Here's some 'east coast happenings'. Once again, the coastie liberals & self proclaimed 'moderates' show their true colors. More statist shenanigans from the home state of our liberty loathing Vice President & a local forum antagonist. If it smells like rotting fish, it's probably rotting fish.
Delaware officials admit tax snooping;
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times
Friday, July 19, 2013
The director of Delaware's tax-collection office said Friday that his agency accessed the federal tax records in 2010 of an unnamed taxpayer, believed to be former GOP Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell.
Patrick Carter, director of the state's division of revenue, would not identify Ms. O'Donnell as the taxpayer but said he approved the inquiry "for routine purposes." ...
...Investigators for Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said the problem was likely a backdoor system that allows state officials to look at federal tax records as part of their own investigations.
In one case, the investigator said the violation was willful and referred it to the Justice Department, which declined to pursue the case...
Full story:
The HOH, home of hypocrisy. Stimulation or pretense of goodness, feigning to be what one is not.
As long as you are checking out our crappy local paper, about Miss Slippery, check out the state school scores and see how well Newark Charter did again this year. 8) Antagonist? You should do so well.
Quote from: Bullwinkle on July 21, 2013, 09:05:28 AM
The HOH, home of hypocrisy. Stimulation or pretense of goodness, feigning to be what one is not.
So true, Bullwinkle. And the masquerade marches on, doesn't it? Must be something in the water... or the schools.
Quote from: a diva
...I see the manure is still being tossed on a certain thread. Perhaps one there should muck out a bit more often and it wouldn't pile up. Sure does take liberties with less than a year on the forum...
Quote from: Bullwinkle on July 21, 2013, 09:05:28 AM
The HOH, home of hypocrisy. Stimulation or pretense of goodness, feigning to be what one is not.
Yep, you nailed that one, Bullwinkle...
"pretense of goodness, feigning to be what one is not".Not just whining about manure slinging, but slinging their own, and dragging it all over the forum. Sad. Classic hypocrisy, but sad nonetheless.
I must have missed the rule about seniority on the Forum.
Oh! Almost forgot.... ;D ;D ;D ;D
On July 19th Diane says:
So stop the personal attacks!
Then today she says:
No snappers though...didn't want to accidentally get hold of any Elk County residents. Some of them are snappy enough as it is. I won't mention any IQ's.
Hypocrite ? You make the call. I must be a glutton for punishment because the reason she posts her nastiness is to get a response, then she can go into her little pity pat party. She is right about one thing. A lot of people have quit the forum because of one person----and they live East of the Mississippi river !!
My daddy always said to size up someone by their deeds and their words. I am glad for the people on the forum who see things the same way. I'm have seen even those who agree on most things will still disagree on others, without the " in your face" mentality. I learned when first coming here that if you weren't raised here, you are an outsider. However, many here have been like old friends, regardless, and I personally appreciate that. The amount of time I have been on the Forum being an issue just shows the mentality of those who think that I am some kind of outsider, without any knowledge how long I have been here.
" Be not simply good. Be good for something" Henry David Thoreau
And thank God I don't have this problem like some have in other parts of the country, "It is better to dwell in the wilderness than with a contentious and angry woman" Proverbs 21-19
I have heard nothing but good things about Teddy Amberg from the people that knew him. I wonder what he would think of the manure slinging his relation is doing.
So who is making you read anything I write? ??? Especially on my own thread? Go read something else and it won't bother you. Even Warph expects you all to have a sense of humor.
As far as how long you've been on the's public knowledge. You can look up anyone.
Uncle Ted and I got along just fine...and Uncle Bill too... so what's it to you? You were asked to cut it out and it started right back up when I suggested just one word. birds... I was immediately maligned as were the people who asked why I was attacked. They also want to know how Jar gets all the insider information as to who writes under what poster's NOT public.
Not to mention I get accused of "letting" Liz write under my name. Ya talk about manure! Go pick on someone else...while there is any one left. I'm not trying to rewind history, but it sure would be nice to have some of the nice people back. Look at the title of this thread! Really inviting isn't it. Who is trying to chase whom off? ::)
I am old with a bad memory but because of Jane, I thought Diane had her own thread and only going to post there. I guess she got tired of no one looking at her thread all the time.
As if nosy, button pushing tax officials in Delaware and its' boorish VP offspring weren't enough, there's this Forum stuff which reaffirms the sewage flow that emanates from the east...
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 11:28:07 AM
As far as how long you've been on the's public knowledge. You can look up anyone.
A statement which totally ignores the irrelevance of someone's tenure. Yet a statement which does reinforce the antagonistic natures referred to in my original post.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 11:28:07 AM
Uncle Ted and I got along just fine...and Uncle Bill too... so what's it to you? You were asked to cut it out and it started right back up when I suggested just one word. birds... I was immediately maligned as were the people who asked why I was attacked.
Again, more evidence that leopards don't change their spots. Once a lberal, progressive member of the victim class, always a member.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 11:28:07 AM
They also want to know how Jar gets all the insider information who writes under what poster's NOT public. Not to mention I get accused of "letting" Liz write under my name.
Or writing for her, perhaps? Why would you even suggest that Jar has 'insider' information if you weren't suggesting that his observations (and those of a number of other folks) might be accurate?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 11:28:07 AM
Ya talk about manure! Go pick on someone else...while there is any one left.
More victimspeak.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 11:28:07 AM
I'm not trying to rewind history...
Yeah, right. The road to hell is paved with good 'intentions'. It's the actual outcomes that matter.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 11:28:07 AM
...but it sure would be nice to have some of the nice people back.
Couldn't agree more. Also some of those who can intelligently debate issues without throwing themselves to the floor in fits of temper crying out like victims every time their silly analyses are shown to be shallow and/or off point. BS artists & victims like you need to be re-highlighted from time to time.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 11:28:07 AM
Look at the title of this thread! Really inviting isn't it. Who is trying to chase whom off? ::)
As you are so fond of reminding us (and even did so in the Delaware Drivel I'm dissecting here): You don't have any requirement to read, let alone respond to, any topic on the Forum:
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 11:28:07 AM
So who is making you read anything I write? ??? Especially on my own thread? Go read something else and it won't bother you.
Go try taking your own advice... for a change.
