Mullendore name with sensationalism or whatever. I associate it with a nice, quiet ranch in the northwest part of Elk County and with a person or persons by that name that lived in Howard and I believe was a lawyer. I don't remember ever actually meeting that person, but I have heard a lot about him.
And in the case of a murder such as your family experienced, the family is not to blame and shouldn't have to be reminded of it every time they turn around. I do not and will not read any books, fact or fiction based on such an incident. I have not read the book based on the Clutter family, will not read anything written about BTK and have no interest in any one's version of the Mullendore mystery. I am happy to exist in my self-imposed fantasy land where all is right with the world and wish that others would let the bad stuff die, also.
And, thank you, M, for letting us know how bad it is for the family. We seldom get the family's side of it.
I hope that my opinion doesn't offend anyone, but that is the way I feel. Let the past go. Let Marilyn Monroe die. Give us some happy things to think about.
please explain to me why only the "gorrie" side of life is all that seems to be news? There are so many nice things happening in this world, but you don't hear about those (except in our hometown newspaper, and thank you for that) I got to where I didn't turn the tv on during the arrest and conviction of, and I hate to use this name, BTK. Even CNN, FOX, every channel. How horrible for the families of the victims. Those people are still victims, as is M. Trouble is, every year on the "anniversary" of these tragedies, the news media with bring all this back up and keep it going. I'm with Wilma, let Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, AND BTK die. Move on, people. AND movies???? to quote the Statler Bros.... Whatever happened to Randolph Scott....
You can still find him on one of the channels that carries old westerns. But we sure don't hear anything about his life after movies, when he died, what he died of or maybe he is still alive. We don't get a recap of John Wayne on his death anniversary, either. Nothing spectacular about his death, was there?
I know nothing about any Mullendores, but I do know that Randolph Scott was once married to a Newark woman for a time, she lived not far from me. She died a number of years ago, he did too.
But that isn't what the public wants to hear about. If more of us would reject the sensationalism that the media presents us, maybe the media would stick more to the facts without the embroidery.
Only those who were living at the time of anyone's murder and were there knows whether or not the authors of those kinds of books are telling the truth or not. We did not chose to write the book. My reason for owning a copy of the Mullendore Murder Case is because it is a book about something that happened to people that are connected to Howard, Kansas. Elk County, Kansas. That is my reason for having that book.
Only those who were there when that murder happened know the true story. Only those who investigated that murder know part of the true story. Only the person who killed Mr. Mullendore knows the true story. It is doubtful that the writer, whoever he was, knows what was true. He wasn't there. He only wrote what was told to him. Do I think he based that book on hearsay, half-truths, and assumptions? I don't know. I've never talked to him. I don't know who he is.
Do I think that what he wrote is the truth? Don't know. Don't care. It is not a legal document. It is not a law enforcement investigation. It is not a court document. A book does not solve crimes. A book does not solve murders. A book is a book.
The same thing for the Clutter murders. Only those who were there know what really happened. Truman Capote interviewed people for the book, but he wasn't there, so he couldn't write about the truth.
Books about murders are sensationalized to make money. Movies and TV stories about murders are done to make money. That is all.
Anyone who believes that what someone writes in a book about a murder is the entire truth needs to get a life.
I'm like my mother. I associate the name of Mullendore with Elk County because of the ranch that my ex-father-in-law owned. Noel Mullendore was a wonderful old attorney who worked in Elk County. Even I am old enough to remember Noel Mullendore. His name is still recognized here in Elk County and is well thought of even though he has been gone for several years now.
Here is an article from a newspaper in Helena, Montana, about Chub Anderson.
Kansas man's arrest in Helena renews investigation into 1970 Oklahoma killing
By The Associated Press - 07/02/06
COWETA, Okla. (AP) — Investigators hope to continue an interview of a man arrested recently in Helena, Mont., in an attempt to solve a murder case from 36 years ago.
No one has been charged in the death of millionaire rancher E.C. Mullendore III, who was beaten and fatally shot at his home near Hulah on Sept. 27, 1970.
Two Osage County investigators and former Sheriff George Wayman, who held the office at the time of Mullendore's death, interviewed former Mullendore bodyguard and ranch hand Damon ''Chub'' Anderson for four hours on June 21 after he had been arrested in Montana and returned to Kansas to face drug charges, Osage County Undersheriff Lou Ann Brown said.
