Here is something that at least a few of you might find interesting. First, I hope there is such a thing as a broad-striped skunk, because I saw one yesterday morning.
It was about 8:00 in the morning and we had just loaded up to go to Wichita, but Daughter had started the car and was just sitting there. I noticed that she seemed to be looking at something across the street, so I checked it out. Across the street, inside the County Road Yard fence there was a white spot that was moving north along the fence. Upon closer scrutiny, I could tell it was a skunk. The white stripe was so broad that it seemed to be dragging the ground. The only black on it was it's face, chest, legs and underside of the tail.
I have thought about this maybe being some other animal, but a skunk has a distinctive way of moving. I don't know whether to call it an amble or a waddle. Whatever it was doing, it continued to the north fence, then followed the fence west. It disappeared soon after turning west.
Now, tell me what I was seeing.
Maybe Pepe Le Pew was in the neighborhood, also.
He was always chasing a "skunk" with a wide white stripe painted down its back.
Yo, ye non-believers, here is the proof of a long-haired, broad stripe skunk. Daughter took this about 8:00 last night when it was dark outside. She took it with her telephone, through the storm door, on her front porch with only the porch light for illumination.. I, of course, have trimmed and lightened the scene to make the skunk more visible. Hopefully, I can still attach a photo.
She isn't intentionally feeding the wildlife, just the neighborhood cats.
That's a skunk of a different stripe! Ha! I hope he doesn't come in our neighborhood; but sounds like he's more north and west.
I used to feed feral cats, but when I figured out the opossums were coming up on the porch, I stopped.
My cat abandoned me and went to live with the neighbors a couple years ago - they had better food ;D
While my husband was alive and we were living in Sedgwick County, he fed the neighborhood cats. About half of them were actually ours. We were feeding about 35 cats morning and night. Then after dark the 'possums and skunks moved in. There were probably 'coons, too, but we didn't see them.
My husband started catching the 'possums and we relocated them. There were numerous small streams in the county west of us several miles and there was where we would take them. One night, as he was unloading the evening's catch, I heard a chicken near by. After freeing the catch, he investigated and found eight red hens, camped under a turned over ice chest that had been partially propped up in the ditch. I don't know if the hens had been dumped or had fallen off a truck while being transported. Anyways, having an empty cage in the back of the truck, he caught the hens, caged them and we took them home.
Being out in the country there was no problem about keeping them. We had an unoccupied hen house and all the paraphernalia needed for chickens. This all happened in the late fall. On Christmas Day that year, they presented us with our first egg. Maybe the nicest Christmas present we ever got. In the following months we had all the eggs we could use or give away. Not a bad investment for relocating one 'possum.
What a great story, Wilma! I'm sure the hens were happy to be at your home and safe from the newly 'possom populated stream :D
They were very happy. They sang all day. I have always enjoyed having poultry in the barnyard.
Perhaps this was it? a hooded skunk?
ready purchase tomato juice!!!!
Native to SW and Mexico.
Has the gentleman from AZ (Frawin?) been bringing gifts to us?
Ready, I live in Prosper, Texas, I moved here recently from Bartlesville, OK. I have been in Ariizona, but have never lived there. In my few short years I have moved around some, I was born in Howard, in 1965 my wife and I moved to Pratt Kansas, in 1968, we moved to Emporia, Kansas, where I finished my College Education in Business, and in 1970 I went to work for Phillips Petroleum in Bartlesville, that was the second best move I made, the first was Marrying my Wife of almost 52 years, she is my favorite Cook, best Friend, my favorite Mother and Grandmother and I love her more than anything in the world. In 1980 I moved to Midland,Texas, in 2007 I moved back to Bartlesville, Ok to be close to my family and close to my Wifes family. I am the youngest of 15 Children, 8 Boys and 7 Girls, there is only 2 of us left, me and One Brother, this getting old sure is not for Sissies. Wishing you and everyone on the Forum a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
ok. I thought someone lived in AZ and brought a gift to Wilma.
Not accusing you or anyone.
Hopefully, no harm, no foul. retire humor. lol
Ready, it is not a problem, l like your Posts and your Humor, keep on Keeping on. I hope Santa brings Wilma lots of gifts she is one of my favorite people on the Forum, If we get back to Howard before Christmas, I am going to exchange gifts with her, the gift exchange will be, a BIG HUG from her to me and a BIG HUG from me to her.
Ready, that does look more like what I saw and the photo my daughter took. I had never heard of a hooded skunk. Maybe I should do a little research. Thanks a lot.
And, Frank, I am not hard to find. I am just one block north of Myrna's sister.
Quote from: readyaimduck on December 09, 2015, 06:53:12 PM
ok. I thought someone lived in AZ and brought a gift to Wilma.
Not accusing you or anyone.
Hopefully, no harm, no foul. retire humor. lol
I'm the one from AZ, Ready... Surprise, AZ. Home of the World Champion Kansas City Royals Spring Training Camp of the Cactus League. You can bet I'll be attending all home games this spring on my season pass, sitting front row between first base and home plate. Eat your heart out, people. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (
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I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."
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I'm not sure how this turned into baseball, unless the opposition were real stinkers.Ha!
Our team here, the Wilmington Blue Rocks, were associated with the KC Royals, so I always watched them too. Also the Phillies, of course, and the White Sox. I have a personal connection with them.
Back to skunks. A couple of years ago we had one poking around our yard that was really real beautifu. It was almost all white with just a bit of black on its undercarriage.The fur on the tail was really long and fluffy like that photo and the rest of its fur was unusually long too. It spent a few days making little holes in the yard looking for grubs and then moved on.
Great stories Wilma, thanks.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2015, 08:48:54 AM
I'm not sure how this turned into baseball, unless the opposition were real stinkers.Ha!
Our team here, the Wilmington Blue Rocks, were associated with the KC Royals, so I always watched them too. Also the Phillies, of course, and the White Sox. I have a personal connection with them.
Why, Diane.... I'm letting Ready know the difference between Frank of TX and Warph of AZ. Frank's into oil and his beautiful wife and I'm just an ol' retired USAF LT.Col. who's into baseball at this time in my life. Time to get HAPPY, Diane. Here's a little gift from me to sorta help you through the happy stage... I hope it helps:*** ***
Now, back to skunks....
( (
Now that is funny! ;D