Quote from: Maude on July 22, 2013, 12:20:05 PM
I am old with a bad memory but because of Jane, I thought Diane had her own thread and only going to post there. I guess she got tired of no one looking at her thread all the time.
See... even Maude (bless her bad old memory) gets it.
But, just to be clear, Maude, Lady Di isn't known for keeping her word. She's told the "I'm never gonna post here" wolf cry lie dozens of times. Only to prove herself untruthful over and over and over again. But, let's be tolerant, it's a Progressive mindset at work... truth is relative. NOT! Lacking integrity comes to mind.
From Merriam Webster
INTEGRITY noun \in-ˈte-grə-tē\
1: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
2: an unimpaired condition : soundness
3: the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness
Synonyms: character, decency, goodness, honesty, morality, probity, rectitude, righteousness, rightness, uprightness, virtue, virtuousness
In re-reading my analysis if Diana's latest bloviation, I notice something interesting...
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 11:28:07 AM
So who is making you read anything I write? ??? Especially on my own thread? Go read something else and it won't bother you.
own thread? Good lord, woman, even ole Ross isn't so arrogant and self centered as to refer to the thread he started in Politics a long time back as
his thread. How conceited.
Now, about those smarmy Progressive tax officials in Delaware... must be rogues just like Obama and Uncle Joe wanted us to believe of those who initiated the IRS mess.
Quote from: Patriot on July 22, 2013, 12:56:55 PM
In re-reading my analysis if Diana's latest bloviation, I notice something interesting...
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 11:28:07 AM
So who is making you read anything I write? ??? Especially on my own thread? Go read something else and it won't bother you. Even Warph expects you all to have a sense of humor.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 11:28:07 AM
Your own thread? Good lord, woman, even ole Ross isn't so arrogant and self centered as to refer to the thread he started in Politics a long time back as his thread. How conceited.
Now you did it Patriot, ya drug me into the foray.
I ain't edumacated enough to be arrogant or conceited.
I recognize that I am ugly, wrinkled, old and have worn out joints, etc.
I just want to protect what little income I have,
from NGO's and their konnections, that, want my money to operate on.
They say money talks, well I haven't heard any talking from money,
that has already taken by NGO's
my money doesn't talk to me either
it just seems to wave bye-bye.
and there is the possibility of more taxation
to build an unneeded gym and community storm shelter
because of greedy thinking instead of critical thinking.
$19,000 has already been wasted due to the lack of critical thinking
and discussion by board members. Oh, that's right someone wants a unified school board.
No dissent, right. Only positive B.S.
No, I don't have a personal thread on this forum.
I believe people have simply been warned about posting there or something.
It might upset the old guard.
Oh, shut up Ross.
Done for the moment!
Quote from: Patriot on July 22, 2013, 12:56:55 PM
Now, about those smarmy Progressive tax officials in Delaware... must be rogues just like Obama and Uncle Joe wanted us to believe of those who initiated the IRS mess.
And that was exactly my point. I don't "own" a thread nor do any of you. It's mine in the sense that I started it. and am the poster most often. Ya really had to try for that one didn'tcha? :angel: Talk about aggravating.
Unless I am banned, I have the same right to post and agree or disagree as anyone!
By the way, I'm not Lady Di. She might not care for you referring to her when you are picking on me. What a shame.
You few want to make jokes but don't think the jokes of others are funny. As in gardening and manure. Anything to start trouble..right? Look in the mirror and see where it comes from!
Yes, I intended to leave several times and was asked by quite a number not to cave in to the bullies. So I stayed. Things can go along quite well and one of you will start it up again, even if you have to refer back to forum ancient history. Pick that low hanging fruit...and perhaps I should too. How many more times do I have to explain that. You have no memory?Or a very selective one?
So Grow It asked a perfectly normal question and I said just ONE word and got attacked for it. A couple of people asked why the attack on me and the jackals quickly gathered and came in for the kill. Can't you go pick on someone else or am I the only one left? Why so touchy?
By the way, all that business about Liz writing as me was in Ross's head. I had nothing to do with any of it! Lay off. Perhaps Jar is really writing as Flint and then framing him. Makes about as much well as getting confidential information he has no right to have.
Teresa told you to cut it out. As far as I know that did not have an expiration date, so why now? Pam also came back many times before she quit for good and for the same reason. This has got to be really aggravating for the administrators. As for as picking on Delaware....get in line. I really don't care. I'm just sorry that your own welfare state can't make it on it's own and has to be propped up by states like ours. Tsk,tsk.
Another Kansan I know from the northeast part did say Kansas was always Oklahoma's poor step child. Now I get it.
By the way, Maude,I never said I had my own thread and would post only there. Nobody else does. Why should I?
Now maybe you can start a few more nasty threads to appease the coyotes. I told you many many posts ago I finally grew a spine and stopped caving in to the insults. Back off. I'm still my own feisty self. Nothing will change. I asked any number of times for the un provoked attacks to stop. The herds must be migrating again. Sorry Teresa, but they get my Kansas blood up.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM
And that was exactly my point. I don't "own" a thread nor do any of you... Ya really had to try for that one didn'tcha?
Nope, the fact was self-apparent. You alone assumed/assigned the original personal ownership identity. Either own that or perhaps learn to better articulate your points.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM
Unless I am banned, I have the same right to post and agree or disagree as anyone!
Absolutely. Perhaps I'll have to visit & comment in the 'Happening' thread over in the Coffee Shop. Further, your choice to chime in on this thread was yours alone... or were you encouraged by others (see the later observation about being easily manipulated)?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM
By the way, I'm not Lady Di. She might not care for you referring to her when you are picking on me. What a shame.
The only shame(s) are two. First, that you would even think to align the moniker used in reference to you as a companion in any form to royalty (though in her current state I doubt she much cares). Second that you again play the 'picked on victim while denying the reality that you are doing so. I will, however, offer one minor correction... it should have read lady di.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM
You few want to make jokes but don't think the jokes of others are funny. As in gardening and manure. Anything to start trouble..right? Look in the mirror and see where it comes from!
Boy, you really told me, didn't ya? Feel better?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM
Yes, I intended to leave several times and was asked by quite a number not to cave in to the bullies. So I stayed.
So we can add 'easily manipulated by others' to dishonest, victim & antagonist?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM
Pick that low hanging fruit...