The investigators hope to continue the interview in the next few weeks with Anderson, who undergoes dialysis several times a week.
''When they left there, the rapport was good,'' Brown said. ''But I don't think he closed the door.''
Anderson was arrested in Helena, Mont., in mid-June after trying to apply for Social Security using the name of a dead man. He had apparently been living in Alder, Mont.
Brown thinks current technology and forensics could aim investigators in the cold case, even though significant barriers exist.
''There is a considerable amount of evidence still available,'' she said. ''But there are some things that have been messed up since the very beginning.''
Investigators say they misplaced a bone fragment that had been found on Anderson's hat before they were able to bag and record it, and the chip — about one-third the size of a dime — was never found.
''We tried to find it and sifted that floor,'' said Rudy Briggs, the former Osage County sheriff's deputy who initially found the chip. ''I don't know where it fell off.''
Also, Mullendore's body was cleaned before investigators were able to perform a test to determine whether he had fired a weapon.
Anderson, 64, pleaded no contest to drug charges Wednesday in Chautauqua County, Kan., and is scheduled to be sentenced July 5, Brown said.
Anderson has claimed he was upstairs drawing a bath when two men entered the Mullendore residence downstairs and beat the 32-year-old rancher before shooting him between the eyes, Briggs said.
Now, wouldn't it be nice for all involved if the investigators would solve this cold case murder?
Why has this forum talked about the Mullendore Murder Case? Because we talk about everything. That's what this forum is for. And like it or not, the Mullendore's are part of Elk County. We talk alot about Elk County history. That's all I better say about this matter.
Let me add this much. This murder is an unsolved murder. I have a law enforcement background. Naturally I am interested in this murder. Again, do I believe what the author of that book wrote was the truth. Not at all. My mother put it this way, she sees the Mullendore Murder Case as something she is tired of hearing about and wishes people would let it rest. People will not let it rest as they won't let the BTK murders rest, the Carr brothers murders rest, etc, etc. Will I let it rest? Not at all. I would like to see it solved. Am I in the position to get it solved? No. This murder occurred in Oklahoma, so maybe those investigators will get it solved someday. Will it bring back Mr. Mullendore? No, it won't, just as none of the victims of the above mentioned murders won't be able to come back. However; their families have seen justice by getting those murderers convicted and sitting in our super maximum prison, two of which are awaiting the death penalty.
As for the bodyguard, Chubb Anderson, I have been interested in him every since he was caught and charged with the illegal firearms crimes, the marijuana crimes, threatening to kill the Chautauqua County Sheriff and family crimes, and fleeing from prosecution crimes. He apparently pled guilty to those crimes and did not get the punishment he deserved because of his illness. Was justice done there? Nope. He should be in prison. Do I still think he is a suspect in the Mullendore case? I really don't know. I wasn't there. Take anything you hear with a grain of salt.
Lastly, M Mullendore, let me give you a little bit of advice. You have married into this family. The Mullendore name is important to the history of Elk and Chautauqua County and on into Oklahoma. Hold your head up high and forget about what people are saying about the Mullendores. Be proud of who you are and raise your children to be the same way. Follow the law. Be moral and ethical in everything that you do. Be positive in all manners of your life. Most of all, put your trust in Jesus Christ because He is the One who matters out of everything.
If your children are being threatened, then pursue that by reporting it to your local law enforcement. If they don't want to do anything, go to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and the Attorney General. Don't let people get away with doing things to your family. It would be a cold day in hell before someone who has threatened my children would get away with it. In a final word, quit being a victim of a crime that is unsolved and is almost 40 years old.
Well said Janet, and alot of what you say, no doubt comes from your knowledge and experience in law enforcemant. In another light, Noel Mullendore was a really neat person, very calm and always ready to help people. When Myrna and I were first married we lived neighbors Noel and Gertrude and I remember well when my Border Collie bit Noel. Noel came over later and knocked on the door and said "Frankie I wanted to let you know that your dog bit me and tore my Suit Pants". I immediately began apoligizing and offered to pay for the pants. Noel said no I am not here to get you to pay for my pants, I am here to keep you from getting into a lawsuit and to keep from someone getting hurt bad. Noel suggested I needed to move my dog to the country, which I reluctantly did, I took her to my Father-in-laws, where she chased of some gasoline theives and possibly others, and lived out her years. Noel told me later that he was pleased I took her out of town as he didn't want to have to defend me in a lawsuit. After, this incident Noel always stopped and visited with me if I was in the yard or on the porch, and I we alwaysn had a chuckle about my old dog, Ginger biting him. I told him once I still felt bad he didn't let me pay for the pants, he chuckled and said that suit was worn out already.
