This is to Ross.
Have you not seen any positive things come from this youth development program? Any at all?
I was wondering what would keep Ross quiet.
:-* :-* :-*
I have been exceptionally busy with personal business.
Besides, I had not noticed this thread.
I do believe Janet that i have covered your question quit extensively on the following thread:,11780.0.html
Too lazy to type it again?
What is the point repeating?
Ya all said you were tired of reading the repeated stuff on the other thread!
Are ya all to lazy to go over there and read or to remember?
I personally have trouble remembering some of it myself, an old man problem don't ya know? LOL
Here is what I was looking for.
They abolished the Youth Development position that provide very little for very few youth on a very sporadic basis. Which was very expensive to the taxpayer. This came from your post on the Elk County Handout page which I can take as reporting to us (the people), that the abolishment of the Youth Development was for the good of us (the people).
Now, my question to you, Ross, is this...wasn't your son one of those very few youth that benefited from programs associated with the youth development? Did your son receive any positive benefit by going to Lawrence for the camp thing that was sponsored by the youth development and grant money? If I am mistaken about your child being a receipient of this camp (I think it was an art thing, I'm not sure), then I apologize for my intel being incorrect.
Didn't you write a positive letter to Jennifer Montgomery about this camp?
Just asking.
I forgot to say thank you Janet.
My goodness Ross, did you want those kids sent off with no chaparones at all? Fancy babysitters indeed! I just can't believe your black attitude about so much.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2013, 09:41:55 AM
My goodness Ross, did you want those kids sent off with no chaparones at all? Fancy babysitters indeed! I just can't believe your black attitude about so much.
Diane, I did say I would try to avoid offending you further by trying to reason with you.
I good for my word.
You are sick!
You need help.
Hey, you didn't insult me. You called them "fancy babysitters,"not I. Why the insult to them? Those are your own local people.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2013, 01:05:33 PM
Hey, you didn't insult me. You called them "fancy babysitters,"not I. Why the insult to them? Those are your own local people.
No Diane calling escorts fancy babysitters is not an insult just a clearer discription.
But my remarks just before this stupid post of yours should have been an insult to you.
But I think it is a lack of comprehension that caused you to miss the point once again.
Everything is still all about Diane.
Quote from: Ross on February 12, 2013, 09:19:29 AM
Just asking, my ass.
Now, was that really necessary.
I figured you were trying to set me up, that is why I responded the way I did.
I was not trying to set you up. I just wanted answers from your mouth that your son did benefit from this trip.
So you are in contact with Elk Konnected, nice.
Am I in contact with Elk Konnected? Not hardly. This didn't come from anyone "connected" with that group. I don't belong.
Yes, my son did go!
Thank you for being honest.
Yes, I thanked Jennifer for her efforts taking care of the kids.
Yes, I believe her and her mother and someone else got a free trip as fancy babysitters to escort the kids.
DId Elk County Youth Development do anything to acquire this trip?
It was donated and set up by the windfarm owners.
The privately owned Elk Konnected, LLC could have just as easily accepted the task, if they were really out there for the benefit of the kids.
This I did not know, however; wouldn't the windfarm owners want to go through a group such as Elk Konnected to do this so there would be adults "escorting" these kids?
You are welcome to return to the Elk Konnected Hand Out Thread.
Just as a reminder it is at,11780.5240.html
I get so tired of reading that garbage.
Anyway, thank you for being honest that your son did benefit from this trip even if the windfarm people were the sponsors. I understand he is a very outstanding young man.
Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 12, 2013, 04:43:14 PM
I get so tired of reading that garbage.
Anyway, thank you for being honest that your son did benefit from this trip even if the windfarm people were the sponsors. I understand he is a very outstanding young man.
Janet, I think a lot of people are tired of Ross's Garbage. I know a lot of people have quit posting or participating because of Ross and Patriot.
I quit reading posts from certain individuals quite some time ago. More people should do this......
Oh, absolutely. I am done. I got my answer even if he believes that I am Elk Konnected, which I am not. I don't have time for anything like that. I have enough trouble keeping up with work, home, and church. I can't do extra stuff like Elk Konnected or things like that. I don't even get to do the school stuff I would like to do because I do have kids that go to school at West Elk. I miss not living full-time in Howard for that very reason.
Quote from oldtimer:
Janet, I think a lot of people are tired of Ross's Garbage. I know a lot of people have quit posting or participating because of Ross and Patriot.
Think we have already been down this road several times oldtimer. I guess it depends on the people you talk too because I know lots of people that ARE reading this forum because of Ross and Patriot.
Quote from: jarhead on February 12, 2013, 08:58:18 PM
Quote from oldtimer:
Janet, I think a lot of people are tired of Ross's Garbage. I know a lot of people have quit posting or participating because of Ross and Patriot.