Ever consider that your posts sometimes
ARE the low hanging fruit?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM
Can't you go pick on someone else or am I the only one left?
Only one
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM well as getting confidential information he has no right to have.
Your confidence in this matter tends to indicate that it's you who may have some inside track or personal knowledge.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM
Teresa told you to cut it out. As far as I know that did not have an expiration date, so why now?
As I recall, she also complained of your incessant victim-hood, whining & antagonism. You opened the door in this thread, so answer your own question.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM
As for as picking on Delaware....get in line. I really don't care. I'm just sorry that your own welfare state can't make it on it's own and has to be propped up by states like ours. Tsk,tsk.
Personally, I'm in favor of letting Delaware keep all its' ill gotten money. As to the extent of Kansas' reliance on Delaware Donations, some hard facts and figures would be appreciated. As for Delaware's 'other' contributions... you can have Joe Biden back... he's a fool, imo.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM
I told you many many posts ago I finally grew a spine and stopped caving in to the insults. Back off. I'm still my own feisty self. Nothing will change. I asked any number of times for the un provoked attacks to stop.
Please don't confuse ignorant arrogance & bullheadedness with getting a spine. Having a real spine begins with being right. Progressives & moderates have, for too long, been telling the conservative majority to back off. Well. welcome to the rebirth of truth in America. As for me, the day I back off from calling bullshit for what it is... you'll know you've improved & moved toward mainstream American thinking.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM
Sorry Teresa, but they get my Kansas blood up.
Kansas blood? Now that's rich coming from someone who so maligned the welfare State of Kansas. Perhaps you're mistaking an undercooked hamburger for something more important.
Now, do you have anything to add regarding abuse of power on the part of the Delaware tax officials, or do you want to continue playing your silly games?
Quotes from Diane:
I was immediately maligned as were the people who asked why I was attacked. They also want to know how Jar gets all the insider information who writes under what poster's NOT public
Makes about as much well as getting confidential information he has no right to have.
Lady Di, Are you insinuating that Teresa or Kjell are giving me confidential information ? Sure sounds like that's what you are implying. They have neither one EVER gave me info on who is who. Teresa has told you that before but if you want to call her a liar---then break a leg. Be funny to watch---she would be on you like a cougar on a cotton-tail !!!
Sit back and read posts and it usually isn't that hard to figure out certain people. Everyone has "tells", as it has been explained to you before. I have them----you have them----everyone has "tells". Sometimes the "tells" are the give away but most times it's the PM's that are ones down fall. Those PM's get passed on and then they reach "the spies " inbox----then I become a genius. Now while you sit there feeling sorry for yourself because you don't get away with bullying everyone, try to figure out who the spy is. Good luck.
She complains about a nickname, but doesn't use her real name anyway. Unless she adopted the liberal concepts of those like Gloria Steinem and MS magazine, when you don't take your husbands name.
Reminds me of Mrs. Harriet Oleson on "Little House on the Prairie".
That's about the only thing I can say is close to her claiming "Kansas blood"
Go ahead and have your murky fun. If you look at the membership roles you'll see there is a poster registered as Lady DI. She is some one else. Ya might want to leave her alone. What did she ever do to you? and why should I spell it wrong?
As far as what name I use ...who cares? It's always been me, not some secret hidden name like many of you use. Ya must be ashamed of your real name....I'm not. Many modern women keep their maiden names for business purposes. What's it to ya? You must be running out of things to be angry at. ;D ;D
You title a thread about crap from Delaware and don't think I'd respond? You must be suffering from baked brain syndrome. So where are your insulting threads about Texas and California?
Jar, I don't much care where you get personal information on people ,you do have it and like to sass about it. Figures.
By the way, I don't feel the least bit sorry for myself. Bug off.
Jar would hate to play poker with you can read people that well by what they write I;d be a dead give away in person
I shouldn't but!!!!!
Which is it Diane Amberg
Diane Silverman
Shame on me, I use my real name. Tch, tch, tch.
I guess she is the one ashamed of her real name. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
No mas pataloon's.
Don't know that anyone in Texas or Californication spouts the BS you do except Sodbuster.
You know which name I use and why. They are both me. I've been here for a long time. I owe you no expliation.I even have a real photo even though I look much older now...So where's your photo. Hmmmm? Ashamed of your looks?? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Nah..just kidding. I don't really care ...why do you? By the way, the word is pantalones. :angel:
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2013, 04:03:15 PM
You know which name I use and why. They are both me. I've been here for along time. I owe you no expliation.I even have a real photo even though I look much older now...So where's your photo. Hmmmm? Ashamed of your looks?? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Nah..just kidding. I don't really care ...why do you? By the way, the word is pantalones. :angel:
What's an 'expliation'?
Oh, never mind. That's an error made by one who so often arrogantly corrects others on their spelling... even when a spell check and the Merriam Webster Dictionary shows the correct spelling to be as originally posted.
No, I have no clue why you don't use your husband's name. Maybe it is too Jewish.
Been here for along time ? What's that?
A real photo? Maybe 10 -20 years ago. Mine is just as it should be. Although it should include Rocket J Squirrel , I guess.
You don't kid, or make jokes, you poke , poke . Everyone on here knows it. You only have to look at the replies to your "own" thread to see how you sit among those who post here. BTW, I don't go there, no reason to.
On another note. How much have you contributed to the Elk County Rural Fire Department? You spout off about all your Delaware involvement. Since you still claim Elk county as your home, what have you done for the people here?
You talk the talk, but you don't walk the walk.
No. She never will. She actually thinks she has more supporters here than those of us who actually live here that don't buy her lies.
It is a mental condition.
I just realized, this is an east coast happenings,(Delaware) , thread that is much more active than the other one.
Most of us come on here to discuss the daily things that affect us all, not to tell everyone what we do every day.
It's not about individuals, It's about the state of our union.
If I tell ya how much I've donated there and to whom and what I'd be accused of bragging. Stop prying. No Macaroni, I don't need to shut up, especially when this thread was started to poke my state. ;D
As far as Delaware politics, get in line have no idea how much I disagree with most of the politics here. It's getting worse, but needless to say I'd bore you to death with details. I'm not fooled by your pretending to be interested.
