Elk County Forum

General Category => Politics => Topic started by: Warph on March 01, 2013, 02:22:14 AM

Title: Welcome to Kansas, Madam Pelosi... Would You Please Pee In This Cup?
Post by: Warph on March 01, 2013, 02:22:14 AM

Oh, My... Kansas Democrats, Reacting Against Republican Bill Requiring Drug Testing of Welfare Recipents, Add Amendment That State Lawmakers Must Be Drug Tested, Too


Hee Hee... Democrat leaders in Kansas think it's just terrible to drug test recipients of welfare and unemployment benefits, so they've tacked on an amendment to a Republican drug-testing bill.  Their amendment requires that state lawmakers must also be drug tested.

Push meets shove.

This is becoming interesting... a shame it doesn't include mandatory drug testing of all the elected weasels in DC.  You just know that a bunch of these lawmaking elitists, on both sides of the political fence, are engaging in some kind of illegal, recreational drug use, which partially would explain the truckload of horse puckies that are routinely dumped on American citizens.

Pee in this cup, please, Queen Pelosi...

State Republicans were able to defeat a second Democratic amendment that would have mandated that business owners who receive taxpayer-funded state subsidies be tested for drug use, too.

Senate Vice President Jeff King, a Republican from Independence who crafted the bill, said it is not intended to be punitive, and he has stressed that children of people who fail tests will still be able to get state assistance via a third party surrogate who can pass a drug test. 

Passing a drug test to receive welfare benefits is already in effect or being considered in a number of states.



Reported by The Raw Story, Kansas Democrats force amendment to include lawmakers in welfare drug tests:

Democrats in Kansas were unable to kill a Republican bill to drug test welfare and unemployment recipients, but they were successful in adding an amendment that would require lawmakers to also face testing.

Democratic state Sen. Oletha Faust-Goudeau, who opposes drug testing, said that she wanted to make sure that lawmakers would be subjected to the same rules if the bill does end up passing.

"What's good for the goose is good for the gander," Faust-Goudeau explained, according to The Kansas City Star.

Republicans were able to defeat a second Democratic amendment that would have meant drug testing business owners who receive state subsidies.

"It sets a double-standard," Democratic state Sen. Anthony Hensley said of the drug testing program. "We are singling out poor people and people who are out of work when we know there are many other people and many other organizations that also receive benefits from the state government."

The state Senate rejected the amendment by a vote of 7-29 after Republican state Sen. Jeff King argued that it would apply to out-of-state corporate officers.

Concerned that the drug testing program could run out of money because it relies on the funds from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Republican state Sen. Vicki Schmidt added an amendment to use general funds when the welfare money dries up.

Republicans have argued that the drug testing program, which would cut off welfare benefits after a second failed test, is not meant to punish recipients who use drugs.

"This is not meant to be a punitive measure, and I don't believe it is a punitive measure," King insisted on Wednesday.


From Kansas City Star, Kansas Senate passes bill to require drug tests for welfare, unemployment recipients ... and lawmakers:


The Senate approved a bill Thursday requiring drug testing for welfare and unemployment benefit recipients — as well as lawmakers — suspected of drug use.

The 31-8 vote, mostly along party lines, advances Senate Bill 149 to the House.

Gov. Sam Brownback has been non-committal about his support for the concept of testing welfare recipients.

The proposal calls for drug tests whenever state officials have reasonable suspicion that someone receiving or applying for welfare or unemployment benefits is using drugs.

Suspicion could be raised during addiction screening by the Department for Children and Families or by missed meetings or criminal records. A proposal pushed by Democrats to also test any lawmaker suspected of drug use was added to the bill.

Suspicion of drug use by lawmakers could be identified by the Department of Administration based on criminal records or other complaints.

Benefit recipients who fail the test would lose state assistance until they complete drug treatment and job skills programs. Lawmakers who fail would also have to enter treatment and job skills training.

Title: Re: Welcome to Kansas, Madam Pelosi... Would You Please Pee In This Cup?
Post by: Bullwinkle on March 01, 2013, 09:35:48 AM
       Now if we could get them on the same retirement and medical plans as the rest of us.

     What good for the goose is good for the gander.
Title: Re: Welcome to Kansas, Madam Pelosi... Would You Please Pee In This Cup?
Post by: jarhead on March 02, 2013, 05:29:02 PM
I'm starting to think if any one group needs drug tested, it's the school teachers. I see on  the news that a 7 year old lad in Maryland was eating his strawberry pop tart to TRY and make it look like the shape of a mountain but his teacher thought it looked like a gun so the tyke was suspended from school for two days. Oh well, the teacher will make it up to him in a few years and she will sleep with him to make it all OK.
Title: Re: Welcome to Kansas, Madam Pelosi... Would You Please Pee In This Cup?
Post by: jacksonpollochjr on March 02, 2013, 05:47:19 PM
Quote from: jarhead on March 02, 2013, 05:29:02 PM
I'm starting to think if any one group needs drug tested, it's the school teachers. I see on  the news that a 7 year old lad in Maryland was eating his strawberry pop tart to TRY and make it look like the shape of a mountain but his teacher thought it looked like a gun so the tyke was suspended from school for two days. Oh well, the teacher will make it up to him in a few years and she will sleep with him to make it all OK.

Funny, sad, but probably all too true.
Title: Re: Welcome to Kansas, Madam Pelosi... Would You Please Pee In This Cup?
Post by: Mom70x7 on March 02, 2013, 07:25:06 PM
I would also put that type of attitude to the "Zero Tolerance" policies.
Title: Re: Welcome to Kansas, Madam Pelosi... Would You Please Pee In This Cup?
Post by: jacksonpollochjr on March 02, 2013, 07:50:48 PM
Quote from: Mom70x7 on March 02, 2013, 07:25:06 PM
I would also put that type of attitude to the "Zero Tolerance" policies.
Mom, I agree so often we are reactionary in response to our emotions. In my opinion the TSA rules and the huge increase in people wanting to ban assault weapons are based on emotions not practicality. I still am not sure if I can carry a 16 oz. bottle of liquid  on to a plane. No getting away from overreacting to our emotions instead of waiting to make clear well thought out decisions of clarity.
Title: Re: Welcome to Kansas, Madam Pelosi... Would You Please Pee In This Cup?
Post by: Mom70x7 on March 02, 2013, 10:14:46 PM
Quote from: jacksonpollochjr on March 02, 2013, 07:50:48 PM
I still am not sure if I can carry a 16 oz. bottle of liquid  on to a plane. No getting away from overreacting to our emotions instead of waiting to make clear well thought out decisions of clarity.

We weren't allowed to do so this summer. We could empty the bottle and refill it with water once we were past security.
Title: Re: Welcome to Kansas, Madam Pelosi... Would You Please Pee In This Cup?
Post by: Warph on March 02, 2013, 11:13:25 PM
Quote from: Mom70x7 on March 02, 2013, 10:14:46 PM
We weren't allowed to do so this summer. We could empty the bottle and refill it with water once we were past security.

Still doing it here in PHX.  I try it every time I fly and the X-ray zapper finds it in my carry-on.