Think we have already been down this road several times oldtimer. I guess it depends on the people you talk too because I know lots of people that ARE reading this forum because of Ross and Patriot.
Jar, if what you say is true (and I don't believe it is), then why don't all these people post on the Forum? Is it because they fear being targeted by Ross and/or Patriot if their goosestep isn't perfectly in time? (Hey, I just made two statements but presented them as questions, just like Ross.)
Jar, I think I know the answer to your question as to why people are reading the Forum because of what Ross and Pat post. What they post is garbage. Pigs like garbage. Enough said?
Quote from: Wilma on February 12, 2013, 09:30:54 PM
Jar, I think I know the answer to your question as to why people are reading the Forum because of what Ross and Pat post. What they post is garbage. Pigs like garbage. Enough said?
So significant numbers of your fellow citizens are pigs? And you have the nerve to suggest that myself and others bring some kind of discredit on Elk County? Wow!
Quote from: Wilma on February 12, 2013, 09:30:54 PM
Jar, I think I know the answer to your question as to why people are reading the Forum because of what Ross and Pat post. What they post is garbage. Pigs like garbage. Enough said?
Wilma I am just astonished that you can continue ro post after calling the citizens of Elk County pigs.
I do believe with such a statement you have just said yourself and all the other Elk Konnected Followers are pigs.
That is simply terrible, terrible.
Here is yet another reader and konnected poster is he a pig too?
Quote from: Oldtimer on February 12, 2013, 06:33:59 PM
Janet, I think a lot of people are tired of Ross's Garbage. I know a lot of people have quit posting or participating because of Ross and Patriot.
And yet another:
Quote from: farmgal67357 on February 12, 2013, 07:06:47 PM
I quit reading posts from certain individuals quite some time ago. More people should do this......
I guess you are calling them all pigs as well. Just terrible all that name calling.
And if you care to take a look the membership has grown to to 625 members and I din;t think that includes people just reading without becoming members.
Teresa did not long ago post a lot of really good statics, did you miss those statss.
Amd just on the one thread Topic: Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25 there are
(Read 120067 times) Now that is calling a lot of readers and poster pigs.
Name calling is seldom a good thing, I'm sorry.
Quote from Flintauqua:
Jar, if what you say is true (and I don't believe it is), then why don't all these people post on the Forum? Is it because they fear being targeted by Ross and/or Patriot if their goosestep isn't perfectly in time?
So now I'm a liar ! Maybe I talk to different type of people than you do or just maybe me living here instead of Arkansas, I talk to more local people than you do. You tell me why at about any given time there are way more "visitors" reading the forum than there are members. Last I knew the visitors couldn't post.
Oh , I found your snotty PM this morning in my "junk e-mail box "---so why should I try to answer any of your questions when you might be trying to get me "to take the bait "?
as one of the pigs,I would like to thank Ross for giving us things to question and think about.oink!!!
Quote from: jarhead on February 13, 2013, 06:25:20 AM
Quote from Flintauqua:
Jar, if what you say is true (and I don't believe it is), then why don't all these people post on the Forum? Is it because they fear being targeted by Ross and/or Patriot if their goosestep isn't perfectly in time?
Is there some requirement by you that people have to post ?
Do you require they post on every thread?
You seem to ass/u/me an awful lot with your remarks IMHO!
Personally I don't understand where you come up with anyone targeting anyone?
Is that what you do?
It sure seems so with remarks like, "they fear being targeted by Ross and/or Patriot"!
Aren't you guilty of targeting Patriot and myself?
Is it because you don't believe in Freedom of Speech?
Isn't it because you can't handle the truth?
Beyound that I don't ask anyone to believe me, I ask them to discuss issues among themselves, their friends, relatives, neighbors and such.
Or is it perhaps you don't want people talking amongst themselves?
Is it that you believe as a follower that Elk Konnected, LLC's actions should not be questioned?
Really what are your issue's, that cause all the bullying and name calling?
The key word here is LIKE. Pigs LIKE garbage. If you don't LIKE the garbage, you are not a pig. On the other hand, if the garbage is the reason that you are reading the thread, then you qualify as a pig. I continue to check threads when certain people have posted. I don't bother to read the garbage.
How would a person know a post was garbage unless they read it ?
Excellent point, Jarhead. I believe certain people are in denial. All they need to do is go back and see how many posts they made in response to the "garbage".
Sooooooie ! ;)
I suppose these same people would approve of this type of ignorant bullying in our public schools.
How pathetic and immature.
One finger points to others, three fingers point to yourself.
WOW! Ross you surely are entertaining! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I can't wait to see how you justify jumping right out of the subject and to the public schools! And look who is name calling. Mr. doesn't approve, with his righteous nose up. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Why would you suppose that, pray tell? ;D ;D ;D ;D Where is your proof or example? WOO HOO! Ya just made my otherwise sad day. Sooey!