As far as your fire companies, I've donated to four of much is not your business. I've given to quite a few local projects since 2007, leave it at that. So what.... I suspect you all do too. Don't rub my nose in it.
I don't lie, Teresa and others can verify that, but I would never make you important enough to ask them to do so. By the way, another person has gone with no intention of returning. He/she hates the way some you treat others and is sick of seeing it.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2013, 09:51:00 AM
...I've given to quite a few local projects since 2007, leave it at that...
Since the very time Elk Konnected was birthed. How ironic. More blind 'following' I suspect.
Quote from: cheyronni on July 23, 2013, 05:01:23 PM
No, cheyronni, she doesn't. But she's quick to tell others to shut up, bug off or get out.
Sorry Pat, fish all you want. You suspect wrong. All about a broken leg and a fire. As far as my spelling...not sure how I missed that one as I did spell check it . Good catch ;)
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2013, 10:13:12 AM
Sorry Pat, fish all you want. You suspect wrong.
Diane where is the fishing?
I must have missed it.
Can you show me. please?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2013, 09:51:00 AM
I've given to quite a few local projects since 2007, leave it at that. So what.... I suspect you all do too. Don't rub my nose in it.
Quote from: Patriot on July 24, 2013, 10:03:18 AM
Since rhe very time Elk Konnected was birthed. How ironic. More blind 'following' I suspect.
That's some coincidence isn't it?
Just as with our local drama, if it walks like a duck.... and now, an update on events in the socialist/fascist leaning state that believes in top down control and gave us the great Joe Biden:
Records of Christine O'Donnell tax snooping disappear
By Seth McLaughlin - The Washington Times
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Delaware state officials have told Congress that they likely destroyed the computer records that would show when and how often they accessed Christine O'Donnell's personal tax records and acknowledged that a newspaper article was used as the sole justification for snooping into the former GOP Senate candidate's tax history...
...But Mr. Grassley, an Iowa Republican who serves on the Judiciary and Finance committees, said he was concerned by the information Delaware state officials shared with his investigators.
Specifically, Mr. Grassley's staff was told that a Delaware state investigator asked for and received permission from his boss on a Saturday to access Ms. O'Donnell's tax records based on a local newspaper article about a civil lien. The lien, it turned, out was issued erroneously.
Full story: (
Keep it up Ross. Nobody cares. I know why I came here and what was going on at the time. You can write fiction. You weren't here then. Your lack of local history and "outsider" status is showing by talking that way. tsk,tsk.
In the mean time, I have things to do. Leaving for awhile, shaking my head in disbelief. Really sad.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2013, 11:53:15 AM
Keep it up Ross. Nobody cares. I know why I came here and what was going on at the time. You can write fiction. You weren't here then. Your lack of local history and "outsider" status is showing by talking that way. tsk,tsk.
In the mean time, I have things to do. Leaving for awhile, shaking my head in disbelief. Really sad.
Oh, but Diane I was here in 2007 and before that, even before Elk Konnected. LLC.
I ain't no outsider, I live here, you don't live here.
Are you cornfused?
Pokie poke,
poke, poke.
So funny.
Ross, you were most certainly NOT on this forum in 2007. You didn't join until some years later,March 2011 I think.. Why fib about it? If you were so hot over Elk Konnected then, why weren't you on the forum back then fussing when they did try to get things organized and going? CCTP! You waited for four years?(I think) There are still people who support what they tried to do but they learned to not risk attack by saying anything on here because they do live there.. So be it.
If you really were paying attention in 2007 you would know what was going on back then. As for as my not living in Elk mean you don't have people living in other states that you care about or help support? Or would you just ignore them? We Ambergs don't act like that! Didn't there and don't here even now.
I owe a lot to the good people who took care of Grandma for many years and yes, I sent the staff gifts every Christmas. Some of her care givers are gone now. Doris Shipman and a number of others would even call or write to me if she needed anything she didn't have, or was having problems. I couldn't have asked for better people.
The docs and nurses who took care of her, and Pastor Robin and his wife couldn't have been more caring and sweet to all of us. Zimmerman's couldn't have been nicer when the time came... even asked if we would move her funeral to the nursing home as so many of her friends could go if we did. I even made sure Jo did her hair. She didn't know me then, but I sure knew her and how nice she was. So please take your corn elsewhere. I am still conected (by friends and family) to Elk County and plan to remain so.
Uh Bull...why the unneeded crack about my husbands name? Just exactly what do you mean by "too Jewish?" Are you too Moose? Are you ashamed to use your real name at all, let alone a photo?. Such a coward! It's easy to spew anything when you don't have to stand behind it. On to the next project. Pro Bono.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2013, 11:53:15 AM
You weren't here then. Your lack of local history and "outsider" status is showing by talking that way. tsk,tsk.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2013, 01:46:08 PM
Ross, you were most certainly NOT on this forum in 2007.
Hey teacher you did not specify what "here" meant!
I was here as living in Elk County, not an outsider as living in Delaware.
Communication must not have been one of your teaching skills and then to stoop so low as to call me a liar, shame on you.
I made an addition to my above post.
Nope. There are no personal attacks or directed affronts coming out of Delaware. Nope, none at all.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2013, 03:18:51 PM
I'm just sorry that your own welfare state can't make it on it's own and has to be propped up by states like ours. Tsk,tsk.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2013, 01:04:47 PM
You must be suffering from baked brain syndrome
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2013, 04:03:15 PM
Ashamed of your looks??
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2013, 01:57:25 PM
Such a coward!
Now, anybody up for a discussion of the other crap coming out of Delaware (i.e. power hungry government bureaucrats who abuse their power in apparent efforts to keep people oppressed)?
Quote from: Patriot on July 24, 2013, 04:13:02 PM
Nope. There are no personal attacks or directed affronts coming out of Delaware. Nope, none at all.
Now, anybody up for a discussion of the other crap coming out of Delaware (i.e. power hungry government bureaucrats who abuse their power in apparent efforts to keep people oppressed)?
Being she is konnected, I bet she makes that organization proud with all that positive feedback.
Quote from: ROSS on July 24, 2013, 05:00:37 PM
Being she is konnected, I bet she makes that organization proud with all that positive feedback.