Very well said and some good, sound advice, Janet. You can't do much better than by putting your trust in the Lord. The would be keeping the main thing the main thing.
I would just say, "Right on! Janet! Right on!
Thank you Janet.. That was well stated.
And to see both sides of this issue is easy for all of us to do...
Not both sides of a murder case.. but to be able to see both sides of this "issue" that you have brought up in your post.
Megan, please let me say this to you with that in mind...
We as a community are interested in anything that happens in Elk County.. the good and the bad.
And we also have empathy for the pain the family's and victim's have to go through anytime something like this occurs.
But to be mad at people bringing up a subject and talking about something that happened in Elk County is not quite fair either. It happened. It will be talked about from time to time..as all things are.
That is just part of life in a small town, and I imagine it is the same in the city's too, but not in the same way.
I am sorry that you were hurt by the topic of the thread, but if all of our posts and threads were censored & limited to only those things that didn't effect anyone... there wouldn't be much to say , now would there? All issues and happenings..past and present..affects "someone, somewhere".
I'm going to keep the thread open, as I have not seen anywhere in anyone's posts that have shown disrespect or rudeness to the Mullendore family. That was not nor will it be in anyone's context of conversation where this is concerned.
We are sorry for your loss and the consequences of it.
Teresa Cookson Heilevang
Teresa, it is easy to see why you are, and should continue to be the Moderator for this forum and the great group of people that belong and participate in it. We really enjoy and appreciate the forum daily.
Frank Winn
besides that, if you have to censor what's posted, you and Janet probably wouldn't get to post much to each other. ;D
wow that was intense and as a mystry buff it has peeked my intrest. and all of you i think were very tastefull i couldnt stop reading . dont tell the boss ha ha
mary l
Quote from: flo on July 18, 2007, 10:43:46 AM
besides that, if you have to censor what's posted, you and Janet probably wouldn't get to post much to each other. ;D
That's right.. ;D ;D
And you all would just be bored by all the nice and good things that people say...instead of all the nasty and mean things that Ta Ta and I say to each other.. :D
.... and I would have to delete all those hateful things DLD says about me and my relaxin' pants. ..
etc etc...
Well heck fire.. there just wouldn't be anything left but sugary things for you all to read.. ;)
and too much sugar isn't good for you.
Thank you, Teresa. That was well stated, also.
As for too much sugar, there isn't enough sugar in the world to make Ms. T sweet. So there.
And you are right, you would have to delete everything I said.
And wash your mouth out with soap too.
Well, at least it wouldn't be with sweet sugary stuff. :P :P
I was online the other day and I saw the E-mail post my wife had made and some of your chat group's responses. The last I heard Elk County was in Kansas. My father, E.C. Mullendore III was murdered in Oklahoma! Correct me if I am wrong but isn't that a long way from Elk County, Ks. Discussing the history of Elk county and remembering the pertinate facts of your county's progression through the ages should be your focus. I will be the first one to agree that my ancestors made real and important contributions to your community. They were all, to a fault, friends of mankind and did their best to help, both on a personal level as well as performing their civic responsibilities, and duties. I understand that public curiosity is tweaked every now and again. But to keep something alive with this incessant drama only hurts the innocent victims of the crime. I could not possibly expect you people to understand. What happened to my family is an ongoing, never ending litany of questions about who, what, when, where, & why! People such as yourselves perpetuate this drama with your little chat groups. I have been trying to put this behind me for decades! As long as there are people such as yourselves, the tragic drama will continue to effect my family and me. I am in the ranching industry; I am lucky enough to hear daily reminders of my family from my business associates across the United States. Those reminders are always positive, talking about honesty, fairplay, and the highest degree of integrity. Those are qualities to be remembered! However, it only takes one scatter-brained sensationalist, who is making asinine comments or asking rude questions to ruin a perfectly beautiful God given day! As far as I'm concerned people such as yourselves, who continue to sensationalize my Father's Murder, don't deserve to draw a breath of air much less continue to perpetuate a chapter of history with half truths, supposition, and innuendo! Since one of your little group brought up the question of local donations. I think raising money for Children's Cancer, and Breast Cancer, research along with a host of other worthy causes is certainly more important than another statue in your park for the pigeons to paint. So tell me, when was the last time you raised over 200K for any worthy causes? As far as I am concerned there was a reason my side of the family left that part of Kansas in the first place and then never looked back!
