..., in certain cases, you might want to think twice about donating sperm in Kansas.
The state of Kansas has now taken to going after sperm donors for child support. (I can't make this stuff up!) Mr. William Marotta of Topeka Kansas donated his sperm to a lesbian couple in 2009. Thinking he was doing his due diligence, he and the couple signed an agreement that he would not assume any financial responsibility for any child they mothered. Fast forward 3 years, and that couple is now separated. One of them lost her job and applied to the state for support. The state then sued Mr. Marotta for back child support- saying that because he did not go through a physician to donate the sperm, there was no proof he wasn't the mother's lover. They disregarded the agreement he signed, stating it wasn't sufficient proof! Sketchy Kansas, sketchy!
Speaking of Sperm... according to the World Health Organization, the average ejaculation contains approximately 100 million sperm cells. If you have less than 20 million per milliliter, you are at risk of infertility issues. It only takes one of those little guys to fertilize an egg.
Unlike women, who stop producing eggs after menopause, a man will be able to produce sperm throughout his life. Although the older he gets, the less sperm he can produce.
Inside of a woman's body, a sperm cell can live up to 5 days. Outside of the body, it depends on the conditions. The warmer and wetter the environment, such as a bath or hot tub, the longer it will live. In a dry environment, such as clothing, they die quickly, once the semen has dried.
Even though Mountain Dew doesn't affect sperm, temperature does. Optimal sperm production requires specific temperatures. It's for this reason that when men get too cold, as in the case of swimming in a cold pool ("I just got out of the pool!") your testes retract back into your body. Conversely, when you get too warm, your body allows them to hang lower via the cremaster muscle. This keeps them cooler. Many studies point to a temperature of between 35-36 degrees Celsius as the optimum sperm production temperature. Your body is normally around 37 degrees C. The warmer your testes, the greater chance your sperm will have damage. So keep the lap-tops off your lap and your heated car seats on low!
Statistically, the Pull and Pray Method Works About as Well as Condoms at Preventing Pregnancy
The Youngest Person to Give Birth was Just 5 years Old
The Record for the Most Babies Born to 1 Woman is 69
I'm surprised Eskimos aren't extinct