Well, Ross. I've heard, in first person, some comments by other Konnected folks when they thought no one was listening... I suspect they think our favorite
Orwellian Delawarian is actually pretty tame.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2013, 06:35:30 PM
Ross, having explained what you really meant, I'll excuse what you said about how long you've been "here". You didn't make it clear either, bubby. Half your own fault. Some of you don't understand what "civil" means, so I gave up trying to be so some time ago. .
You will excuse me, how civil of you after calling me a liar.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2013, 06:35:30 PM
Half your own fault.
You fault me for your inability to communicate? How civil of you!
You said and I quote:
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2013, 11:53:15 AM
You weren't here then. Your lack of local history and "outsider" status is showing by talking that way. Tsk,tsk.
Really Diane how can you call me an outsider? Who is the
outsider someone that lives 1,291 MI, 19 hours 41 minutes away or someone that lives in the county? An honest answer please teacher, and please be civil.
Do you yourself understand the meaning of civil?
Is being civil blaming someone else, politely. for your own errors?
I hope you have a very good and civil night.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2013, 06:35:30 PM
...I'll excuse what you said about how long you've been "here". ..
How magnanimous.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 24, 2013, 06:35:30 PM
..And Mr.Moose still owes me an explination...
Whatever an 'explination' is, I'm sure the demand was a tad haughty.
Well, well, well.
I think I'll respond the way you've done it time after time.
Ya want an explanation from me ? Bite me. Ya don't like what I post, ya don't have to read it.
Try again, ya throw manure at me, I throw it back. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Pat, I spelled that on wrong on purpose to see if you were paying attention..really! HA! I've gotta have fun too ya know.
Bull, ya sound rather bigoted to me. You are tap dancing trying to get me and it won't work. Don't bother. I totally get the kind of person you are... . A forum IBBA because you can hide and misbehave here in ugly ways you wouldn't dare anywhere else. Most forums have a few who try to do that, but usually they get banned pretty quick. Especially when they have picked out a few to bully from their hiding place. I'm not hiding. I'm right out front .You know exactly who I am and I am brave enough to stand up to your nonsense .especially when I disagree on something and you go on a rude frontal attack instead of just agreeing to disagree...but I do have a secret weapon. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel:
It's hard not to read a Delaware thread ya know... I do try to skip much of your agitating. But, sometimes it's fun to watch ya boil over. :angel:
Ross, if you are so aware of what was going on locally in 2007, when I was invited to join the forum, please share. One did not have to live there to be involved and very concerned . People from both coasts and lot of states prayed and were very concerned. I'll always think those prayers worked.
No more swipes at Delaware? Gee, ya must be dissapointed. :-*
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A thread specifically started for name-calling, bashing, insulting, antagonizing and hateful posts. Long overdue IMHO. I say that because it is a thread where those of you who wish to participate in such a behavior can concentrate your efforts at all the above mentioned activities and leave the other threads alone. Yay!
Larry(staying out of politics unless its warranted)j ::)
It is difficult to tell where the Most Crap is coming from, Delaware or Elk County. The Forum continues to reach new lows everyday. The fun and informative posts are gone, thanks to a few people.
;D ;D ;D I'm out numbered by Elk County people. Please remember,I did not start this thread. Gotta go finish the fund drive letter.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 25, 2013, 09:48:14 AM
;D ;D ;D I'm out numbered by Elk County people. Please remember,I did not start this thread. Gotta go finish the fund drive letter.
You called me an outsider and a liar and tried to fault me for your lack of communication skills, and then tell people they don't know how to be civil. What kind of thinking is that exactly? Does that kind of thinking come with a college degree of some sort?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 25, 2013, 09:04:44 AM
People from both coasts and lot of states prayed and were very concerned. I'll always think those prayers worked.
What people, who?
Why such obscure remarks?
They totally mean nothing!
Is that the best communicating you can do?
What in the world are you talking about, prayed for what?
Were they praying for rain?
Were they praying that local politicians might become honest people?
There is that lack of communication skills coming through again.
Are you sure you were a teacher even for a year?
And then you failed, yes teacher failed to answer some simple questions, why?
If a student doesn't answer questions he fails right? Are you a failure?
You broached the subject of being civil, will you give it a shot yourself?
Are you in Elk County or Outside of Elk County?
Doesn't that literally make you an outsider?
You only have long distant hearsay to go on right?
Please answer my previous post, thank you?
Quote from: ROSS on July 24, 2013, 07:25:03 PM
Really Diane how can you call me an outsider? Who is the outsider someone that lives 1,291 MI, 19 hours 41 minutes away or someone that lives in the county? An honest answer please teacher, and please be civil.
Do you yourself understand the meaning of civil?
Is being civil blaming someone else, politely. For your own errors.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 25, 2013, 09:48:14 AM
;D ;D ;D I'm out numbered by Elk County people. Please remember,I did not start this thread. Gotta go finish the fund drive letter.
Poor, poor outsider trying to tell us what is happening in our own county, pity me.
Where are all those konnections you have in Elk County?
Do they even exist?
Won't they back you?
Or are they all cowards?
What the heck are you talking about?
Who is the outsider now?
I gotta go finish my fund drive letter too!
Maybe, I can squeeze in sometime to write President Obama a letter and invite him to dinner.
Quote from: Oldtimer on July 25, 2013, 09:28:56 AM
It is difficult to tell where the Most Crap is coming from, Delaware or Elk County. The Forum continues to reach new lows everyday. The fun and informative posts are gone, thanks to a few people.
Oh, come now, with all the threads on this forum you can't find anything to entertain yourself?
There are a Total Topics: 13490 today and I don't know how many threads and you come here to complain.
Are you saying none of those 13490 topics and Lord knows how many threads have any fun and informative posts?
Wow! Really Wow!
My oh my, you must be really bored.
Quote from: ROSS on July 25, 2013, 10:20:49 AM
Oh, come now, with all the threads on this forum you can't find anything to entertain yourself?
There are a Total Topics: 13490 today and I don't know how many threads and you come here to complain.
Are you saying none of those 13490 topics and Lord knows how many threads have any fun and informative posts?
Wow! Really Wow!
My oh my, you must be really bored.
You are the DISKONNECTED one, most people I talk to refer to you as Elk DisKonnected. The Forum went downhill when you and Patriot came on.