E.C. Mullendore IV
That's Number IV for any of you people that may have any Questions!
To EC Mullendore, his wife, and to the forum members:
I will comment on this as a separate post from Teresa. She and I own and moderate 2 other web sites and forums with anywhere from 5,000-6,000 visitors a day and up to 3,000 posts per day, so we have plenty of experience in this area...and we both feel the need to comment on this separately.
What we can learn from this particular thread is that it shows what people are thinking and asking about a certain issue. It is not about what people from Elk County, Kansas thinks. The only difference is that we accidently have a forum in Elk County where people's thought and minds are moved from the streets, the front porches, the cafes and coffee shops, and ends up in writing.
It also reflects that people are talking wherever they live knowing about this case.
E.C..... you cannot stop that, no matter how much you want it. And by your response and the way you respond, you trigger more attention, not the opposite. But the attention is not about this case. You draw attention to the fact that you want to downsize and look down at people who probably haven't had a chance to donate 200K to a good cause. What has that to do with all this?
Nothing! As a matter of fact, this thread or street talk ..and it's not just in Elk County, has moved away from it's original topic.
It has been many moons since I thought about what I am about to say.
About 7-8 years ago, I worked side by side with a man I met who later became a good friend, when I was working with a group called the "Night Ravens". It was a group of people who walked the streets among narcotics, prostitutes and the homeless. Our job was not to get them arrested, but to help those who really wanted help and needed to talk. We were a diverse group, from regular cops, housewives, teachers and like my friend, who was a multimillionaire who owned a hotel chain in Scandinavia.
I was the only one who knew his background at the time. He wanted to help, not because of his status, but just by being a human being. Yes, he had donated 300k to build a shelter for battered women, but he did it anonymous. But as he said, he wanted to help like a good neighbor, not as a check book and to have it announced in public through media or through his own words. It felt better to give that way because it just felt good personally. His brother was killed 3 years earlier by the same kind of people he was helping.
And for those who feel that this thread has turned into a thread where people of Elk County have been made to feel small and not worthy to breathe air, let me assure you this.....
In all levels of society there are always a small number of people who need to emphasize their importance in terms of achievements, moneywise or other wise. They are everywhere in towns big or small and have to brag and act like that whether they earn $500...5k or millions.
Let me say something to the people on this forum..
You are all worthy good people and it doesn't matter what your income is. Just because you raised a question on a public forum as if you asked the questions or answered them on the street, don't feel bad about it. Just because you have not given 200k to a good cause, doesn't mean that you have not given something that is as valuable as money. We all give to someone in need, from a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, 10 dollars to the library..... it all comes from the heart and reflects a great value for the society no matter your resources.
And if you don't keep track of what you give, like my friend, then you have my admiration.
E.C, I understand your pain and your loss, believe me.. I do.
What I don't understand is your arrogance which reflects a lot more in your posts than your pain.
So... I do feel sorry for you in more than one way. I wish you and your family the best.
Kjell Heilevang
aka Marshal Halloway
First , I would like to say that I will do everything in my power to conduct myself in a dignified manner where this is concerned............
But I will be honest in telling you that you make it very hard to do that.
I'm sure I will read your post several more times before I finish my carefully chosen words, as my first knee jerk response would not be appropriate in a public forum. Nor would it accomplish anything other than making me look like the same ass as you have made yourself look like.
I don't have a number 4 behind my name or thousands of dollars to use to try to impress people when all other means and manners fail. So I will try my best to use what small amount of country knowledge, that my education and 54 years of experience have given me.
IF..and I use that word loosely.... IF this topic was worth spending a great deal of time on,
I would take your post.. dissect it line by line and comment on each and every sentence.