Quote from: Oldtimer on July 25, 2013, 11:06:29 AM
You are the DISKONNECTED one, most people I talk to refer to you as Elk DisKonnected. The Forum went downhill when you and Patriot came on.
I don't know what brought that on from you, but thanks.
What a great compliment it is to be called
DisKonnected, I sincerely appreciate that, thank you.
Just what does it mean to you to be
Konnected? Konnected to what?
Or are you ashamed to say?
It seems to me that anything Konnected with Konnected has failed.
That is why I accept your compliment of being
DisKonnected Most people you talk two would be who? A couple of your relatives that are perhaps
Konnected to the failures?
Tell them, I said thanks for the compliment and you have a great day, okay.
DisKonnected RossI think I'll move this post over to the Konnected thread, see ya over there, Okay, OK!
The Delaware gene pool could use a little chlorine.
Doesn't matter what name I use, no more than you, MS Silverman. There is only one poster on the Forum that spends their time trying to antagonize others. You. Your comments that include your personal urban dictionary are another example . You might want to look up CTTP , nasty.
"Senility Prayer"...God grant me...
The senility to forget the people I never liked
The good fortune to run into the ones that I do
And the eyesight to tell the difference
Sorry pal. Get it accurate. For the second time... It's CCTP ... local here and is not the least bit nasty, just truthful. Several of you qualify. Other areas use other initials. By the way,I did look up CTTP. Nothing nasty in what I saw in Google.Ya got a bad book of evil sayings or something?
The snipe about being "TOO Jewish?" What the he## does that mean? That is very personal, bigoted and rotten. Besides, all I have to do is add an e and I become Indian. Ya sure it wasn't already changed? :angel:
I hope Teresa doesn't let you get away with it . There is a line and you sure crossed it with that one. Is there no bottom for you? Have you forgotten what you are even mad about?
And Ross sure wasn't in the main stream of Elk County life in 2007, or he would know exactly what I meant was going on. I promise you nobody has forgotten. Yes, I'm tormenting him about it. If someone else doesn't choose to explain, I will spill it eventually. By the way. I got an e-mail from a very nice Elk County person telling me I will always be an Elk Countian to them, no matter where I live. That felt really good... and not from an EK person, at least as far as I know. Nor was it a relative. No, it wasn't Liz or any of that group, so don't strain yourself trying to figure it out. Remember, there are nice people who read but never post.
I have tried to call a truce many times, but you few enjoy what you are doing too much. I'm going to rewind my clock and start turning my much bruised Presbyterian cheek again and see what happens. Perhaps I'll bring back the Elk County Creeper that some will remember. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Larry, I'm sorry. I really did try and they won't leave me alone. I won't be their doormat.... but according to Teresa ,I'll make history some day. Again.
First of all, I'm not your PAL. You seem to like using anachronism to hide what you say. If I am B&, you will be as well.
You are not remotely in touch with what happens in Elk county, regardless of your PALs that you have here and what they tell you.
Bigoted ? Only an observation that you hide behind your ancestors and don't use your real name. Are you saying that you kept your maiden name for business reasons? What do I care. You are the one claiming people are hiding. I'm right here. Most people know who I am. Quit making everything about you. Patriot started this thread about the corruption in Delaware, which you freely admit. But like most threads you post on, it suddenly becomes about you. Narcissist.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 25, 2013, 02:28:41 PM
And Ross sure wasn't in the main stream of Elk County life in 2007, or he would know exactly what I meant was going on. I promise you nobody has forgotten. Yes, I'm tormenting him about it. If someone else doesn't choose to explain, I will spill it eventually.
Mainstream --- what are you shooting mainstream?
I have never been mainstream anything ---- I am strictly an individual ----- no membership dues what so ever ---- and that includes sucking up or shooting up. LOL
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 25, 2013, 02:28:41 PM
By the way. I got an e-mail from a very nice Elk County person telling me I will always be an Elk Countian to them, no matter where I live. That felt really good... and not from an EK person, at least as far as I know. Nor was it a relative. No, it wasn't Liz or any of that group, so don't strain yourself trying to figure it out. Remember, there are nice people who read but never post.
An imaginary friend I suppose?
But that's okay, I got a call from the President today requesting my advice. Thank you.
So what? You are still an outsider, living many, many miles away in Delaware.
Unless of course living in Delaware, Kansas --- is there such a place? Still outside of Elk County isn't it?
Adding to previous posts ? Sucking up to others here won't change the fact you can't stay on topic and want to make a thread into a personal pity party.
Make history? Again? A legend in your own mind. Teresa is completely neutral and I doubt has told you any such thing unless you are to follow the path of David Alexander and get the axe.
As for me , if the administrators want me gone , I leave it to them. They have been quite patient with those who only want discord. I do not, but will not be talked down to by someone who wants to dominate any thread she chooses. She has not tried to do anything but make waves. No one on this thread has done anything but respond to her Poke, Poke.
My apology's to those like LarryJ and Wilma , who just want to offer sensible information. It is obvious to all of us that you, and many others , are good and caring people.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 25, 2013, 02:54:40 PM
Don't worry, I won't say how much we get, so I won't be accused by "the grumps" of bragging.
Nope, never antagonistic. Not!
Long epistle to follow. You have been warned! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Are you admitting to being one of the grumps? ;D ;D ;D ;D I didn't post any names. Suit yourself.
You know perfectly well that this entire thread was started just to be antagonistic. There was no other purpose. Ya set out bait and wait to see who takes it and then complain if they do.
Things were fine and fun on the forum for several years before a couple of you came on to cause problems, be super critical in as mean a way as possible and put people under a microscope. You made no effort to fit in to what was going on already..Ya just tried to take over!
People in other states and other areas of Kansas, who never ever lived in EC had come on and we had a lot of fun threads. We shared information about everyone's home areas, trips we had taken, recipes we liked and it was never called bragging! People in other states, some like me, knew Elk County from visiting family in the summer. That they had never actually lived there didn't mean they weren't interested in the area. Nobody attacked anybody!
There was word play and original poetry,sharing of some wonderful local paintings, arts and crafts and some give and take and fun poking, but never anything mean or purposefully harmful. It didn't matter what religion anyone was or wasn't, or whether anyone was moderate, liberal or conservative. People were allowed to have opinions and agree to disagree without being attacked or being forced to defend themselves from ridiculous accusations or look foolish.
When a few joined in and decided to get their way and change the direction of the forum and allow personal attacks and general ugly rudeness to rule, yes, I did speak up on behalf of a number of us that wanted it stopped. It had nothing to do with my feeling like a victim..which I've been accused of ever since.( I would never have allowed such behavior in my classroom.) Because I'm not there, I was willing to speak up. I've been attacked ever since .Apparently several of you have collected everything I've ever said in self defense to throw back at me later, but some rule says I can't do the same? Perhaps I should be flattered that I'm expected to be "better" somehow than some of you self described "uneducamated hicks" I have never understood that. Jealousy? Why? You all, every one of you, had a chance at education. If you didn't take advantage of it, don't come after me about it. One of you has even gone back to school to finish. I find that very admirable, and a sign of a good parent.
Make it " all " about me? HA! You few did that for me and keep bringing it up over and over and over. It's ancient history! Do you do that at home? A family member gets angry and you save it up to throw back for years to come? yikes!
And now it's being made very personal about my name? It's "too" Jewish? Holy Cow! Is nothing ever too much? Not that it should matter. I still want to know how someone is "too" Jewish and what that meant to the poster that said it. Can one be too Baptist or too Methodist. or too Church of Christ? It was one more try at a personal insult.
And one might wonder why I spit and claw and fight back some times? How much is a person supposed to take? When there is nothing of substance to say it, gets personal, even after it was supposed to stop.
Several of you appear to just be showing off for each other and keeping score on how many swipes you can get away with and how many people you can offend. Don't you care what anybody thinks?
1. Grumps was your choice of wording, and using it in a totally unrelated thread to spread the poison of your bitterness across as wide an audience as possible was your choice as well. It was quoted in this thread so as to keep your external 'stuff' in context with all your other 'stuff' in this thread.
2. Yes, you do play the poor, put upon victim. Regularly & repeatedly. Even chiming in on subjects where you weren't ever mentioned and then turning the discussion to yourself. Bullwinkle has already pointed that out in this thread. And Teresa has pointed it out in past reviews.
3. Your suggestion that others don't have to read your self abasing drivel would carry much more weight and be taken much more seriously if you took your own advice.
4. Finally, you've found yourself tangling with a few people who are engaged in pointing out the un-American activities of a number of folks in the political/bureaucrat class... be it local, state or national. People who are sick and tired of the Progressive Movement (read Fabian Socialist Movement) in this country and the damage it has caused to the principles and values that made this nation so prosperous.
Your inputs, from your all knowing positions on the TSA (see: "they will not do searches at train facilities") to your bragging about a personal knowledge of/relationship with the likes of Joe Biden and blind your support of the Elk Konnected movement in Elk County have made it clear that you, at least tacitly, approve of the attitudes that represent the antithesis of liberty as espoused by the founders of these united States.
Your mistake, along with your progressive (and 'moderately' progressive) allies, is in assuming that those of us who value that liberty will continue to sit down & shut up as so many have over the last hundred years or so. Ain't gonna happen. The big government, entitlement attitude, eternal victim class mentality of the Clinton/Bush/Biden/Obama era have hit nerves won't soon be soothed. If you choose to remain ideologically ignorant and to persist in portraying the 'moderate' views which espouse the values of the Fabians (or the put upon victim status that results), then be prepared to be in a state of eternal frustration.
Now, care to share your views on the 'phony scandals/nothing to see here' narrative being promulgated by the current crop of social engineers in our political class or even the disgusting display of bureaucratic arrogance you Deleware voters allow to exist in your state.... or would you rather continue directing attention to yourself and your bad-assed hurt feeling?
Quote from: Oldtimer on July 25, 2013, 11:06:29 AM
You are the DISKONNECTED one, most people I talk to refer to you as Elk DisKonnected. The Forum went downhill when you and Patriot came on.
As Ross, I than you for suggesting some of us are DisKonnected. We are. Diskonnected from the sheep like behaviors of low information voters, socialist Progressives, moderates and the like. Of course, you could try talking to a more diverse set of people.
But I'm not without compassion for your dilemma. If you find yourself discouraged with the trends in political discussions, I would suggest several other Forums/Topics on here that you might find more enjoyable. There are volumes, and you could always start your own.
While not an exhaustive list, here are a few ideas:,15003.0.html
(,15003.0.html),15176.0.html (,15176.0.html),8338.0.html
(,8338.0.html),8187.0.html (,8187.0.html),7842.0.html (,7842.0.html),13115.0.html
(,13115.0.html),7200.0.html (,7200.0.html),6747.0.html (,6747.0.html),5560.0.html
(,5560.0.html),3.0.html (,3.0.html)
So answer this. By constantly and repetitively repeating your ultraconservative views over and over and over, what do you expect to accomplish? Your limited audience surely knows your views by now. Are you trying to attract new people or what? Do you expect any free thinking people to change their minds? Especially by starting an anti Delaware thread? What was that supposed to accomplish? Distraction? Insult?
Yes, I know Joe, have for years. He worked for New Castle County when Al worked there. I don't care for all of his politics, never did. SO? People often work with or for people they don't care for personally and vice versa. That's just life. Why make a big deal of it?
Tell Kansas to stop taking welfare from other states if ya want to really be conservative. Lead the charge! Clean up your own house, why don't ya. Ross, ya talk and throw insults but ya don't DO anything. Write an article, run for office, go on a talk show . This is like an old second hand lion with no teeth.... lots of roar and no action.
Frankly, Bull's opinions don't guarantee truth, so referencing him means nothing. Especially after his anti Jewish crack. That was a stupid move. Besides the real Bullwinkle character was as dumb as a box of rocks. ;)
So Teresa swatted what. I've never claimed to be perfect either ,but you and Ross just ignored her and went right back to what you had been doing...and not just at me. Ross has beat that one thread to death for more than two years. Has it accomplished anything except bad feelings? How does insulting people (sheeple.kool aid, etc) bring anybody to your way of thinking that wasn't already there? THEY are long gone and do not read this stuff, no matter how much Ross wishes they do...and to accuse Liz of writing as me? That's totally neurotic! That would drive any sensible person away to another camp. Speaking of away ..poof, I'm gone.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 26, 2013, 01:37:39 PM
That would drive any sensible person away to another camp.