I was on the champion debate team in college, so believe me, there is nothing that I would enjoy more.
But we're not going to turn this into a debate.
We also are not going to sit in a sandbox like 2 small children and throw sand at each other on something that happened 37 years ago, and serves absolutely no purpose other than showing lack of maturity on an issue that matters only to you.
But I AM going to stand up for my people in this "little chat room" as you so arrogantly and pompously called it.
I am fully aware of more than 'just a few' things Mr. & Mrs. Mullendore IV.
One, is that I don't think that the members of this forum needs anyone ...no matter how many $$ signs they have to try to impress people with... to tell us what we need to focus on.
We focus on many many issues that may or may not pass your approval. Not all of them are in Elk County. We share and discuss news about our children and families, births and deaths, silly things, funny things, birthday's and anniversary's, the price of gas, groceries, past issues and present issues from the streets and from issues of newspapers. We share our lives with each other in pictures and videos and it doesn't matter what side of the tracks you come from, you are welcome to join in. We are people from all parts of the world, with all levels of financial status' .Some of us have never met and never will, and some are new friends and some are old forever friends.
We laugh together, cry together, pray together...
We talk about tons of things ... then we move on.
I'm sure that not all of the issues that you or your wife talk about in life are Mary Poppins based. I'm sure that you have discussed issue's with others that you "wondered" about. There will always be someone who doesn't approve or who will disagree with what you are talking about. And I am sure you have had your share, That is ok... but agree to disagree and use respect.
And I beg your pardon.. but the only ones that are keeping this thread alive and sensationalizing your fathers tragedy is you and your wife, Mr Mullendore......with more incessant drama than I have witnessed in quite some time.
You say that you have been trying to put this behind you for decades. I believe that you have tried.
Losing a parent in that way would be devastating.
Because of posting and innocently discussing an article from 37 years ago, you took what was an ant hill and built it into a mountain.
If it hadn't of been for your posts, the thread would have been long forgotten by now.
Instead of quietly calling me on the phone.. or emailing me with a request to take the thread off..( which I have done before)
you and your wife made the choice to climb upon your high and mighty thrones, name calling, passing judgment and bragging about how much you have donated to this and that and blah blah blah..( which had absolutely NOTHING to do with the issue about your father) and you spewed out your frustration and anger aiming it on the people in this forum. Seems to me you are blaming us for the path that you have to walk on and learn from.
We all have issues to deal with. Some are worse than others, but the last I knew, we all put our pants on in the morning and take them off for bed the same way at night. So excuse me if I'm not impressed with all your ranching industry, your daily reminders of your honesty, fair play, and the highest degree of integrity that you get from your business associates across the United States.
I will say it very slowly one more time ............
No where in any of the posts on this forum thread is there any disrespect shown to the Mullendore family. There was a passing interest on the crime.. some very comments and wonderful nice memories of the Mullendore family.. but not one rude or crude comment anywhere at all.
I wished I could say the same thing about your posts Mr. & Mrs. Mullendore IV.
I resent greatly the fact that you consider good kind loving people you don't even know or have never met, asinine, scatter-brained sensationalists, who don't deserve to draw a breath of air.
Excuse me??!??
You not only stepped on their toes sir.. you stomped on mine...!
But I'm sure you could care less about anything other than your focus on YOU and YOUR tragedy that you continue to keep alive within yourself 24 -7. You do have some anger issues to deal with, don't you.
For someone who hates Elk County so much.. (and I DO realize that Hulah isn't in Elk County...and you now know why your family left this part of Kansas in the first place and then never looked back!.).. Why are you even in our website and reading what is in the "Elk County Forum?" If you hadn't of been in there reading stuff, you would have never seen the thread.
If you wanted to put it behind you.. why wouldn't you just shut the Computer down... Turn the TV off.... throw the newspaper in the trash!
There are lots of ways you keep yourself form being a subject to the "issues".
I feel pathetically sorry for you and your wife Mr Mullendore.. for many many reasons.
I wish for you and your family peace of mind.
Those who use the forum do so to have a break, to catch up and relax a bit..
I will not have it become a war zone.
The thread will be locked ..and no more posts will be accepted..
Teresa Cookson Heilevang