Uh huh. Case made. :'(
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 26, 2013, 01:37:39 PM
Speaking of away ..poof, I'm gone.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 26, 2013, 01:37:39 PM
Clean up your own house, why don't ya.
Isn't that what we have been telling you for over two years.
Elk County politics is Elk County politics, including Elk Konnected, LLC right?
Can you take your own advice after over two years of butinski?
Thank You Diane.
I've had enough of this gar'bage , bye-bye.
Still putting what people say in whatever context gives credence to your twisted thinking. I asked if you were reluctant to use your married name was because it was too Jewish. That obviously hit close to home. I have many friends of the Jewish faith, and most all others. Religion is not an issue as to my liking someone, only what I see them do or say, though some people need more of second look if they have circumstances that affect what they do. Some people get dealt a bad hand. All religions have the same basic rules, lying, cheating, stealing or killing is wrong.
We were all taught in my day, that you don't discuss religion or politics at the table, for good reason, it will end in an argument.
I don't think I would call Jay Ward, dumb as a box of rocks, he created a character that seems to elude your miniscule mind. He made a good living giving life to a character that most people related to.
Don't think I've seen you brag, as your known to do, as to just what level you reached with your education. I could have been a school teacher at the 40 hr. mark with a handful of education classes. Lot's did just that. It was the easy way out of college.
Anyone can Google information nowadays. Don't pretend you come up with information without it. I will put my IQ up against yours any day. More importantly, you wouldn't last two days in the wilderness on your own on your best day. You're too heavy PVT Pyle.
When your criminal system of politicians push it too the limit, you may need to be able to survive without your fancy living you enjoy now. When the shit hits the fan, don't come back here. We can't feed your FA , let alone your ego.
And then...
Uh Pat, after poking me about spelling and using spell check, ya missed one yourself... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I'll leave it to you to find it....and I won't even use it as an excuse to insult you. ;)
Hey Bull, ya got any more insults to throw at me? Ya must have run out of anything of substance. What an angry persona. :P
I have told several times before how far I took my education and where. I don't think repeating it means anything, especially after all these years. Back then it wasn't considered bragging, the teachers among us here were just chatting.One was working on her masters. They've been chased sick of the anti teacher rages. ( You would benefit from checking your spellin' too...find 'em. ;))
Now you want an IQ battle? I do know what mine was just after college and I think I told that too, and how I happened to be tested in the first place. In some areas I would do even better now, others probably worse. It's plenty high, that's good enough. (Do you dare tell yours?)
My father was the truly brilliant one. I couldn't hold a candle to him. It wasn't just book smart either. He could build or repair anything. He always said he got his smarts from his Kansas mother. He grew up outside Howard.
As far as using search engines, why not? There is good information there for things that hadn't been invented yet when I was in school. I can get details about things that hadn't happened yet or more detail on things that had. That doesn't mean I don't have my own store house of knowledge, I do. I used to read many encyclopedias on many they are about extinct. So you could have been a teacher...SO? How nice for ya! More attemps at insults? Why bother? I'm still backing into retirement and expect to be totally retired by the time I'm 70, but it depends on how much $ gets offered to me. :angel:
Where did the insults about wilderness living come from? and why? You are all over the place! Yes, I'm over weight.There are many out there who could lose some pounds too. So what. I didn't get really heavy until my doc put me on Avandia about 10 years ago and it blew me up like a sausage. I was bordering CHF. I'm still fighting to get it off, slowly, but I never stop trying. Besides I could live off my own blubber for days! That might be quite an advantage. D ;D ;D ;D
Off to get some work done before the fire company picnic.
Can someone please tell me why out there the location of the high school that serves Howard, and others, is such as issue? Lots of schools are not within the city limits of the town that they get their name from. Why does it matter? Another question.What "fancy living" am I doing? What are a few so jealous of? I really don't get it. I drive a 2000 Ford Focus and donate a lot of time to others. We're comfortable and spent many years saving and investing to get this way. Nobody kept you from doing the same. What's the problem. Sour grapes?
The location of the West Elk School and the Howard City limits is only an issue in Mr. Ross's opinion as far as I can tell.
Thanks. I just wondered what the problem was.
What has this to do with Delaware politics?
Nothing, Bull. But doncha love it when the backgroundchatter plan emerges. Especially when it was hatched by libs or 'moderate' RINOs.
They apparently got their threads cornfused. LOL
They've got more confused than their threads - they've got socialism implanted in their minds.
Red, this thread doesn't have to be about nothing but Delaware politics. I think we all know what you think about things. You have the freedom to speak your mind, but want the freedom to swat and be rude to anyone with a difference of opinion.They shouldn't be able to debate or voice an opinion, There aren't many really socialist coutries that would allow you do that ,ya know?
Diane, said and I quote " Poof I am gone". Guess that did not work.
Huh? I left to do some work. I never said I wasn't comng back. ??? This thread was started for no other reason to agitate and pot stir. You don't have to read any of it. The "children" try to bait me, but here it won't work. What is your problem anyway?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 28, 2013, 12:20:38 PM
Huh? I left to do some work. I never said I wasn't comng back. ??? This thread was started for no other reason to agitate and pot stir. You don't have to read any of it. The "children" try to bait me, but here it won't work. What is your problem anyway?
If one believes your conspiracy theory, and I don't, then you've proven yourself to be a bait taker. Personally, I think you are so hypervigilent that you take even the smallest excuse to defensively jump in an turn discussions into dramas about you just as Bull has already observed. Of course, the world could be wrong and you could be right.
hypervigilance [hi″per-vij´ĭ-lans]
abnormally increased arousal, responsiveness to stimuli, and screening of the environment for threats; it is often associated with delusional or paranoid states.Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
Whatever you want Pat. Nobody dares disagree with you, so have it however you want it.
No matter what the subject, it always seems to made into all about four of you and what you want and what your expert perfect "facts"(opinions) are, no matter where it started. Enjoy. :P
Besides ,if I was such a victim, as you insist, I'd be bothering the administrators quite often. I stand and fight on my own after ya have poked me once too often. Go ahead and try to have more fun at my expense. We'll see what the next batch of e-mails has to say. ;) Ya just don't seem to have enough nails to pound to keep ya busy. 8)